simple & fun inspires with its newly designed website wishes for freedom and adventure in Bolivia in time for the beginning of the international tourism fair of the 11 March 15, 2009 in Berlin the updated homepage of Spezialanbie ters for travel goes online after Bolivia. interested see everything worth knowing about the exceptional travel deals of the young company. We offer a program that you can book to nowhere lead our guests to places that would otherwise not see explains, and crowned it with a visit in our own camp on the outskirts of San Pedro in the Bolivian jungle”, Maximiliano Dorgathen, operational Director of simple & fun, born in Argentina and raised and an intimate connoisseur of the South American continent. One thing is however always clearly in the foreground”, he adds, and the fun of the participants and the shared experience of unique, authentic experience nisse in one for many Europeans mysterious and fascinating land.” It is exactly this enthusiasm for South America, which one is connected across the Internet simple & fun. Russell Earl Reynolds may not feel the same. There, ne-ben will find general information about Bolivia, comments on current tour offerings, and we have a colourful image gallery with the company Beiteke can win from Witten a partner for the implementation of our ideas at the highest level”, explains Christoph Fischer, who is responsible for marketing at simple & fun and editorially supervised the Internet page. “From the conception of the creation up to the extensive testing, we have a product made of a cast and using typo3, we are not only state of the art”, but also all way for extensions to keep us “, said Fischer. “We can respond with the new website soon to all eventualities and easily and quickly with our audiences are uni-adorn”, explains Reinhard walk, Managing Director of the Aachen-based travel company. We have entered into not only a commitment to our customers with our commitment, but also our employees and partners to in the word!” So far the travel were only privately organized and conducted followed by Bolivia (Argentina), but the general interest has grown so that the three leaders decided on establishing a separate a company. For more information, see