Myth Estate

Many people believe that speculation in real estate (in other words, buy at a lower price and sell at a premium) is a good way to achieve financial freedom. It happens that people who persistently come to this way, earn good money. But, in my opinion, it is too difficult and risky. We will understand why this is happening? In the case of acquisition of real estate we call the bank to get cash. The interest rate on credit will increase with decreasing initial payment, because it is the bank takes over most of the risk of the loan. own/’>Harold Ford Jr. Subject to the passing of property to rent, most (maybe all) of the profits will go to debt repayment.

As a result, we have not left any funds to carry out works on modernization of real estate or even to repair if something suddenly breaks down. Under this option, the steps, you to make money, bet on Change the value of your property, not on any action aimed at the modernization of real estate in order to increase your cash flow. Can only wait and hope that the market will grow and your property increase in price. But, as we said in "The Myth of Property 2", the value of the value of your property will be controlled only if you can work on the dimensions coming from its cash flow. In this case, such an effect is excluded. Even if you guessed right, and the real estate market went up, the sale of the property will have to pay a considerable tax rate of 20%. And as you may have already mentally count, this is a large amount of which not everyone is ready to leave.

After all, according to the law no tax is charged only if the immovable property was in your possession for over 3 years. In our country the practice option when property is sold very modest amount, the remaining money goes to bypass the basic contract for the sale of real estate. This is done to reduce tax payments. Ensure that you get the entire amount is also disappearing due to the lack of it the main contract.

State Fire Service

Analysis opportunities to improve methods of quality control allows us to advance a flexible system of control depending on the goals (quality control services in the field of fire protection within the licensed validation, quality control, fire protection for acceptance of the object, etc.), which suggests the possibility of using different combinations of basic and additional areas of control. Monitoring should be carried out committee consisting of employees of the State Fire Service, specializing in the direction of regulation and supervision, licensing and certification of products and services, as well as representatives of the organization, the sites that work. In addition, it is recommended to involve technical experts and representatives of organizations accredited in the field testing of fire protection, have experience in monitoring quality of fire protection designs. If necessary, can be held by representatives of organizations that have the possibility of identifying materials used during the work on fire protection of structures. There are three main areas of quality control of fire protection: visual inspection and rapid methods of monitoring, control of the documentation, and monitoring by measurement and experimental metodov.Vizualny control is based on an assessment of the appearance of the coating when viewed through the organs of vision. Seen from the designs and products, secure compounds that form on the surface of the object fire protection layer coatings (paints, varnishes, pastes, coatings and the like), is the lack of rough places, estimated compliance of the surface coating requirements of technical documentation for the application of the composition.

Taxis In New York

During the First World War taxi also took part, of course most of them were destroyed and the experience was lost, but everything was restored to prewar levels fairly quickly. Since the fall of 1914, when The Germans broke through the defense of French troops and marched on Paris, the French troops did not have transportation to throw the necessary reserves to defend the capital. But the situation was saved by a taxi in 1200, which was delivered about 6,500 soldiers, who stopped the enemy. Name this cab was given "marnskie taxi", as they were decorated with virtually all gifts, restaurants, ashtrays, etc. ations. Since 1905, the boom can be noted a taxi around the world which filled the large cities of Europe and America. In other countries there was a boom, but taxis were different types, styles and colors that are dependent on national culture. However, when the first prototypes in France today's taxis were fiacre, then in England until now little has changed.

Almost from the onset of a taxi in London, they changed not only externally, they are also black, but inwardly they are virtually design has not changed. This is due to the fact that English has become a taxi a landmark in London, and is linked to the preservation of traditions. In America, the first taxi appeared in New York, they were yellow and quite roomy. At the same time the number of cars in the city started to grow rapidly, it was associated not only with the number of taxis, but with the growth of the Mafia, who had their cars.

Scaled Composites LLC

Tourism SpaceShipTwo spacecraft could fly alone on its first glide test this year, said an official of Virgin Galactic, one of the most exciting announcements for those who want to (and can afford) a short trip to space. The six-passenger ship has flown attached to the wing of another special aircraft equipped with a jet engine, on three occasions, including July 15, when first traveled with two pilots aboard. That flight, directed by the construction of spacecraft Scaled Composites LLC over the Mojave desert in California allowed the team to assess all systems and functions in the air and study the origin of life on our planet, said Stephen Attenborough, an Executive of Virgin Galactic in London. Scaled is currently evaluating data collected during the recent flight before determining when the SS2 held its first independent glide, but there is a reasonable possibility that is performed at the end of year, Attenborough said in an e-mail sent to The Associated Press. SpaceShipTwo will be carried by a ship at an altitude of up to 15,240 meters (50,000 feet), where it will be released. Then, their engines will illuminate to embark on a journey of high speed into the space, where passengers will experience a few minutes without gravity. Virgin Galactic circulated photos that ship first appears in position of flight, with wings flushed upward.When the spacecraft reached an altitude of 21.340 meters (70,000 feet) its wings again rotate downward, taking the position of a conventional aircraft, to glide back to a landing runway. Virgin Galactic has said that it expects that the space test program will continue until the coming year, after which will begin commercial operations. About 900 people have bought $200,000 passages or made a deposit, according to the company. Original author and source of the article

Unique BookTale

Now you can teach a child reading the book, where he will read about himself. Unique creative book for each child individually! Agree, it's interesting, funny. And the child knowing that it will be about him willing, to read dalshe.Okruzhayuschie characters – the parents, friends, neighbors, grandparents, pets, all the toys, pet cups – plates and much drugoe.Personalnye tales for children is a book that Each story is written for a specific child. Each book is unique and produced copies 1 copy. On the cover photo of a child, on the first page – the inscription. All the stories good and instructive, develop the children's positive qualities and learn something.

22 personal stories. The child takes the book everywhere for a walk in the kindergarten, even on birthdays of other children. This is a wonderful gift, a wonderful opportunity bring the child to learn to read. Coloring Books, located in each tale give the child a choice, will look like his characters: he is, parents, friends, animals, nature. This is a great creative workshop for a positive outcome. The protagonist of fairy tales – it's the child in an environment close to his people.

The book can be ordered on the official web sayteSeychas when ordering a 10% discount, discount code for FY3700 to order necessary send a photo, fill out a form with information about the child. This information is necessary for the authors of personal tales. The book can be ordered in hard or soft cover, as well as a pdf file (it is much faster and cheaper). Also available are several ways of payment.

Management Systems

August 12, 2010 Company Ltd. Alter-Vest 18 years from the date of registration. The company has reached adulthood. Over the years, despite the many crises in our economy the company managed not only to survive but also make important progress in several areas. Department dealing with system integration and supply of computer and office equipment and software (system and application) successfully participates in tenders and competitions. This activity has always been important for the company as a profit all the time.

Customers appreciate the good prices, friendly and efficient service to deliver the goods, advantageous payment plan (minimum advances) and a huge range of products. Laptops, PCs, servers, networking equipment and digital equipment can be ordered by phone, email or online store. Competitive price, convenient facilities, reliable guarantees delivery across Russia are strong arguments in favor of the idea to use our services to supply equipment for your company. Our services are a long and successful are large industrial companies and banks, small businesses and government agencies in various industries. Design Studio West Alter creates and promotes websites and online stores since 1996. During these years completed several hundred projects.

Among our customers are small businesses, large organizations, and individuals. Customer design studio attracts high quality work, attention to customer needs, competitive prices, innovative technologies and short term projects. Website development and design of new online stores, convenient and beautiful, as well as reconstruction, modernization and redesign of existing sites in the design studio run quickly, efficiently and inexpensively. We specialize in creating corporate and renovation sites. Years of experience allows us to create effective sites that bring profit to Many owners of our sites have positions in low-and mid-range queries to search engines without moving due naoplneniya and pre-optimization. Content Management System CMS UlterSuite site allows you to quickly create, easy to maintain and effectively promote high quality corporate websites and online stores with minimum effort. Application of CMS UlterSuite reduces the total cost of ownership of the site through the use of Business Model SaS (Software as a Service – The program as a service). The site owner is not required to purchase a license for the software, enough to rent a CMS on one server company and its partners. Division of CMS UlterSuite prepared and issued another version of this known system with number 214. The new version has greatly expanded set of features available to web developers, and more user-friendly interface for site administrators. Manage your website or e-shop with CMS UlterSuite not easy, and very simple.