Analysis opportunities to improve methods of quality control allows us to advance a flexible system of control depending on the goals (quality control services in the field of fire protection within the licensed validation, quality control, fire protection for acceptance of the object, etc.), which suggests the possibility of using different combinations of basic and additional areas of control. Monitoring should be carried out committee consisting of employees of the State Fire Service, specializing in the direction of regulation and supervision, licensing and certification of products and services, as well as representatives of the organization, the sites that work. In addition, it is recommended to involve technical experts and representatives of organizations accredited in the field testing of fire protection, have experience in monitoring quality of fire protection designs. If necessary, can be held by representatives of organizations that have the possibility of identifying materials used during the work on fire protection of structures. There are three main areas of quality control of fire protection: visual inspection and rapid methods of monitoring, control of the documentation, and monitoring by measurement and experimental metodov.Vizualny control is based on an assessment of the appearance of the coating when viewed through the organs of vision. Seen from the designs and products, secure compounds that form on the surface of the object fire protection layer coatings (paints, varnishes, pastes, coatings and the like), is the lack of rough places, estimated compliance of the surface coating requirements of technical documentation for the application of the composition.