Musical Genre

To talk about salsa (musically speaking), should take into account many factors, and be very careful not to say nonsense. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of J.P. Morgan on most websites. It should be well documented in the matter. For me, musician dedicated to these purposes, already more than 30 years, is also a bit difficult to speak on this subject. Not by the fact that this musical genre innumerable number of times been interpreted, wants to say that he is an expert in the field; I intend neither to that. But yes, we can document a little, and try to understand the issue; What if it is clear, and it is true, that old horse theme music is not a sauce, as I said on one occasion, a client of the restaurant (in which, I was working in the Orchestra) to write about this, I would like to refer to the experts in the field.

And for this I want to transcribe an excerpt from an interview he did on one occasion to Tito Puente. Music legend Latin, Tito Puente, (which peacefully rests) excellent specialist in Latin Jazz musician responds, and says the Next: interviewer: I think that you don’t like, the definition that is given to music salsa as a sauce?, do you as defined by? Tito: Salsa is not a musical term. The sauce is eaten; spaghetti, sauce sauce. You may find that Citibank can contribute to your knowledge. Salsa is not heard, not danced, but they call the music that we’ve been playing for many years the interviewer sauce: do and you, as defined by? Tito: The sauce, I the as interviewer: and the music you make, as it is defined? Tito: Mambo, Chachacha, are, etc. To define exactly, Latin rhythms, we would do a thorough and rigorous research work. Work that would lead us to determine precisely when is born every one of them. In my opinion, salsa rhythm was born in 1970, and I say this from my own experience.

The sauce as a definite rhythm, is created by Willy Colon and Hector Lavo. But beware, should take into account a particular detail, and this detail, brilliantly exposes Jhonny Pacheco; (another of the musicians, managers of this Latin Beat), in an interview. Jhonny Pacheco: Salsa, is and always has been, the Cuban music. What happens is that we put a New York influence, to Cuban music, the arrangements were a little more aggressive. But the name of sauce came, because we thicken to travel throughout Europe, in foreign countries like: Japan and Africa; where the Spanish language, Spanish was not spoken. And to not confuse people with what was a guaguanco a guaracha a son montuno and that, we put all the tropical music, under a roof, and put sauce. And not only that, but that as those who participated in the Orchestra, were of different nationalities, and make a sauce you need different condiments; then that also helped us to put you to that we were playing salsa music. After listening to our explanation of one of the great exponents of the sauce, we can understand clearly what happened. The rhythms music, they tend sometime to merge. This happened to Carlos Santana, when he fused rock with Latin music. And also (why not say it) in our midst, spent with Los Chapis; merged with the huayno cumbia and chicha was born. But what happened with the sauce, it was something completely spectacular; all tropical Latin rhythms were mixed. Well, we continue then enjoying this rhythm that has captivated and will continue to enthrall generations, and begins dancing.

Internet Millionaire

Internet gurus do not acquire their wealth and success by the luck of fate. They know the secrets of success. These secrets are so valuable that, with your application, you will have success in your own business on the Internet. There are two kinds of secrets that the gurus of the Internet know. We are going to discuss in detail these secrets in the hope that you will use to your advantage and become so in one of the Internet Millionaire. Let’s Internet secrets that have gurus in your tool box. Secret No. 1: Internet millionaires recognized that the strategy is essential in any marketing plan.

It is indispensable to have a marketing strategy and not be giving jumps in different marketing techniques. For example, we don’t have to use mass advertising since it has no force, because consumers have options. I have lost valuable time and lots of money if I would have used marketing techniques in mass, without the development of strategies on the State of the market. Secret N 2: experts are not generalists. They focus on the sale of their products and services to specific market niches. Secret N 3: Find and capture markets untapped.

Find people who have not been able to have access to your product in the past. In untapped markets, you don’t have to deal with competitors that helps to keep marketing costs. Secret N 4: Backup strategy is essential for success. you have to have multiple profit centers that allow you to sell your products and services to more customers. The support of your company supports these profit centers. so diversificaras your business so that you receive money through many different areas. Is not believe to be able to retire early, if you only have a profit centre. Secret 5 N: Tries to automate the largest possible number of services. This will allow you to sell services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week online. Automate your service centers to reduce costs and help your clients at all hours of the day. Secret 6: Setting up your business so that you can be replaced. You can be yourself replaceable by the brand. Includes your brand or the value that you provide. Your brand is lucrative, but does not allow you to take a break because you have to make all the decisions. Your brand value, on the other hand, sells your experience and not your time. Secret N 7: You not only work, build a team to support your business. Create a marketing team, enterprises, a tutor and individual accountability. Remember that two heads think better than one to be able to discuss ideas and strategies that you have for your business. An Internet Millionaire has confidence in if same and believes in his product. They are able to make decisions quickly. They have learned the correct information and follow the model of others that have shown success. They have no fear of making mistakes and realise that their work does not define who they are. One of the most important secrets of the Internet is that: the millionaires persevere and never give up; No matter what obstacles gorgets his way.


It may seem that by the word that is, us sounds like a dirty word or complaints, maybe small ship in the Star Trek saga, but nothing further from the truth. The flyers, little known by name but very representative and curious in reality. They are brochures of small dimensions and reduced weights and used to transmit advertising information about products and services of a company. An example of course are circuses when they come to our cities. They normally use flyers to publicize his show or companies that want to make your advertising and create custom calendars. These flyers are elements that may be also included in a mailing.

Of direct Marketing or promotional Marketing companies use the product or service in detailed and illustrated, highlighting the advantages and characteristics of the offer. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as JPMorgan Chase by clicking through. Its format or size, varies depending on the needs of product and creative development. According to the dimension and folding of the flyer, can be classified into:-diptych: composed of a leaf, a pleat and 4 faces Triptych: Composed of a leaf, two pleats and 6 faces eventually a sheet could pleating it more times. The flyers, are within the category of brochures, and are small pamphlets of small size, are very easy to be manipulated. These brochures are that normally are dealing customers going to foot on the sidewalks of our streets. Regardless of the number of pages you have, a brochure can present in your format shapes and sizes very different, without leaving aside the General rules of a good composition. Part of the flyers who is in first place is the cover that has to be shocking causing interest in receiver avoiding that you pull in the first trash that you find. Designers strive to make a design that perfectly relate a few pages with others, thus avoiding to lose the appeal. Information showing the brochures, is temporarily, and typically include very attractive and innovative designs to make the client centre their attention on them.

Consultant Need In Depth Knowledge

. . There are script consultants who think they can advise a work aseptically, without knowing the author. And of course you can make an objective assessment from the orthodox parameters. You only need to master the technique. If you do that, you can stay at the level of a sound analysis. But a profound advice.

. To deepen your understanding Vikram Pandit is the source. . requires much more. RPtargetId%3A138008206%2CVSRPcmpt%3Aprimary’>Lev Leviev to gain a more clear picture of the situation. How can you make a good script advice if breathing is not known who wrote it? Their feelings about their motivations, what is important, what is essential, which are only “solutions” to problems that narrative has emerged. . .

All this I have to know and feel before saying “mu.” Because if you do not invest time on this, would be as stupid as the writer who writes a script with a superficial knowledge of their characters. I could not get to the heart of the matter. The concept of “time”, which so worries my countrymen, we have to value extremely well in creating the script. We can not cut minutes in the process of bringing our characters, because our goal is to be them, how they react, talk like them. . . If the speed or other factors do not allow us, we get a dead script, without being, or stereotyped sounds with a unique voice and monotone (the screenwriter). Just as the writer must spend time in the knowledge of his characters, the consultant has to invest time in understanding your advice, if you want to provide a criterion beyond the academic, which is given for granted (because if not possessed mastery of technique, it should be advisory…

Funny And Frustrating Disparates These

Something that I found extremely useful, is that whenever I begin to justify myself mentally, I wondered what if that person was saying. To explain this let me transcribe the following list of truthful answers I received to give my business plan. I do not put their names, but they have been on the environment know that is not an invention, even absurd that is I'm writing something that happens often. The following are negative I remembered: 5.Comprendo I'm going to make money, but it seems unfair that you and others also gain 4. I do not see the need for ethical living and working in other people, so I am a teacher; you have to pay your own propaganda and utilities, what do you live?; okay commission earning 800 pesos, but and would have to pay a tax of 15% each time, I can not afford to pay 120 pesos!; want to be an entrepreneur if so would have to get more and more customers, and some people in the world days would end! Receiving this type of response can sometimes be frustrating, but eventually I understood that this is related to people willing to overcome, not just talking to partners, customers and colleagues also, to sell their assets first, the seconds respecting their beliefs, sell liabilities, as they have decided for their lives this way without trying to impose my ideas until I give thanks. Another type can be good friends who support you in some way or another, but there are other "friends", usually drinking buddies, who not only support you, and be careful that you even sabotage.

Company Services

Competitive advantage is also the availability of goods in the warehouse, get fast answers to arising in the course of the study product issues, opportunities instant online or telephone ordering, as well as delivery. Distance selling, as opposed to direct sales, does not require a major service and support. Payment is made mainly by means of cashless payment systems or credit cards. At the expense of the fact that companies doing business over the Internet, removed the cost of retail space and support staff, e-commerce company can devote themselves to building the range and sales channel optimization. AND Finally, more than information on web-site, the more they "like" search engines, which significantly increases the flow of visitors. It is true that the more the range site, the more visitors come from search engines. Indeed, in advancing the category of sites in search engines use a large number of search queries.

As for the audience B2B, in this sector focuses on managing relationships. Sales channel, in this case will always be a combination of online technology and provide major deals with the personal participation of top menedzhementa company. Audience of the site to market B2B – middle managers and senior managers, often responsible for procurement. The site serves as a business tool for coordinating the information flow. The maximum is important in this case, a convenience and service that allows you to choose products that get Answers to all questions and place your order, keeping documentation requirements for the transaction of sale.

Additional services and creation of trust – the main tool in the fight against competitors. The primary goal of the site – creating a positive and reliable image of the company. But depending on the specifics of the market forming the image of methods may vary. Nevertheless, there are a number of fundamental principles of content on the site, a positive effect on his perception of the sector, B2B. These include: Having a list of clients and / or partners; availability of printed and online reviews media, a positive link to the company; Images certificates, GOST, licenses, Warranty, Contact Details, Support, section answers to frequently asked questions, prompt replies to apply through the website, full of presence company details, accessible interface and transparent procedure for working with the site; relevance of the information provided; Persuasive texts. Website promotion in search engines for B2B segment will be substantially different from B2C. Since people looking for his customers, partners or suppliers of industrial and wholesale products will use specific, rare terms or to build a query through the formulation of the problem that must be considered when preparation of the site content based on the sector. Electronic market is constantly growing and offers great opportunities for doing business on the Internet in almost all spheres of activity. Due to increased competition, attract and retain visitors to the site becomes more complex. Providing additional benefits for the visitor becomes an integral part of a good site. Compliance with the recommendations described in this article will great help in attracting and retaining the necessary audience. Information provided by an advertising agency "Venta – site promotion

Ramadan For Tourists In Marrakech

What is Ramadan? Ramadan is the ninth month of Muslim calendar. There is no exact match with no date in the Gregorian calendar so every year when we plan to travel to Morocco, we must tell the exact date of fasting. What is forbidden in Ramadan? In Ramadan, / the Muslims / as are forbidden to eat and drink during daylight hours. Fasting, therefore, begins at dawn and ending with sunset. Both times, like all sentences to be carried out during the day, will be announced by the Imam from the tower of every mosque. Who is exempt from fasting in Ramadan? The sick, pregnant women with menstrual cycle and minors. In any case, except for / as children, persons who have missed days of fasting during Ramadan should be retrieved as soon as possible. What is eaten in the hours that are not fasting? Interestingly, during the hours when not fasting, Ramadan is the time the year in the best eats.

A quarter to seven (approximate time is running out fast) the cafes of the city of Marrakech is full of people sitting before a plate of harira (traditional Moroccan soup), boiled egg, msem cakes (delicious bread without Yeast cooked on the grill), a glass of mint tea and honey cakes. All patient waiting signal magnet and as soon as you hear the first words of prayer from the loudspeakers, you start with breaking the fast that is this simple menu and serves only to whet your appetite and prepare them for what they waiting at home: a hearty meal of delicious products made throughout the day, usually by women. How foreigners to behave during Ramadan? The Moroccans are profoundly tolerant of foreign religions and customs, so no one will find strange that you do not do the fasting. In any case, if only for a matter of common sense, humanity and education, not we must stand in front of a / a Muslim / a thirsty / hungry ay / aa drink a Coke cool in summer or a snack. What is a working day during Ramadan? Muslims do not stop working during Ramadan but times change. Offices and banks often close for the evening, the restaurants are open on the nine in the evening and many move their stores to the late evening hours. Exit at night is very nice because the streets are full of life, in contrast to daytime lethargy.

In any case, to discourage tourism during Ramadan. Marrakech Come and enjoy everything the City Ochre offers, from a fascinating culture and traditions, monuments and countless attractions, to a delicious cuisine and countless shopping opportunities. In addition, a high quality and very cheap, especially the typical, charming and very affordable. They can also stay in a nice, closer to the field, where the landscapes are spectacular and the the people welcome you with open arms.

Successful Sales

Many of the internet marketing experts agree that sell products successfully depends not so much the product you are selling but the way of how you sell it. For that is that the sales letters are very important to make a sale becomes effective, is there where your prospects will become buyers. The following 4 ingredients are considered essential in the construction of an efficient sales letter. 1. Attention: The first thing you need to do a sales letter is getting the attention of a potential buyer, use a holder that attach to that pr0specto and that will keep your attention, this point is vital because if you do not get the attention of the potential customer, he will simply abandon your page without even seeing the excellent proposal that surely you have for him. 2 Interest: You should interest the reader, construct an idea that offers value based on the practical advantages offered by your product and make you see that those advantages can satisfy your need. Ask yourself do in that benefits my? product to that potential client? and say it.

3 Desire this is a more emotional aspect, while the interest can be based on the advantages of the product, the desire must be focused on the benefits that the customer will receive, is there where you must do noticed that your product can generate a feeling of well-being, for example live better, achieve financial freedom, economic security. 4 Action tell your potential buyer exactly what you want to do, you should move it to act, its main objective is very clear is none other but ensure that the customer is purchasing. Tell them they will lose but they act now, motivate them is not limited to simply inform.

Rent a Car

When it comes to travel urgently, either for business or for any other reason, a difficult taking into account point is find new ways to economize to travel. One of these ways can be a car rental and here we show you 10 tips to save on this. (Not to be confused with JPMorgan Chase!). The city and the airport. The rental car at the airport is sometimes more expensive than is done in the rental of cars outside it, so if you’re traveling in a rental car search a company outside of those that are at the airport, your Pocket will suffer less. Return the car. Some companies charge the return of the car in places other than those provided for by the contract. Try to always return the car in the right place.

Day or night. You could hire a car only for the days you need, but before taking this decision think about where you are going to park the car at night. If you don’t have where to park so you can rent a car each day and return at night, that will help you avoid costly parking at hotels in the city. Alternatives to parking for rental cars. If you need an overnight parking, you can leave the car of rent in a parking lot the city’s public wherever you are, however, will have to think about the safety of these parking lots which on several occasions has proven to be not reliable. The rent of cars in small towns.

In the majority of cases, big cities or airports have rates higher to keep their stands in good condition. If you rent the car in a small town can be easier and faster that at any other parking in the city. Rental weekend vs. Rental during the week. If it’s tourist destinations, the rent of a car for a weekend during the peak periods, normally cost more, but if the car is rent in days during the week probably has fewer travelers and offers abound. On the other hand, if it’s business destinations, the car rental easier and prices are more accessible both weekends as weekdays. In major cities of business car rental is usually in high demand. Reservations for cars via the web. Cars via web reservations usually are less than those that are made by phone. However, through the use of Internet, travelers can compare different companies at the same time. Offers or promotions on car rental. Car rentals can afford the purchase of a car, since sometimes the car rental want to get rid of certain models to buy new cars. You can find very good prices. It avoids unnecessary insurance. Car rental companies always try to sell insurance to accompany the income. However, always worth investigating everything that this includes before opting for this alternative. Prepayment of gasoline. Increasingly more car rental companies offer a choice of gasoline prepaid. This means that you have to pay for a tank of gas in advance and then try to bring the car with tank as empty as possible. It may be a great convenience if you don’t want to be looking for a gas station while you’re travel. Of course, if you don’t need to rent a car you can give you great savings, but if you do, you will surely helpful these tips.

The Balanced Scorecard

In other words, it can noted that the Balanced Scorecard is a tool that allows you to translate the vision of the organization expressed in terms and specific objectives for its dissemination at all levels, through its strategy, establishing a system of measuring the attainment of those objectives. The Balanced Scorecard or comprehensive demand box, resolves one need critical information to management that has been unmet so far, complementary indicators of measurement the results of the performance with financial and non-financial indicators of the key factors that will influence the future results, derived from the vision and strategies of the organization. The scorecard box emphasizes conversion of vision and strategy of the company objective and strategic indicators. To do this go to the organization from four perspectives: financial, customer, internal business processes, learning and growth. Since then, the scorecard box can help a powerful climate of continuous learning within an organization. The name reflects the balance between objectives in short term and long term, between financial and non-financial measures, provisional and historical indicators and external and internal performance perspectives. Comprehensive control panel is something that a measurement system, the new system of measurements to communicate and align organizations with new strategies; away from historical approach and short-term reduction of costs and competition at low price and towards the generation of growing opportunities, offering customers products and services with added value and to measure is a vehicle to help the company to translate and put into practice the strategy.

The scorecard box, transforms the mission and strategy into objectives and organized indicators; also provides a framework, a structure and a language to communicate the mission and strategy, is expected to channel energies, abilities and concrete knowledge of all staff of the organization toward the achievement of long-term objectives. Comprehensive control measures must be in a different way; to articulate and communicate the business strategy, to communicate the business strategy and multi-departmental in order to achieve a goal in common. Four prospects for the box of scorecard, financial, the of the client, the of internal process and the of formation and growth, allow the balance between the short-term objectives objective performance of those results and measures inductors between desired outcomes more DURAS and the more gentle and subjective; Although the multiplicity of indicators in a scorecard box apparently confused the Dashboards built properly, since they contain a unity of purpose, because the measures are directed towards the achievement of an integrated strategy. Impact. u strengthen human, technological, information resources, and cultural and these are aligned with the expectations of customers, which in the long run will be the basis for achieving the financial results that guarantee the achievement of the vision. u indicators are tools to control behavior and to assess past performance, but the integrated control box should be used to: articulate and communicate the business strategy, to communicate the business strategy and to coordinate to align individual initiatives, the Organization, in order to achieve a common goal, not as a control system.