ELV Builds Online Search

Versandhaus actively supports customers with parametric search capabilities in the product selection empty November 23, 2010 ELV customers are technically competent and want to know, what is the ELV Versandhaus in optimizing the online search this basic idea behind the products tracked in the company’s own web shop. Thereby, the company uses mainly on the know-how of its product manager as well as the editors of the own ELVjournals. Website visitors have now several options, according to the product suitable for you concretize the search and significantly save time. Also, the information that they receive, are now more detailed, to exclude from the outset unintended Fehlkaufe. You need lots of detailed information, for the purchase and implementation of their partly very sophisticated and complex technology projects to determine whether suitable products for their intended purpose”, explains Christian Reinwald, head of mail order at ELV. As ELV many complex Innovations in the range who plays an especially important role good content for us.” For this reason, ELV has again significantly expanded the online product data in comparison to the already comprehensive main catalogue. These include additional images (+ 48%), technical attributes (+ 89%), data sheets (+ 70%), videos (+ 91%) and 360-degree views, as well as expert tips (+ 100%). So customers can get easily exactly the info from home around the clock, they need.

Optimized Web search feature in combination with the numerous search features customers can access now even easier and faster to the desired information. So users significantly save time when searching for the right product. Overall the ELV-shop was expanded in the past few months following functionalities: article comparison feature: customers can compare products tables based on their properties. Easylinking search/search filter: customers can continue the search results based on technical properties, such as color, equipment etc, limit. Search all: this function searches not only product information, but also the ELV – expert tips/guides and downloads. Optimization of keywording and cross linking the products with the editorial professional tips.

Detailed product reviews: in addition to the product data and editorial content ELV has integrated now also an evaluation function in his shop. So, customers can benefit from the experiences of other customers. In brief: The ELV / eQ 3-Group, with more than 1,000 employees counts for more than 30 years as innovation and technology leader in home automation and consumer electronics in Europe. Since its inception in 1978, ELV has established itself as a landmark electronic mail-order company on the German market and more than 10,000 products offered online and catalogue with a circulation of over 500,000 copies. With more than 180 product types, eQ-3 as a manufacturer of home control and energy management system solutions has the industry’s broadest portfolio of offerings. The brand HomeMatic”covers These solutions heating thermostats, lighting control and security systems door lock actuators, window actuators, remote controls, gateways and home centers to software products of partners. Product development takes place exclusively in the headquarters in leer. It is produced in our own factory in South China with certification according to ISO 9001, VDE, VdS, UL and ETL.

Roos Printing

The screen printing Roos GmbH expands its range of services and offers also the reconstruction of damaged foil keyboards in small series. Screen printing Roos can reproduce the damaged panels. The company specializes on the production of customized front foils, flexible circuits and membrane keyboards for over 35 years. Keypads for your application in areas such as mechanical engineering, medical technology, automotive and electrical industries. These input systems are resistant to chemicals, dust-proof and moisture-resistant. However, they are subject to wear and other environmental influences. Screen printing Roos can reproduce the damaged panels.

The company specializes on the production of customized front foils, flexible circuits and membrane keyboards for over 35 years. The keypad is built completely, which the front sheets and switch are newly reconstructed and printed. Design foils can be produced both in screen printing and digital printing. The implementation is always in consultation with the customer, which can bring in the layout or the feel of his individual wishes. The principal benefit silkscreen of Roos through the services of the company, among other things because they get everything from a single source. All working steps such as lasers, plotting, embossing, placement and assembling are made in in-house production. During the manufacturing process and subsequently undergo the keypads of various functional tests and quality controls. The customer receives only products of excellent and certified quality.

First Standard ESD-disposable Foot Protection

Small spark great damage: novel product protection against electrostatic charge! Braunschweig, December 8, 2010 the Kroschke sign international GmbH has a new disposable uberziehschuh with antistatic properties developed and boots. The work products to prevent damage and contamination with electrostatic charge. Worldwide, they meet the legal requirements and relevant DIN standards as first antistatic disposable foot protection without direct physical contact. Innovative uberziehschuh and boots protect against ESD damage ESD sensitivity (Engl.: unpacking discharge) of objects or substances represents a relevant production problem in many sectors of industry, the high annual costs. On the market there are already many technical solutions for machinery and equipment. So far lacked in the area of an effective disposable shoe cover, which features antistatic properties protect Workwear against dirt in your workspace and the statutory provisions for hazardous activities and ESD areas corresponds to. For these requirements Kroschke has now brought a novel ESD disposable uberziehschuh and boots in cooperation with a leading pharmaceutical company on the market. First standard ESD protection-money companies with particularly sensitive and hazardous work areas can use the new ESD-protection: the new disposable uberziehschuh and boots in addition to the conventional ESD safety shoes held.

Through the antistatic properties of the new product the carrier no longer recharge. Prevents an incendive electrostatic discharge of person. In addition, provides adequate chemical protection of ESD uberziehschuh and boots, protects the environment from contamination by the footwear, is lint-poor and robust, usable depending on the load several times and has a non-slip sole. The ESD product meets the requirements of TRBS 2153, DIN EN 61340-4-3, VDE 0300-4-3, EN ISO 20345, BGR 132 and EN 1149-2. Despite all these product innovations succeeded Kroschke, to be able to offer the ESD marked disposable foot protection when compared with similar products at a good price.

Free samples order interested companies can request a pattern of the ESD shoe covers shoe and-stiefels free at or phone 0531/318-318 and learn about other antistatic products work under. Electrostatic discharge caused production problems known to be people charged electrostatically, for example by running on a carpet. But at 3,000 volts, the discharge is uncomfortable for people. But only 5 volts are sufficient to destroy microelectronic components. In addition, that such defects can be detected often significantly later in the production chain. Also pollution by ESD is a manufacturing problem: because of electrostatic charges he cling to dust, particles or lint on the staff, the substances and materials forwards. Such product contaminants cause high quality defects, which must be avoided in sensitive areas such as in pharmaceutical laboratories, in electronics cleanrooms or in food processing. Work the mark of Kroschke for personal protective equipment work products are tested by the Kroschke lab as well as by independent institutes such as TuV, BG Prufzert and Fresenius. Only when a product consists of all quality requirements, standards criteria and extensive wearing tests, it is absorbed in the work’s product range. Their requirements or legal basis, in the meantime changed the product is adapted. Thus, Kroschke its users guarantees a permanently high level of quality for an optimal price and performance ratio.

Kink N Clean For Your Hygienic Fridge!

To help your food stay fresh much longer provides n a knick clean exclusive Christmas offer! In the fridge, germs on a single square centimetre cavort normally up to 11.4 million, what the incredible 100,000 times the number, which corresponds to rule on the amount to be allocated to a toilet! To this danger stove to deal with, and thus your food stay fresh much longer, helps only kink n clean! kink n clean is the world’s easiest and most effective method to extend the freshness of food in refrigerators, rooms and boxes, since it bacteria, mold, spores, viruses and fungi safely eliminated and the refrigerator has odor-neutral. The Institute for food science of University of Hanover has the excellent effect of kink n clean tested and confirmed this with an opinion. kink n clean offers the following advantages: durability and freshness all open food be substantially extended. Lower Energy consumption, as a temperature of 7 8 C (instead of 5 7 C) in the refrigerator promotion of climate protection through a is sufficient, this approximately 10% lower CO2 emissions. The fridge is permanently neutral in odour. Save money through food fresh for longer.

Very easy to use: bend, hang ready! Safe disinfection in the whole refrigerator Interior: 99.9% of harmful germs and bacteria are eliminated reliable. Do not use open chemicals safe for children! The knick n clean Christmas Pact includes the twelve rods, a practical holder for smooth surfaces, which to install up front is in the refrigerator, because the active ingredient is heavier than air. But that’s not all, also the shipping costs are included the knick n clean 2011 year calendar, a pack kink n clean flora for long cut flower freshness, as well as an another rod to give as a gift! This complete package is there until the 22nd of December 2010 for only 59.99 EUR 87.50 EUR, which represents a saving of over 30%. Exclusive try now cost a year for this amazing product from our region! Use in addition to the advantages of long food shelf life and freshness (monthly savings of 20,-up to 25,-euro (value of discarded food)), the possibility of her fridge warmer “set (monatl. Saving on energy costs of up to about $ 2.50)! So you not only save money, but enjoy a completely new fridge and do something good in which reduce CO2 emissions by 10% the environment! “” 2007: winners of the first German bio-founder Contest 2008: winner of the plus X award in the category innovation” 2009: winner of the industry award in the category biotechnology “2010: winner of the IQ innovation award” central Germany in the food industry cluster.

Sweet Heaven

It will then pan and diapers, work and travel on weekends to his mother-sharing shelves on the rack and heated debates on the topic "My collection of stuffed animals takes up less space than your collection of beer mugs!". And yet – a beautiful Wedding and a logical extension of her – a beautiful honeymoon, which many people do not think a wedding trip. So, you managed to carve round poslesvadebnogo time and money. In order not to run in the first days living together with domestic troubles and document-ticket vanity, the young family is better off in a travel agency. As a rule, experts know the specifics of wedding tours and offers a variety of options. The first variant. Classic. Peak weddings have in the summer and early autumn, in the same period, the peak beach season.

Therefore, very often the bride and groom choose the coast (Turkey, Egypt, or Crimea). Larisa and Yuri, for example, went to the wedding trip to , came prettier, rested. Stars in the south of bright fruit – juicy, tasty wine, tan – the golden, the sea – warm. So, all the components of "honey" of life there Option Two. Romantic. Girls decided to conquer what? Bouquets, chocolates and teddy bears. Already conquered the girls, continuing the tradition of beautiful gestures, after the wedding, must carry to Paris, to walk in Montmartre, relax in "Moulin Rouge" and kissing on "-Tsatom" floor of the Eiffel Tower. Very romantic. As kind of a romantic holiday – a tour by boat.

Online Advertising

Firstly, many still wonder if you should invest in advertising and marketing online at all. The answer is a resounding Yes. First of all, internet advertising costs are much lower than other channels, and have one effectiveness even more to the of these other channels considered to be traditional, with less spending. The same amount invested in advertising online versus radio advertising, for example, will surely yield many finest fruits through the online channel. This is due to many factors, among them, the most important is the change in consumer habit. For the first time in history, consumers spend more time online that watching television. And in conclusion, it is the first time in the history of a very important market as the American investment in online advertising than in other channels (119.600 million versus 111,500 millions of traditional media, according to data revealed by the Outsell Consulting).Then ask is how much to invest. There is an unambiguous answer, each business, each site will require a particular response.

However, to get an idea we could risk an investment begins to be significant from 5% of earnings. I.e. If you win 100, target 5. From 10 you can already create advertising campaigns on Google. Markets are recovering from a profound crisis, which affects the purchasing power of multiple users. This determines that consumers seek economic purchase options but to keep the quality and level of services to the client. And the web is the preferential channel to find this mix: good prices, and high quality of services.

Internet advertising has become a necessity for all the companies that sell products and services. Why, pronounce for an exact figure is impossible, but yes we can say is that this may not be zero. With a minimal investment, it is possible to begin to advertise on advertising actions. Without a doubt, recover this investment is practically guaranteed, if things are done in a professional manner from the beginning. The online advertising offers great advantages in terms of follow-up to investment, since it allows to take very accurate amounts of levels of effectiveness and investment relationship with the gain. In this way, it will be very easy to detect almost immediately if their effort is yielding the desired results. In addition, one of the features that make extremely attractive online, in comparison with other media advertising, is the immense possibility of customising the message, and arrive at a very precise target. And this comparative advantage should be weighted as something really relevant. If you liked this post and want to place it on your site, you can do so smoothly, provided you cite as a source to original author and source of the article

Grow Tall Naturally

If what you want is to know how to grow tall naturally; the most recommended and the ideal strategy is the natural human growth that leads you to increase in stature, at least 16 centimeters only in 180 days. The natural estrategis of human growth is aimed at the production of hormones in the development; with typical and primary feeding in those foods which stimulate the increase of hormones themselves.Therefore provides you eminent practical exercises and physical stretching attending you enhance and invigorate specific areas of the body and thus creceras of stature. Not have to worry, wondering: maybe I inherited from my familnia?.No, this strategy adapts to different types of people regardless of their genes that contribute, but do not focus on the stature of the people. If your parents are of short stature, that has nothing to do for nothing; that the most important thing is to manufacture growth hormones that encourage them at the same time; mostly we stop developing at age 21, this Quito not say that not we can develop them after that age, there simply to know how. Don’t think most encourage you to increase up to 16 centimeters, which is able to transform you life forever. Millions of people in the world are trying to investigate, how how can increase in height, so it not found positive results. You I repeat only required apply exercises that you body is active and a specific diet; so that they stimulate the production of growth hormones. Such athletes as swimmers, who exercise different parts of the body, which at the same time apply stretching exercises, achieving increasing in size.Not only, is required to be athlete to grow, also applying stretching exercises, but focused on the activation of the body, successful, wonderful and effective results can be achieved. If you want more informarte.ingresa here. Original author and source of the article