Microsoft Office

Access One of the main advantages of MS Access as the development tools – Integration with Microsoft Office. All the power of Office at your service. Access through this tough its niche in the world of desktop applications, databases, and won a place in client / server systems. Hence the famous "Key" – a symbol of Access. The key to many doors – Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook. Of course, access to these applications can not only using Access, but all of them are part of the Microsoft Office suite and from version of MS Office 2000, have one common language – VBA.

Access was initially positioned as a desktop database, and in this sector, it is difficult to find a worthy opponent. Access the same way, in principle, very handy storage container tables and queries when working with them through ADO. If you are not satisfied with the standard set of controls, then no problem you can write an interface to work through other means, such as, for example, VisualStudio or Delphi. Many programmers, a long time working with Access, I think, agree that it is very convenient for the rapid development of information systems (one developer), calculated on a relatively small amount of data and the number of users 10.5 people. Access is very good tool for developing client side of client server applications, and issues no more than any other programming systems, and develop much faster.

Access allows you to very quickly deploy applications. There is always a man who knows how to install MS Office. Moreover, it forms and reports are recognized among the best. Access can also act as a client for a client – server technology, including Oracle, and uniquely MS SQL Server. Access allows you to develop professional database more quickly and for less money, and fully satisfy customer needs. In addition, this solution is more flexible, customizable, in It is easy to make additions and changes, faster and cheaper than commercial databases using Oracle and C + +


Calculated the height to which must be located under the shelf server, figured about where it should be a computer. It turned into a corner, above. Head does not get it. Fastened with screws two bars in the corner and drank from a shelf the size of particle board. The result was a corner shelf. Put it back on the server fitting like it came out very even nothing. Additional information at santie botha supports this article. It remains to extend the two cables from the apartment to the balcony, and cable from the antenna is on the balcony. Donald Gordon is often quoted as being for or against this. Advantages of the side lamp hung on the balcony and made a wall outlet.

The same day the test started server performance under extreme conditions. The test was satisfactory. The server runs 24 / 7, around the clock and be quiet! For the sake of interest was set program SpeedFan. It allows you to measure temperatures at important chip computer, hard CDs and adjust fan speed in automatic mode or manually. Was seen a wisdom. 'Not beaten path not zavedesh'. When the temperature is below 3 degrees cold to put your computer is very difficult. Hard Drives frozen and are reluctant to spin.

Therefore, the power supply has tight, and hard drives is not good. But the disappearance of stress is sometimes. Well, if the supply voltage appears almost immediately and the server did not have time cool, then start does not cause any difficulties. But if the stress was not long ago that a cold can include a server. Need to warm up. I zanoshu home from the balcony to the battery and wait until the warm up. While not completely warmed include also impossible (though it seems all warmed). You can burn so that there would be nothing to repair. The fact that part of the server drops the moisture from the air and its inclusion would lead to multiple short-circuits. In the summer of server also works fine on the balcony. Well of course for 6 years was to change the four power supply and video card. I believe in such atrocious conditions this stuff, but at home quietly.

USP Course

Desert Eagle: king of pistols. Excellent accuracy and power, the average distance. Fires slowly but if you hit the "write-lost" to the enemy. The only disadvantage is its rate of fire 7 rounds in store, but if you do not forget rule 1 (see above), the patron of the missing. Donald Gordon gathered all the information. (in theory a shop-7 man)! FN Five-seveN: advanced P228. Good accuracy but not enough. I would prefer a desert eagle (but this is my opinion).

Dual Berettas: Weapons for newbies, looks cool of course, but the slope will not save your life in cs. So forget about this crap or buy mp5 desert eagle if you want to kick a few asses! Shotguns: Benelli M3: a very powerful weapon in the counter. Of course a small range but if you get in close proximity to the enemy then consider that the fragment is yours! Of course, this weapon requires a certain skill to use, but you could do it if you practice. By purchasing this shotgun and you can usp do not a few kills. XM1014 (Auto-Shotgun): it shoots faster than the previous file but the shotgun has a smaller Shui knockdown. If it costs 3000 in my opinion not a very popular weapon. I would have bought the P90 for close battles for him.

Automatic: TMP: shoot fast and accurately but at a distance. To that must be controlled quickly and quietly perform a suitable weapon. TMP, USP, and the key SHIFT – and you ho-wee on the map as the ghost of a murderer, besslyshno)) Only now have these weapons insufficient current – it damn inefficiency, which means you can run around the map, but rashit did not achieve any results.

Situation Information

The agreement was signed. It is now very much depends on your own activity. Keep in mind that "work" for managers, recruiters, as a rule, the most recent resume, and water under a still stone, as is known, does not flow. Remind yourself of telephone or personal visit. For more specific information, check out Sotheby’s Art Auction. Do not hesitate to ask questions. Insist on an interview with the employer.

If you receive a refusal (the recruiter has specific list of requirements for the applicant), request to explain the reason for refusal, figuring out what criteria you are not eligible. It does not change the situation, but at least will bring clarity and relieve you from illusions, in addition, allow save time in aimless expectation. It is important that you understand that any agency, if a certain percentage of their own source of information (address customers on your ad, special order), it is very insignificant. In general, employers engaged in searching for the sales department or manager (depending on the capabilities of the organization) who uses those sources, which can take you. And they were lists (ads, catalogs, organizations, websites and forums.) Advertisements in the newspaper. By posting information about yourself, you can use several editions.

Now there are quite a number of newspapers, where you can submit a this ad for free. Sometimes you have to offer renewal of posting information for an additional fee. Decide for yourself whether or not to spend money. Experience shows that the ad continues to "work" rather long (very often people are turning to an old newspaper numbers).

Russian Federation

Wood is the most reliable and easy to handle material. In addition great demand for forest and timber in construction can be explained and their availability – the Russian Federation has always been ochenbogata forest. Kept up to date house of logs, history that is hundreds of years, are the best confirmation of the unique characteristics of wood. Wooden houses – the most environmentally friendly place to live. So it is understandable that the age-old tradition of wooden Russian architecture largely remained until modern times. About the construction of wooden houses, and the widespread use of a variety of wooden structures in recent write a lot, but about the process of harvesting a tree tell very little.

But this complex and crucial stage of the technological chain determines the final result: the strength and durability of a log home in many ways depend on the quality of the tree. So, what to be aware of the essential parameters of the tree? First, a couple of words about the most commonly used hardwood and softwood. According to established practice in the construction of the tree often use of spruce and pine. Straight smooth trunk, absence of hollows, a very small number of branches, all this makes it easy to shoot down logs in the walls, high gummosity of wood provides a good resistance rotting. Also, more and more applications are cedar and larch. Under the cedar, though, mean cedar pine. Sometimes used such material as aspen. Not often build houses and baths of linden, oak, beech and alder.

Here and there mastered fir. However, the life of a wooden house depends not only on the correct wood species. Strong influence on life and has the very quality of wood used, which depends on many factors. Key among them – time and place of harvesting and drying methods. An important criterion of quality is its density. Usually it is defined by the area, where people were logging, and more precisely, climate the area. Usually the wood harvested in the northern territories, is the most dense. Most high-quality timber – from the north of the Urals. Often we read that the most best to use construction of timber is harvested from November to late February. Nevertheless, this is not entirely untrue. In fact, spruce and pine is better to harvest in early February – early March. So long since become a tradition, and There are several explanations. Wood in this time of year is the dry, hence during its further processing produces less cracks than in the trunks of trees felled in a different season. In addition to the frost on the logs blackening and the fungus does not appear, and the bark is removed easily in the future. Therefore oshkurennye logs ultimately injured a little. Of course, winter trees is easier to remove. And the aspen begin to harvest at the end of March, when resumes sap flow. Harvested trees yet stand freezing temperatures free from knots and cut into logs (usually a 6-meter-long). They have until the end of winter should be removed from the forest and arranged for storage in stacks. It is imperative that the logs from the bottom had been torn from the ground to not less than two feet (so they do not fall moisture and dew from the ground). Speel in logs obscure the slaked lime in this way protect them from excessive drying and possible cracking.

The Application

or rather several reasons: 5.Kogda over you trying to joke you can not find an answer and because attacks continue, while others simply make a counter attack – in the playful form of mock assailant. At Donald Gordon you will find additional information. 6.When you respond to the attack, showing you hurt your opponent is simply continues to cause you pain – other people do not show their feelings, cleverly hiding their emotions and not engaging in skirmishes, proving his innocence, etc. or simply change their attitude towards problem (can not worry about nothing – say what you want I'm not interested). 7.Kogda over you trying to make a joke, you're never rudely did not meet the striker on a variety of reasons – other people are willing to answer any way, so you no longer have any desire to challenge … 8.Vy not know how to forget about the attacks causing yourself more pain than forwards – others are just fun, they just learned to get distracted and do not live problems, and may hit on you, so calming.

Lunges are all, you may be exposed to them more often than others, and you a little harder, but you have to remember that each situation must act so that you have benefited from minimal losses. If the attacks occur at work, probably need to solve the problem of finding a painful point forwards, think of what and how to answer … just find a job easily, it is necessary just read the declaration on the application to work properly and resume, but certainly in the new job is still a problem in your behavior – it needs to change and become less easy target for attacks. If you are still changed work immediately show everyone that they will not listen to the comments in his address, much less discuss them. (There is a parable about the man who beat his wife.'s Husband in the company of his friends told him about the problem and advised hack to death with a saber cat, to show who is boss in the house. When my husband came home he took the cat and killed in front of his wife, but a woman who killed her husband's fury. Morality – it was necessary to immediately show who's boss … My wife just got used to beat my husband and he has had much more effort to just get rid of the attacks of his wife.) Remember that you have read earlier in this article – "attack is a reflection of the fact that the man who made him unhappy." Be happy and resourceful enough to poor people did not even attempt to rise through you. Source: Konstantinovsk.Kom


Leaders understand that perfectly, so often prefer the "former". The decision in favor of ex-employee caused by the fact that employers know what he can do and what should be expected from him. While the new employee stays for a long time, "mystery" to the disclosure of which takes time (and results can be unpredictable). Dial the phone number of the familiar and find out whether job is not open. Return to the previous work does not mean a career setback. Click russell reynolds to learn more. And it is possible that during your absence for enterprise and there was a thorough upgrading you will have the opportunity for professional self.

In the "battle for the staff," some personnel losses hard-refundable. Sometimes advantageous to return employee than to prepare new and many employers automatically throw in vain after departing: "Go, go, in your place there is still a lot of visitors!" Ahn, no. Not far from it. Wishing, of course, a lot, but … For example, sales manager comes to 100 resumes.

From applying for a position of 80-90% are not suitable for the job. The remaining 10% fit, but want a better salary. Sometimes, candidates do not like the employer for other reasons. So that, out of a hundred applicants are 3.2 candidates who more or less can arrange for the employer. Our database is full of resumes from those who do not like the new work, and they continue to search for, dreading the return. And this suffer. If returned to its original location, most likely, would have remained satisfied.