Control of the practical ones of domination between the pupils. To prevent authoritarian behaviors on the part of the pupils. To become possible the denunciation of the existence of punishments and power corrig-los' '. Exactly ahead of a favorable structure where if it finds the school, with strong representation of the capitalist system, not if it must to reproduce in its relations stigmata the children, are for the partner-economic conditions, sort, race, etnias, religion amongst others, therefore the basic rights of the citizen of the education compel the education and the resume of the school, represented for the professor, to be the service of the student, and not contrary it. Bullying committed by the professor in relation its pupils does not aim at to make responsible it for plus one of mazelas of education, but it is intended to stand out on the gravity of some acts, already mentioned, that they can induce and/or fortify bullying in the schools, either these conscientious ones or not. Importance of the reflection is standed out it on the practical one, the caution in the dialogue with the pupils, the coherent actions pautadas in values and the respect to the dignity of the person as preza the proper Brazilian Constitution, the ECA and the National Plan of Education in Human Rights; therefore in contrast the school, espelhada in the society, can devaluate and corroborate with the disrespect diversity and, therefore, the individuality of the pupil. The National Plan of Education in Human Right-handers considers a reading contemporary of the human rights, ' ' inspired in values based humanists and in the principles of the freedom, the equality, the equity and the diversity, affirming its universality, indivisibility and interdependncia' '. (PNEDH, 2003). For the National Plan of Human Rights, the principles norteadores of the education in human rights are among others) (…) to develop a culture of human rights; b) to assure that the objectives and practical to be adopted are coherent with the values and principles of the education in human rights; c) to structuralize itself in the cultural and ambient diversity, guaranteeing the citizenship, to the access to education, permanence and conclusion (…), e) to be one of the basic axles of the basic education and to permear the resume, the initial and continued firmao of the professionals of the education, the project pedagogical politician of the school and the materials didactic pedagogical.
Time One Develop
Starts. It implements. 3 Acredite You Who does not believe itself does not obtain to go far. You need to develop a inabalvel confidence in you and its abilities. When you to catch itself in doubt on its capacity to obtain to reach or to carry through something that she desires, ask yourself: ‘ ‘ why not eu’ ‘? ‘ ‘ If other people can, why I not posso’ ‘? Another form to develop its confidence in you yourselves is hearing its intuition. It listens to that voice of you inside it stimulates that it motivates and it and goes in front! It believes, you can much more of what already it made. 4 Its Future is not Equal to its Past With regard to its goals and to its success, everything what it matters is what you are making and what goes to make. The past cannot be modified.
However, now and tomorrow yes. It is in that you need to concentrate yourself. It decides to live in the focado gift and in what it needs to make. The past passed. You cannot make nothing the respect.
Foque in its current construction. It follows in front. 5 Organization and Time One of the biggest problems of the people currently is the personal organization and the administration of the time. In my experience, 9 between 10 customer if complain of the time lack. Only that the time is equal for everybody. Why some obtain and others not? We cannot manage the time. What we can is to manage our actions and ours attention throughout the time. In the present time, the demands and interests that we have are greaters that our capacity of attendance. This generates estresse. Therefore, you are basic to focar in the management of its agenda you stop later you if concentrating in the development of its business and its abilities. Therefore, he learns everything what he will be able on personal organization and administration of the time. Its business and its prosperity are thankful. 6 Auto Comment One of the basic points for who wants to grow, to have success and if to develop is the capacity to observe its proper behavior. It acts as if she was a witness analyzing what you make, as if it holds, as it answers to the challenges, as it is motivated. This auto regular and constant analysis makes with that you if develop. Who enters in the alucinado rhythm of only making without reflecting not if of the account of areas where it needs to improve. It develops the habit of daily and weekly observing its behavior. It takes off conclusions and it has adjusted the necessary route when. What You go To make? It stops to finish, what you go to make regarding these ideas? What you go to implement? That habit you go to develop? It participates. Its commentary leaves more below. Which its tips to reach the success? What you have made? Which its experience? One remembers that action is the engine of the change. It thinks about this. I hug, happiness and success for you!