SXSW Interactive

So get safe for the new Google update shop your online shop-operators beware: Google threatens until bad online stores. Not even 2 years ago Google gave with the Panda update of its search algorithm Web site operator alert. Now the search engine giant has targeting shop owners: SXSW Interactive fair, Google announced last week an offensive against bad online stores. What sounds at first glance just like bullying, actually has a good goal: Google wants to provide its users the best possible search results. And this not only in terms of content, but holistically considered. Because nothing brings the best content if the whole package is wrong. And since Google especially when E-Commerce sees glaring gaps.

The new update of the Google algorithm is therefore explicitly aimed at online stores. Typical mistakes of many online stores many shop owners make the mistake of neglecting the most important in establishing the online shop: namely their users! A standard shop is fast and simply furnished, but it’s just like the Name says only standard on the smallest common multiple aligned, and combines the online shops. Only design and navigation your shop receives inpiduelle changes in structure, an inpiduelle note and an increase in added value. It is often little things that can make big improvements. The lifeline: ranking crashes to avoid usability and user experience, it is essential that an online shop provides an ease of use (usability) and a positive user experience (user experience) in the future. Although Google can these soft factors”not directly check review draws for this but measurable factors such as bounce rate and length of stay, allow conclusions on the qualitative level. 8 Steps: As you prepare for the new Google update ideally hire a professional concept Agency, when the initial planning your online store or supported in the optimization of during operation. But also for smaller budgets and the own implementation there are effective ways: Be your own customer: imagine, would be one of your customers and visit your online store for the first time.