Technical Learning

Requirements for video- following: high quality audio, a good translation into your native language, playing specific situations, the presence of transcription (optional). Criteria for success here – easy to repeat words and phrases, the ability to write the word "by ear", to repeat any part of the course with the original tone (3-4 months). Step 2. You can then move to the original films and reading books. Movies look better, those that focus on contemporary events, not on historical themes.

Books choose the most simple, again preferably by contemporary authors. This phase should be devoted to training at least 1-2 months. Step 3. Once you have "been reading" and "Seen enough", it's time to move on to writing lyrics. If you want to learn not only to speak a foreign language and understand it, but also to write – always rewrite passages from books or viewed subtitles films. Of course, the writing of every word must be accompanied by a visual image of the object, repeating it aloud.

'Helpers' in learning a foreign language. Vast field of activity in mastering a foreign language in currently provides Internet access. There are plenty of programs that can help you in learning the language: the program-translator, electronic dictionary, a program for pronunciation, the program gives transcription for the input text, speech synthesis program and so on. Download the textbooks and dictionaries in some foreign language you can on my site. Quite often, in schools, particularly high, the practice this type of learning how to translate various texts into their native language – political, technical and artistic. There is even a concept such as "delivery of thousands" – when the student is required for credit transfer, say, 5 Technical thousand characters of text. When learning a foreign language to which you aspire, to do in any case do not! If the text of the book you understand – why it translate into their native language? It's like that again write head is reading the book. And if you do not understand the text, we have to open the dictionary, look in the program-translator suitable phrases to finish it … probably because you get tired of flipping dictionaries, you get bored search for translations of expressions, and at best you will lose time, and at worst – and spits out cast, attend! So, to repeat briefly the main provisions in learning a foreign language. 1. Recordings of high quality 2. Video courses with a good audio recording and transfer 3. View the original movies with subtitles on contemporary themes 4. Reading books in the original, it is desirable to contemporary authors. Another article on 'The study of foreign Languages' I hope this article will help you learn a foreign language quickly and enjoyably. Receive the joy of learning, to feel love for everything new – this, believe me, great happiness! Good luck! I. Leonov