German Foreign

Second foreign language (French, German, Spanish, Arabic), an elective course, 6 hours per week duration – 14-20 weeks. Of course, you can learn a foreign language and courses outside the university, but for better and effective training of specialists in international study of foreign languages should be integrated into the program courses of this university. After all, we are not talking only about language acquisition in a free, conversational level in the ordinary sense. It is important to own professional language and terminology of international lawyers. But for the most successful learning a foreign language, as is known, must be immersion. Of course, the opportunity to go abroad, primarily related to financial issues, but no less important connection, the turned universities into the process of international cooperation. Friendship of the Peoples’ Befriending universities – not only nice and helpful, but prestigious, especially when it comes to international relations.

Practices, training, learning to share – not just sound intriguing, but certainly useful in mastering the profession and the foreign language, and as a separate item in the resume look good. List of international relations of universities, usually on the site, usually impressive. However, much more important to clarify which of these arrangements are in fact working and are directly related to students. One of the most popular forms of cooperation is to conduct studies on Foreign language teachers from abroad. Preparation of international lawyers is not complete without the inclusion in the curriculum of the international element. But if an independent student for the trip the border is usually paid from his own pocket, and, therefore, not available to everyone, then to invite qualified lecturers from abroad cares university.

Historical Lingustica

For Bortoni-Ricardo (2006) if it becomes urgent an attitude of the educators in the attempt of if diminishing the lingustico preconception. The population needs yes, to know our grammar and orthography, but leaving of its language proper and known with direction to standardized and not this as imposition and intimidation of the verbal and usual language many times distant of these rules and much more accessible to the Brazilians. As Orlandi (1986) currently is doubtless the imbricada relation between language and society, in such a way that it is inconceivable to deal with the first one without if reporting to second. However, it is opportune to consign that this agreement is relatively new, has seen to be a positioning of lingustas current, which had conferred to the Lingustica a matrix to transdisciplinar. This because, each researcher is product of its time, disclosing the trends and influences of its social environment. Century XIX, by its turn, is marked by the Historical Lingustica, where if it looks for to show that the change of the languages does not depend on the will of the men, but follows a necessity of the proper language, and has a regularity, that is, it does not become at any cost. In this period, more in ideal language is not said, but objective to search the origin, in other terms, what it has in common between the languages.

(Preti, 2003) the preconception, any that is it, is of true a bad taste. But it does not have, in this world, who does not have some idea or prejudiced attitude. However, it is a virtue to try to move away itself more far possible from this plague, that, in some cases, is resultant of the ideological manipulation. It tries to undo the idea prejudiced of that who only says in accordance with the Cultured Norm is that it says our language.

Educational Opportunities

In the first ten days of learning occurs in the so-called household level. Already, even at this stage, you could calmly go to the various countries and to communicate freely with citizens who speak English, you could talk to a shop with taxi drivers, with the employees of banks, airports and hotels. The second phase, and lasts 10 days, gives you the opportunity to obtain knowledge of the language at a conversational level. After the second level you will be able to communicate with native English speakers on various topics, politics, weather, about hobbies and their hobby. In the third and final stage, which lasts 15 days your vocabulary will become such that you could already be working with the language at a professional level! By the way, at this stage of training you could have substantively to teach the language, according to their preferences and desires, and perhaps on the basis of their profession.

Even if you for some reason to doubt their abilities, this method will develop your abilities. This method allows you to develop a comprehensive human memory. Because, unlike most other methods, which aim to memorize foreign language, this method improves the function of human memory, This method relies exclusively on natural natural properties of the brain and, therefore, perfectly works on leverage, which is responsible for improving your memory. Incidentally, in the memory of human life has paramount importance, it is one of the main functions of intelligence. And the memory is connected with the mind, it always reflects the general state of mental activity. Scientifically proven that Trained memory always affects the rate and severity thinking.

Research in the field of neurophysiology have revealed that the development of memory and a general state of mind is directly related to the amount of information processed by the human brain, which is very connected with the study of foreign languages, particularly English. The human brain is able to effortlessly absorb information, 10 times more than usual. Memory training is after all not one-sided, and a complex mental process. However, you do not think you can learn English quite easily without making any effort in this case. Efforts will still have, namely: system do not miss a single class. And these efforts will not go in vain, after 45 days you will be perfectly fluent in English, at the level of a professional guide. And this is worth it! After the training, thanks to this method, you could take the exam in any U.S. college, you could work a guide to go abroad as tourists and get a paying job. And even at home, you could get a prestigious post with a high salary, and potentially make spectacular career. Perhaps it is not even all of your benefits, knowing the English language, you can always be perfectly informed in all directions, because, thanks to your knowledge, you can read magazines, newspapers and internet pages in English. This method is unique on two factors: firstly, because it's super fast method of learning English, and secondly because this method is a complex man improves memory and mental abilities. However, whatever method you have chosen is not the main thing – it is to succeed. A knowledge of English you are without a doubt this helps!

State Linux

The reader is watching developments in this area may remember him from China National OS RedFlag, based on Linux – but it is a single example, the transition from the Chinese is not over, and goes on RedFlag the whole country, and not a single education system. For concerns about the school budgets will let you know that There are numerous discounts on bulk purchases as Windows, and the academic license. And what prevents the State to order the light version of the OS? Not all functions 'WINDOWS' needs in the educational process, we can remove them and reduce price. And instead of MS Office to use the free counterparts – text-formatting functions are the same everywhere, but the student will be familiar with the common platform for document and information exchange. Nobody and nothing prevents a specialized school with embedded OS distribution in the installer training programs and materials. When the state thinks about the need to give up information and a general dependence national platform, and then have to deal with the universal teaching of the relevant educational material, and are more logical to examine the reality and the future in the form of Linux – perhaps in the form of an optional course for those who wish. Of course, everyone knows the phrase Linux is designed for the network, like a bird for flight" – the most romantic part of the whole computer, but at school we are preparing people who should be able to apply their skills to an already existing situation, and the use of software applications for them a higher priority than the operation of networks – and network engineers, system administrators will prepare in high school. .

Psychological Studies

In Psychological studies indicate that the ICT impact on the formation of a theoretical, creative and reflective thinking modularly students that computer visualization of educational information has a significant influence on the formation of ideas, occupying a central place in imaginative thinking and imaginative representations of various phenomena and processes in the memory enriches student perceptions of educational material, contributes to its scientific understanding. To develop a plan of computer lesson: components of time structure of the lesson, in accordance with the main objective of the problem and outlines the necessary steps to address them; provision of computer software selects the most effective means, the expediency of their use in comparison with traditional means; selected materials are evaluated over time, given the interactive nature of the material must be scheduled reserve time; components of time scan (per-minute plan) a lesson; the shortage of computer software or pictorial material is carried out searches of electronic textbooks or the Internet; from found materials formed presentation program; planning to achieve specific goals, provide for their gradual and the resulting diagnosis, ie use computer makes it possible to reinforce and extend control over the activities of students. Modern information technologies used in the classroom, allow you to include any of the following multimedia objects: graphics, sound, animation prezkntatsiyu video. Revived scheme is much better convey the meaning and idea of the study material. Formulas, charts, slides, video clips, sound bites, developing the ability to work with the information to become socially important for the teacher. .

Old Lion Sheep

Suddenly a person disappears, and it causes fear. The death of a person's identity is scary. We are not going to kill personal, we will transform it to expand and consolidate. Now we have to open everything again, and perhaps for the first time, to answer myself, who am I? We remember the many things that we can become a walking encyclopedia and remember library in the world. This is an external memory, it is correct. The real one memory, it will come when you will remember myself. Forget oneself is the only sin out of all possible, the rest of the darkness, the investigation forgetting about yourself is true. In ancient times, the lioness quickly, jumping from one hill to another.

The lioness was pregnant and gave birth in mid-air. Place of birth was between two hills. At that time, between those two hills, the flocks pass sheep. Born lion fell into a herd of sheep and raised him. Naturally he began to consider himself a sheep. Once, an old lion approached the sheep flock in search of food. Leo could not believe my eyes.

He saw a young lion among the strong sheep and those not afraid of him. Old lion remembered the food and began to hunt and it's more than enough, the young lion started to run away from him, along with the sheep. Trying to catch the young. He cried and cried, begged to let him go to his relatives. But, the old lion dragged him to the nearest lake and helped him to see their reflection in the clear water. The young lion saw its reflection and reflection near the old lion. It was an instant transformation in consciousness, and he gave a great roar of the king Nature. All nature is reflected young lion's roar. The young lion had never growled because he considered himself a sheep and never doubted this. Old Lion did his job, and now everything depended on the young lion. To the question you want Do you now return to the fold, has caused much laughter among the young lion.

CMS Waters

No less important reserve resorts CMS was a unique deposit of thermal carbonate water type Essentuki, near the village of Naguty explored. The discharge of water treatment, there are three million liters per day. We built a strong deposit mineral water bottling plant and a separate spa for 5-6 thousand people. A draft submission of the excess water to the resort Essentuki. After years of work received world-wide CMS resorts known for the abundance and diversity on the composition and the therapeutic action of mineral waters. Today time is conventionally allocated several distinct fields: Kislovodsk to the adjacent plots – Olkhovskaya Berezovsky Podkumskim; different deposits assumed Pyatigorsk, Essentuki, Zheleznovod-mechanical, Lysogorskaya. Independence is also Kuma, or Krasnovostochnoe and Nagutskoe field.

Different deposits are genetically related and interdependent. Total reserves of mineral water district CMS evaluated more than 10 OOO m3/day. Among the well-known mineral water carbonated, water-sodium-calcium karbonatnosulfatnye water such as Smirnoff and Slavyanovskaya water Zheleznovodsk. These water have been widely used in the treatment of digestive diseases and metabolic disorders. Essentuki and Railway Vodskaya water standards are healing waters, as their physiological and therapeutic effect is well studied. High efficiency and high medicinal properties are known Kislovodsk narzans. Apply them to resorts for bathing and for internal use. Especially valuable are radon waters of Pyatigorsk.

They are widely used in diseases of the movement and peripheral nervous system. Relatively rare and highly efficient are the sulfate-chloride sodium-magnesium water with a salinity of 19-21 g / l – Bata Linsky and Lysogorskaya water. These waters are successfully used as a laxative and choleretic agent. The Institute also developed and theoretical problems of hydrogeology: the origin, the conditions of circulation, the mode of mineral water and mud deposits. Of great importance is created by CMS thermometric method of hydrogeological investigations, the methods of hydrogeological research in core drilling, and recommendations for the most rational kaptazhnym devices, methods of gas and geophysical exploration. Conservation of physico-chemical and gas composition of medicinal waters in carbon capture, transport, pumping and heating them for great research and long-term observations, since the losses of carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide and radon reached 25 – 40%, and as a result of loss of salts out of the building pipelines and technological equipment. Experimentally The conditions of submission and storage of mineral waters. These recommendations were the first in our country and taken on all the resorts. Compiled geological, hydrogeological map of the area and prepared detailed research reports. Good geological, hydrogeological and hydrochemical study of the area allowed the exploration of mineral waters forecast and the method of drilling targeted to open new reserves vysokokonditsionnyh waters. In near Kislovodsk explored Verhneberezovsky, Olhovsky, Podkumsky sites carbonate deposits of water. Exploration was on the distant outskirts of the resort. 45 km west of Kislovodsk, in the upper Cumae, near the village of Krasny East found vysokokonditsionnye cold water carbonated with total mineralization of 8.6 g / liter. Special theoretical and practical importance acquired research on which the scheme is developed and technical conditions transportation of gas-saturated water treatment to tens of kilometers in difficult terrain. The world's first resort practice was carried out transportation of carbonic mineral waters. As a result, hydro resources Kislovodsk doubled, ensuring its continued development.

Brazilian Constitution

Control of the practical ones of domination between the pupils. To prevent authoritarian behaviors on the part of the pupils. To become possible the denunciation of the existence of punishments and power corrig-los' '. Exactly ahead of a favorable structure where if it finds the school, with strong representation of the capitalist system, not if it must to reproduce in its relations stigmata the children, are for the partner-economic conditions, sort, race, etnias, religion amongst others, therefore the basic rights of the citizen of the education compel the education and the resume of the school, represented for the professor, to be the service of the student, and not contrary it. Bullying committed by the professor in relation its pupils does not aim at to make responsible it for plus one of mazelas of education, but it is intended to stand out on the gravity of some acts, already mentioned, that they can induce and/or fortify bullying in the schools, either these conscientious ones or not. Importance of the reflection is standed out it on the practical one, the caution in the dialogue with the pupils, the coherent actions pautadas in values and the respect to the dignity of the person as preza the proper Brazilian Constitution, the ECA and the National Plan of Education in Human Rights; therefore in contrast the school, espelhada in the society, can devaluate and corroborate with the disrespect diversity and, therefore, the individuality of the pupil. The National Plan of Education in Human Right-handers considers a reading contemporary of the human rights, ' ' inspired in values based humanists and in the principles of the freedom, the equality, the equity and the diversity, affirming its universality, indivisibility and interdependncia' '. (PNEDH, 2003). For the National Plan of Human Rights, the principles norteadores of the education in human rights are among others) (…) to develop a culture of human rights; b) to assure that the objectives and practical to be adopted are coherent with the values and principles of the education in human rights; c) to structuralize itself in the cultural and ambient diversity, guaranteeing the citizenship, to the access to education, permanence and conclusion (…), e) to be one of the basic axles of the basic education and to permear the resume, the initial and continued firmao of the professionals of the education, the project pedagogical politician of the school and the materials didactic pedagogical.

Mnemonic Technique

What is language? Language – a tool for describing the objects and situations. A child learns their first language simply observing adults. This is the most natural way of learning the language. Modern methods of language teaching is very far deviated from this method. They are very complicated: invented the classification time, the right use of words and much more. Mnemonic technique.

We decided to return to the natural method of studying zyka. It would be especially effective for beginners. In order to implement this technique was established English language tutorial for beginners – “Sims”. Here’s how learning takes place in the tutorial. For a start look at the interface: For instance, we want to describe a situation in which the book is on the table. To this end, we choose the subject of “book”. For this, we find this word in the popup menu, select the subject: After this we can define an action that makes the subject. In our case, the subject must lie.

Now select the object deystaviya, in our case, the book is on the table. Notice how the text below. Now it says “The book is at the table”: In order to complete compilation of phrases have only zadat with a slider time (eg past): And the location of the subject with respect obekta: It is the most important thing! Reaching the desired phrase to us, we can see how it will sound in English: If you click on the “tell” the computer said the newly generated phrase in the chosen language. Play with the program can be any number. For example, try to make a big Offer: As you can see, it’s simple. Handle even a schoolboy. Here, however, described only small part of what is in the program. In addition, a dictionary, exercises, and the second level of the program with even greater opportunities for description of the situation and much more.

Technical Learning

Requirements for video- following: high quality audio, a good translation into your native language, playing specific situations, the presence of transcription (optional). Criteria for success here – easy to repeat words and phrases, the ability to write the word "by ear", to repeat any part of the course with the original tone (3-4 months). Step 2. You can then move to the original films and reading books. Movies look better, those that focus on contemporary events, not on historical themes.

Books choose the most simple, again preferably by contemporary authors. This phase should be devoted to training at least 1-2 months. Step 3. Once you have "been reading" and "Seen enough", it's time to move on to writing lyrics. If you want to learn not only to speak a foreign language and understand it, but also to write – always rewrite passages from books or viewed subtitles films. Of course, the writing of every word must be accompanied by a visual image of the object, repeating it aloud.

'Helpers' in learning a foreign language. Vast field of activity in mastering a foreign language in currently provides Internet access. There are plenty of programs that can help you in learning the language: the program-translator, electronic dictionary, a program for pronunciation, the program gives transcription for the input text, speech synthesis program and so on. Download the textbooks and dictionaries in some foreign language you can on my site. Quite often, in schools, particularly high, the practice this type of learning how to translate various texts into their native language – political, technical and artistic. There is even a concept such as "delivery of thousands" – when the student is required for credit transfer, say, 5 Technical thousand characters of text. When learning a foreign language to which you aspire, to do in any case do not! If the text of the book you understand – why it translate into their native language? It's like that again write head is reading the book. And if you do not understand the text, we have to open the dictionary, look in the program-translator suitable phrases to finish it … probably because you get tired of flipping dictionaries, you get bored search for translations of expressions, and at best you will lose time, and at worst – and spits out cast, attend! So, to repeat briefly the main provisions in learning a foreign language. 1. Recordings of high quality 2. Video courses with a good audio recording and transfer 3. View the original movies with subtitles on contemporary themes 4. Reading books in the original, it is desirable to contemporary authors. Another article on 'The study of foreign Languages' I hope this article will help you learn a foreign language quickly and enjoyably. Receive the joy of learning, to feel love for everything new – this, believe me, great happiness! Good luck! I. Leonov