Food For Cattle

PREPARATION OF FEED for feeding FOR CATTLE presence of ruminant complex multi-compartment stomach identifies peculiarities of metabolism in their body. In particular, in the rumen to digest up to 60% organic matter microbial enzymes. In the 1 milliliter of rumen contents comprise up to 1010 bacteria, 1 million protozoa, which are to be effective requires a specific set of nutrients and minerals. Under the influence of microorganisms in the rumen there are complex changes in nitrogenous compounds, resulting in nitrogen is converted into microbial protein, which in the abomasum and small intestine is digested by the enzymes and digestive juices used by the body zhivotnyh.V agriculture vegetable protein by the enzymes of microorganisms initially broken down to amino acids and then to ammonia (A large proportion of amino acids). Ammonia is used cicatricial organisms to build proteins of their own bodies.

With a lack of rumen contents legkoperevarimyh carbohydrate feed ammonia poorly used microorganisms become heated in significant quantities in the rumen, absorbed into the bloodstream and then neutralized by the liver to form urea. Rub tsovye microorganisms are able to synthesize the essential amino acids therefore, microbial protein has a high biological value, which allows adjustments by Work security microorganism ruminant-quality protein. However, the assimilation of protein feed to a large extent depends on carbohydrate-protein ratio of diet. The main energetic materials in ruminants, unlike monogastrichnyh animals are volatile fatty acids (acetic, propionic, butyric) produced during fermentation in the rumen. Energy derived ruminants during the combustion of fatty acids is about 70% of the total energy that is expended in the process of life. This explains the lower level of sugar in the blood of adult ruminants compared with monogastrichnymi (about twice). Depending on the composition of forages in the diet and ways of preparation to feeding, the level and ratio of volatile fatty acids (VFA) can vary, but thus changing the direction of animal productivity.

Unique BookTale

Now you can teach a child reading the book, where he will read about himself. Unique creative book for each child individually! Agree, it's interesting, funny. And the child knowing that it will be about him willing, to read dalshe.Okruzhayuschie characters – the parents, friends, neighbors, grandparents, pets, all the toys, pet cups – plates and much drugoe.Personalnye tales for children is a book that Each story is written for a specific child. Each book is unique and produced copies 1 copy. On the cover photo of a child, on the first page – the inscription. All the stories good and instructive, develop the children's positive qualities and learn something.

22 personal stories. The child takes the book everywhere for a walk in the kindergarten, even on birthdays of other children. This is a wonderful gift, a wonderful opportunity bring the child to learn to read. Coloring Books, located in each tale give the child a choice, will look like his characters: he is, parents, friends, animals, nature. This is a great creative workshop for a positive outcome. The protagonist of fairy tales – it's the child in an environment close to his people.

The book can be ordered on the official web sayteSeychas when ordering a 10% discount, discount code for FY3700 to order necessary send a photo, fill out a form with information about the child. This information is necessary for the authors of personal tales. The book can be ordered in hard or soft cover, as well as a pdf file (it is much faster and cheaper). Also available are several ways of payment.

Satellite Dishes

How to choose a good satellite dish or antenna as a gift on February 23 or March 8. Gifts for February 23 or March 8, close to loved ones lyudyam.Pered each holiday, millions of people scratching their heads over this wonderful question. We decided to help and find answers to all your voprosy.Izuchiv our article to the end you can easily choose what to buy a satellite dish as a gift to relatives and friends. We wish you a warm holiday and the choice of satellite television. How to choose a satellite TV and to protect themselves from embezzlement by purchasing an antenna that is actually needed a man or zhenschine.Vot you some advice. Astral state before selecting an antenna for a woman, which channels she wants to look that interesting to her? course NTV Plus. Present satellite tv Tricolor TV blizkim.Darite family and gift certificates for the installation of satellite dishes tricolor, NTV +, Hd loader parents.

Give your children the best educational and entertainment channels on satellite TV NTV Plus. Which receiver to give the original packages of channels drugu.Smeshnye friends. HD platform for couples with romantichesskimi TV channels. Business colleagues channels – Hotbird with no monthly fee, your boss NTV Plus Hd. Surprise own mother in law can only be a rainbow of TV, TV antenna and upset .. You can buy gift certificates installation of satellite dishes Tricolour, NTV Plus, Hd platform or gift cards, M-Video, Letual, Eldorado, Technosila, Adidas, Reebok, Adamas offered by our store 'TV Scart'. You will appreciate the quality and performance reasonable prices.

Sale of satellite and terrestrial antenna for us not just a job. The choice of antenna very pleasant experience and we are always pleased when our customers can be found on our website exactly what they wanted to teach them expensive people. That's why we tried to create a wide range of satellite and terrestrial antennas so that you can satisfy every whim of those who are going to install a satellite dish. Recommendations from the satellite Scart TV company (St. Petersburg) when choosing a gift dish.

Benefits Of Dairy Foods

To date, the rapidly increasing demand for dairy products in bulk encourages manufacturers to continuously expand and update the range. There were all kinds of yogurt, milk drinks, cheese paste. Donald Gordon has plenty of information regarding this issue. AND This boom is not accidental, because this type of product is useful for our body, is rich in protein. For example, milk contains all the essential amino acids our body. Everyone knows that a great source of protein is meat and fish, but they can also be attributed, and milk. So the 1 / 8 cup milk, or 30 g cheese contains about 8 grams of protein and 30% of the required daily dose of calcium. Calcium is necessary for the health of our teeth, joints and bones.

Consumption yogurt, cheese, milk, low fat reduces the risk of cancer (lung cancer, gastrointestinal cancer, cervical cancer). In addition, doctors, nutritionists recommend including cheeses in the diet of every person, in particular people leading active mobile lifestyle. In the present circumstances, when people try to take care of their health and carefully choose the necessary components, many manufacturers of butter and dairy products offers a range of different percentages of fat, as well as sets of elements to individual taste. Most of the enterprises based on the core business – wholesale of dairy products of high Quality: cheese wholesale firm, smoked cheeses, processed cheeses, butter wholesale, spreads, cheese. In the present circumstances, when people try to take care of their health and carefully choose the necessary components Many manufacturers butter and dairy products offer a range of different percentages of fat, as well as sets of elements to individual taste. Most of the enterprises based on the core business – Wholesale dairy products of high quality: cheese wholesale firm, smoked cheeses, processed cheeses, butter wholesale, spreads, cheese.

Scripts, Plays And Skits In The Texts Of Poems For Children’s Theater

Benefits theatrical Joint participation in performances and fantastic pageants helps parents, caregivers and teachers for many years to establish close and warm relationships with their children, and children – to feel the attention adults to learn more about his talents, his closer friends with peers and enhance their own credibility in their eyes. A pre-schoolers and younger students, learning and the role of 'reviving' the doll to develop coordination of rehearsals, memory and fine motor skills, to cope with speech impediments, self-doubt and fear of public speaking, and at the premiere – get with what incomparable pleasure from the attention and admiration of spectators. The choice of the script – poetry or prose So you're thinking about staging the play with her baby, or a group of kids. Now you can easily buy kits tales of dolls and props, scenery and quickly made from cardboard. But most important for the performance – it a good script, and certainly in the poems.

Poor text and put bad, and the prose is difficult to teach children, it is easy to forget and get off a good idea if you start to invent in the course of action, and more often – just silent and endure his failure. Poetic texts are learning much easier, even in adulthood – straight lines, and rhythm and lead actor, rhymes suggest a sequel, making it easier to remember and giving confidence. Someone might say that it is possible to read the leaves, especially if the theater – puppet, and the actors of 'Cribs' hiding behind a screen. Additional information is available at russell reynolds. Yes, you can be so, but go read some attention in young children – b'olshaya part, and the qualitative 'revival' doll it is not enough. But each want to play, and especially his role – like the audience. When the little actor remembers the text, he begins to think about the movements of puppets, is working better intonation cues and character of the hero.

He already plays memorized words, it is to get used to the role, and it is much easier to succeed if the text is in verse. Poetry performances are always better and brighter than its prosaic half-brothers, that's why the word 'play' and the word 'poetry' same root! Find high-quality script Realizing that poetic script is required, you start to look for it. Internet offers a huge number of amateur craft, with the terrible rhyme, rhythm disruptions and formulaic phrases. After reading all this 'wealth', people with a developed taste again think about the prose. In fact, good professional poets in the children's drama can be counted on the fingers of one hand: Samuil Marshak, Sergei Mikhalkov and Olesya Emelyanov. But the play Marshak and Mikhalkov – plays for productions that require a lot of the actors. But Olesya plays Yemelyanova specially conceived for a small number of participants in the company. Library scripts, plays and skits in offering you a library of about 100 scripts Yemelyanova Olesya on Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian, English, French, Arabic folk tales and legends, as well as copyright fairy tales (Hans Christian Andersen, Leo Tolstoy, Aleksey Tolstoy, and Charles Perrault). There is a wonderful dramatization of classic and modern fables, 80, New plays, and funny skits about trades and scenarios involving characters TV 'Good night, kids. " The library – a treasure of modern children's theater of poetry:


A SON IN the DOOR Already during some days, somebody abandoned in the way of the street, small cachorrinho that water suffered without food nor. A woman of half confused mind felt sorry itself of the pain of that alive being and led the same for house. For some reason, after some days, this same woman tried to play it in the way of the street, in a plastic bag moored by the mouth. Seeing the suffering of that small animal, to my it brought it son for house. To be sincere, at that moment I did not desire that responsibility, therefore it was not in my plans or priorities. When I looked at that creature of God, so mistreated I was really impactado. Its eyes brought obtain the fear, the hunger, the headquarters and the diffidence with another owner.

I tried to speak with my son to feed it and later looking a new owner for it, impossible, I already was dominated, was paralyzed with those so sad olhinhos looking at for me and waiting a reply, as he knew that one more time food would be played in the street without water nor. Marks of a cruel destination that being, still a youngling, badly weaned, without affection of its family and none another one. Already it did not have more what to make, it already was part of my family and the family was part of it. It simply came to assume a place that for some reason, was of it, without no logical explanation. It increased the work very, but we gain a true friend. Of some form, in the day that it entered for the door of my house, it seems that the joy used to advantage the hitchhiking of the open door and came together. The life was better.


A SON IN the DOOR Already during some days, somebody abandoned in the way of the street, small cachorrinho that water suffered without food nor. A woman of half confused mind felt sorry itself of the pain of that alive being and led the same for house. For some reason, after some days, this same woman tried to play it in the way of the street, in a plastic bag moored by the mouth. Seeing the suffering of that small animal, to my it brought it son for house. To be sincere, at that moment I did not desire that responsibility, therefore it was not in my plans or priorities. When I looked at that creature of God, so mistreated I was really impactado. Its eyes brought obtain the fear, the hunger, the headquarters and the diffidence with another owner.

I tried to speak with my son to feed it and later looking a new owner for it, impossible, I already was dominated, was paralyzed with those so sad olhinhos looking at for me and waiting a reply, as he knew that one more time food would be played in the street without water nor. Marks of a cruel destination that being, still a youngling, badly weaned, without affection of its family and none another one. Already it did not have more what to make, it already was part of my family and the family was part of it. It simply came to assume a place that for some reason, was of it, without no logical explanation. It increased the work very, but we gain a true friend. Of some form, in the day that it entered for the door of my house, it seems that the joy used to advantage the hitchhiking of the open door and came together. The life was better.

Addams Family

This and candles, and plastic trinkets, and ceramic candle holders, pumpkin, which are reminiscent of the festival and just cheer up. No less demand figures of witches, vampires, bats, particularly if they are part of a useful object such as a ballpoint pen. And if we choose as a souvenir key chain folding handle, you can be sure that its new owner will never lose this inexpensive but very nice sign your attention. Wonderful gifts will be a variety of interactive toys are made based on the famous "horror stories". Fans of the series "The Addams Family" will appreciate the crawling hand – not so much a little thing terrible, how funny. It is necessary to enable it, and it moves around the table, floor or other horizontal plane. Original gifts for the Day of All Saints can please their owners, not only in the holiday: sometimes They are one of the interior. For example, a toy, "Green Friend", made in the form of Goblin's head, can serve as a nightlight. Here, Donald Gordon expresses very clear opinions on the subject.

The head is turned by a separate control, and fans of "nightmare" draws a every chance to impress your guests. In the same series and more elaborate gifts – dolls are equipped with motion sensors. There's even press anything not necessary: the witches, pirates, skeletons "independently" decide when manifest their supernatural essence and begin to wave his hands, muttering ominously to laugh or weird spell. At the same time his eyes lit on all models, from which it becomes a bit uncomfortable even seasoned fans of the spirit world and ghosts. Therefore, the demonstration of gifts for Halloween importantly – do not overdo it with the desire to scare your friends and family! And, of course, that day can not get by without any fancy dress that you can buy, rented or made from scrap materials. Several medical bandages, carefully wrapped around the body and fixed with tape, will make a good-natured man in a sinister mummy, and classic black dress in combination with a necklace of frogs or bats make of charming girls' classic witch. " Old beat-up suit, remained in the closet since his youth grandfather, is quite capable to serve you, if Speaking of costume for Halloween.

And anything short pants and sleeves indecently open wrist: an absurd kind of clothes "balance" a scary rubber mask, which can be put on already at the club or in the stairwell of the house where you are waiting in guests. By the way, all sorts of masks – simple and relevant answer to the question "what to give on Halloween." In addition, later this gift can be used successfully at home and "outreach" performances, performances, parties. Halloween is now in Russia is said only a minority of the population. But even those who are not in a hurry to go to a costume, "Satan's Ball", prefer to teach their relatives, friends and colleagues even small souvenirs – a sign of attention and a reminder of an unusual holiday, which allows to have fun and fool around, not only children but also adults.


Without looking at the heavy problechu with population growth here in the country, yet we gradually crawl out of this demographic well. Estesstvenno, various decrees of the President and the steps that the Russian government strongly help. But it remains a very difficult position in which the hit kindergarten. In the dashing 90's, when there was chaos in the country, many preschools have been given over to the newly emerging state. institutions: tax inspectorate, pension funds, etc.

A huge part of the nursery was purchased by businessmen for their needs. When once again faced with the need in kindergartens, it became clear that they are simply no, they severely lacking. Prompted active returns Kindergartens ago. But for all that they still are no longer enough. Paradoxical situation: the number of kindergartens is more, there is a shortage of places more. Gain insight and clarity with christie’s art auction. Already today here in the crowded desady Moscow and attach here your toddler is already a huge problem with koiey faced thousands of different parents. So what is the solution of this problem and whether it is at all? The answer given is difficult and it is called a private child garden (Moscow).

This is the case when the government fails to solve the problem – the emptiness allows small and medium businesses. Private kindergartens are there here like mushrooms after rain. And yet they are still lacking. There is, I must say, the benefits of federal kindergartens sraneniyu with private, but there is, and vice versa. In this regard, everyone is free to choose what he considers right. Disadvantages chasnyh kindergartens in the first place consider them a great value. And the above is true. So what is a private kindergarten? The value of these gardens, I must say the price tag above the state. But the level of service just the opposite. In private kindergartens significantly fewer children and therefore attention from the teachers is much greater than in conventional kindergartens. Here, for each chubby little boy there is a unique approach. And about food in general do not remember. The quality of food in private schools just to head better. And whether it is necessary to save their babies?