Rio De Janeiro

To complete the series of nonsenses, although Jose Adonis to have last the week end resting in house, it did not return a cent of the daily fat person who received for the period of removal. He would have to restitute the value of daily the relative ones to the days where he spendt the night in its house. For well less of this (appropriation of daily) he has much people answering the process. Interesting he is that, as judging of magistrates, Jose Adonis he is rigorous. He voted against the act of receiving of allowance for expenses for removed judges, even so he himself has received allowance for expenses to be only some days it are of its unit. Recently, Adonis arguiu the suspicion of the appeals court judge of the TRT-1 Nelson Tomaz Braga to participate of the voting in claim to discipline restored, the CNJ, against the former-president of the Court of Justice of Rio De Janeiro, Zveiter Luiz (Mrcio Thomaz Bastos, lawyer of Zveiter, arguiu the suspicion of Adonis).

Curious he is that Jose Adonis if did not give for soldier on barrack duty (what more than what is suspected), when determined the instauration of administrative proceeding against the server who did not order the official vehicle to search it in the airport. Tuiui is thus: ' ' It makes what I say, but does not make what I fao.' ' I represented against Jose Adonis. The corregedor-generality took the representation until then the solicitor-generality Antonio Fernando. This assigned a subprocurador-generality of the Republic for ' ' investigar' ' Adonis. By chance, the appointed subprocurador was one tuiui. It heard Adonis and this confessed what I had written, but said that it could make what it made.

Tuiui assigned for the case, in long pleaded, it required filling next to the Superior Court of Justia (STJ). Although the effort, seems that it did not convince the minister reporter the innocence of Adonis, that if limited to receive the filling, alleging that the Court could not deny the order of the MPF. So that they do not think that I am writing asneiras, they enter in the site of the STJ ( and consult in processes: RP 398. Not accepted Adonis to be opposed. In the same way as it made with the server, certain time a solicitor criticized its vote in the CNJ, that denied allowance for expenses the transferred judges. The solicitor said that Adonis defended, in the CNJ, the thought of tuiuis in the cupola of the MPF, that is against the payment of aid of cost (for the others). Jose Adonis freed the cachorros against the criticante solicitor and he did not pardon another solicitor who had supported the critical one, saying that until the poetries of this they would be false (the solicitor that supported the critical ones, all the fridays, places poetries in the internal net of the servers and solicitors). Probably, after this article, judge of judges will invite me for a duel. Manoel Pastana Attorney general and writer

American Government

This rank, now we can to reason that, even so it has some reason to if alleging that asguerras human beings, the world-wide corruption, the hunger, the misery, the illnesses and todasorte of badnesses and pains seen in the Land can be translated as the Evil deum astray planet, these males are almost null before the hideous maldadedo vampirismo, one vezque this keeps the captive souls for all the eternity, or while to last oestado of psychic revolt of the victim against God. Thus, descobrirque is forcible the worse individual evil is the anguish, compound of absolute solitude and terror semfim, and that a time this being tried, any physical pain becomes-seprefervel it. Click Department of Labor to learn more. With effect, a corporal pain always can cease for a boaanestesia or a lobotomia, to the step that the etrea anguish never desfazou esvai, sucking the peace while to last the enmity against God. Here it is there overdadeiro human drama, that made Jesus to come to the Land in meat and bone. A ltimaquesto. It would be this emphasis on the individual evil (in relation to one Badly coletivomundial one) a species of ' ' error of avaliao' ' of our part? Unhappyly not. What all call Occult Government &#039 has the unfortunate person; ' craze of vampiro' ' , ecarreia all its weapons and resources to arrive at the domain of the soul human being, eisto are definitive.

Males hideous of the pure cruelty between human beings mero collateral effect of egoism and bad use of the freedom given for God, emboracom insufflation and fludicas private satisfaction of sanguessugas. In fact, parao GO, the chaos is preferable always, even so the hard peace of the dictatorships is sempresugerida. For this level or jurisdiction of the GO until a done music pelomestre Chico Buarque, pointing what all see plus nobody sabeexplicar: this world ' ' it does not have government nor never it will have, does not have I fix nemnunca it will have, it does not have juzo' ' , leaving the Command and the judgment far from the seupblico-target eyes. It has also poetries on the GO and AGrande Orquestrao of the Evil to help in the research of the reader. The AgnciasSecretas of the American Government and the governments puppets can be had comoparte of the GO, but never as being the proper GO or all it.

The Collusion, oOctopus, the Echelon, the Shield, etc., as well as the CIA, the NSA, the USAF and all the organisms that are elencadosaqui as component of the only great GO, nothing more are that figurantes bempagos in the theater of operations of the enemy of the souls human beings, that commands everything decamarote, of one strategical astroroof between 3a and 4Dimenses, where nor it needs its flying eyes (the UFOs), since it has visoprivilegiada, of inside of the privacy of the rebellious hearts. Any poderiaconhecer the CIA or until the Echelon, and until perhaps liked. also can conhecero GO, already our master said number one, ' ' but if he goes to be satisfied, ah, isso another one histria' '. Brave Prof.Joo of Miranda).

American Government

This rank, now we can to reason that, even so it has some reason to if alleging that asguerras human beings, the world-wide corruption, the hunger, the misery, the illnesses and todasorte of badnesses and pains seen in the Land can be translated as the Evil deum astray planet, these males are almost null before the hideous maldadedo vampirismo, one vezque this keeps the captive souls for all the eternity, or while to last oestado of psychic revolt of the victim against God. Thus, descobrirque is forcible the worse individual evil is the anguish, compound of absolute solitude and terror semfim, and that a time this being tried, any physical pain becomes-seprefervel it. Click Department of Labor to learn more. With effect, a corporal pain always can cease for a boaanestesia or a lobotomia, to the step that the etrea anguish never desfazou esvai, sucking the peace while to last the enmity against God. Here it is there overdadeiro human drama, that made Jesus to come to the Land in meat and bone. A ltimaquesto. It would be this emphasis on the individual evil (in relation to one Badly coletivomundial one) a species of ' ' error of avaliao' ' of our part? Unhappyly not. What all call Occult Government &#039 has the unfortunate person; ' craze of vampiro' ' , ecarreia all its weapons and resources to arrive at the domain of the soul human being, eisto are definitive.

Males hideous of the pure cruelty between human beings mero collateral effect of egoism and bad use of the freedom given for God, emboracom insufflation and fludicas private satisfaction of sanguessugas. In fact, parao GO, the chaos is preferable always, even so the hard peace of the dictatorships is sempresugerida. For this level or jurisdiction of the GO until a done music pelomestre Chico Buarque, pointing what all see plus nobody sabeexplicar: this world ' ' it does not have government nor never it will have, does not have I fix nemnunca it will have, it does not have juzo' ' , leaving the Command and the judgment far from the seupblico-target eyes. It has also poetries on the GO and AGrande Orquestrao of the Evil to help in the research of the reader. The AgnciasSecretas of the American Government and the governments puppets can be had comoparte of the GO, but never as being the proper GO or all it.

The Collusion, oOctopus, the Echelon, the Shield, etc., as well as the CIA, the NSA, the USAF and all the organisms that are elencadosaqui as component of the only great GO, nothing more are that figurantes bempagos in the theater of operations of the enemy of the souls human beings, that commands everything decamarote, of one strategical astroroof between 3a and 4Dimenses, where nor it needs its flying eyes (the UFOs), since it has visoprivilegiada, of inside of the privacy of the rebellious hearts. Any poderiaconhecer the CIA or until the Echelon, and until perhaps liked. also can conhecero GO, already our master said number one, ' ' but if he goes to be satisfied, ah, isso another one histria' '. Brave Prof.Joo of Miranda).

Law and Politics

Riverton Mussi Branches, a depleted time the stated period signed in that decision, reputing itself true the facts it imputed, subject the responsible one to the penalties foreseen for the case. Although this and searching always this Cut to take care of to the amplest contradictory and right to counsel, analyzed directed documents. This is an example that deserves a curious reflection on the alleged injunctions politics that would guide the decisions of the courts of accounts. The decision of the related process knocks down the thesis of that the council members always act of form politics, in the clientelista direction, or to protect old allies politicians or to pursue adversaries. In the case in question, the implied one became defaulting, but the cut of accounts accepted to consider the allegations that it brought, exactly is of the stated period. Rod Garcias opinions are not widely known. However, they had not been enough, and who certified this had been the technician of the instructive body. The advising ones had only followed the position of the sector of external control of the court.

The process was object of two plenrias decisions, one in 12 of June of 2007, for the communication, without attendance. Another one, in first of July of 2008, for the notification for presentation of defense reasons, for not attendance of previous the plenria decision. All had been told for the council member Jonas Lopes de Carvalho Jnior. The decision of the instructive body was in 9 of March of 2009. In 12 of March of 2009, the cabinet of the Presidency received the process for distribution to the originary reporter. Only after 15 of April of 2010, after the emission of the default certificate, the jurisdicionado one protocolled documentation, that is, intempestively.

Law and Politics

Riverton Mussi Branches, a depleted time the stated period signed in that decision, reputing itself true the facts it imputed, subject the responsible one to the penalties foreseen for the case. Although this and searching always this Cut to take care of to the amplest contradictory and right to counsel, analyzed directed documents. This is an example that deserves a curious reflection on the alleged injunctions politics that would guide the decisions of the courts of accounts. The decision of the related process knocks down the thesis of that the council members always act of form politics, in the clientelista direction, or to protect old allies politicians or to pursue adversaries. In the case in question, the implied one became defaulting, but the cut of accounts accepted to consider the allegations that it brought, exactly is of the stated period. Rod Garcias opinions are not widely known. However, they had not been enough, and who certified this had been the technician of the instructive body. The advising ones had only followed the position of the sector of external control of the court.

The process was object of two plenrias decisions, one in 12 of June of 2007, for the communication, without attendance. Another one, in first of July of 2008, for the notification for presentation of defense reasons, for not attendance of previous the plenria decision. All had been told for the council member Jonas Lopes de Carvalho Jnior. The decision of the instructive body was in 9 of March of 2009. In 12 of March of 2009, the cabinet of the Presidency received the process for distribution to the originary reporter. Only after 15 of April of 2010, after the emission of the default certificate, the jurisdicionado one protocolled documentation, that is, intempestively.

So Paulo

Lode to find a brother who alive here and that it helped in this &#039 it; ' batalha' '. Whenever senior treasury associateational Railroad Passenger Corp.Amtrak listens, a sympathetic response will follow. ' ' I started in the Church: I started to frequentar the Church there, I stopped to be, at night, in the street. Time in house was sufficient. I entered in the shelter, took bath, had supper, slept and have left pra to arrange job and thus I was turning aside itself deviating, deviating until the moment where I went astray total of the drugs, of the world of drogas.' ' Another one of that they had counted of its problems said that it took cachaa and all the drugs when decided to intern itself voluntarily in a Clinic of Insane people, of which in about one month was cured, but it did not want to leave therefore living in the Clinical age there ' ' gostoso demais' '. To live in the streets was humilhante. ' ' Those colleagues mine of the old ones, that they had been created with me in the schools, right? They gave money to me he humiliated but me. They said, poxa, face, looks at you is seeing this school that you are sleeping in the front? We study there. All these businesses that harmed more my ego because I, for me, I did not have more exit I did not advance somebody for a light in the end of the tunnel because I not by more light. He bothered me to this, then never plus nobody me viu.' ' In its story, this catador account that only came back to its city after having moved of life and to be involved with the cooperative. It surprised to all, in such a way, that the Mayor of the city came the So Paulo to confirm what it counts he invited and to give it lectures in that city.

Brazilian Population

We can cite other charismatic leaders in Brazilian history as in the period of the First Republic where if they detach the messianic movements promoted by devout the Priest Ccero, who he commanded the revolt of Juazeiro (1911), and Advising Antonio, whom the revolt of Canudos commanded (1896). Rational the legal power/, also known as bureaucratic domination, exists when it has the belief in a statute. The domination if legitimizes in the laws, and these determine as it will be the nomination of the authority. It is what happens exactly with the elections, that is a legal form to choose the representatives and the accepted population this as norm, thus recognizing the authority. Unhappyly what it motivates the choice of the vote are not only the proposals, but also or only, the incentives. Many see the elections as a business, a position of the legislative executive or as a job any, then if they use of all the half ones to gain the elections, ways these that are illegal as the purchase of vote and promise of public offices.

It happens that this starts to be a condition to vote and if it becomes each more common time in the society. What it makes an impression is that most of the time the people change its votes for banal corporeal properties, or some dinheirinho, even though a job and votes in candidates without proposals and behavior and is this the cause of the social problems that they insist as the poverty, the hunger, the crimes, me the quality of a public system of health and education. Then as already it was said, finishes being victim of its proper choice. As we can notice, the motivations that take the population to vote are most diverse, are conscientious methods unconscious, taking advantage this last one that candidates choose who go to intervene with the life of the society per four years. In view of the importance that a position as this has is necessary to always trust it to a person with consistent proposals and as we say currently, with the clean fiche. Then she is necessary that the population rethink on this problem when choosing a representative and that pass from now having reasons to vote and &#039 not only; ' incentivos' '.