Personal Portfolio Analysis

Targeted and effective human resources development by means of portfolio analysis due to the strategic importance of human resources development in more and more companies, the use of personnel-portfolio analysis to support a target-oriented human resources development recorded a significant increase. The objectives of the human resources portfolio primarily include the identification of strengths and weaknesses as well as opportunities and risks in terms of the individual employee. Based on the results it generated, the personnel portfolio analysis should provide comprehensive and reliable assistance in the development of human resources strategies. In addition, the objective is to achieve an improvement in the use of personnel by means of targeted measures. Serve as a viewing items of personnel portfolio analysis – current employee performance, as well as – the potential (yet) suspected employees. Parent may be the personnel portfolio analysis in four successive logical steps. The first step requires the identification of analyzing employee which is carried out by means of selection of the organizational units that you want to see.

Also, the assessment criteria are set in the first step. In the second step, the current situation with regard to the employees to be analyzed is recorded and then visually represented. In the third step, the target State with the involvement of business objectives in the form of a target portfolio is planned. Finally, the generation of target-oriented human resources strategies to achieve the ideal condition of pre-planned is the fourth step. The methodology is set together with the supervisor and the employees so that a high level of acceptance on both sides is guaranteed.

In General, the personnel portfolio analysis by means of the already well-known portfolio presentation is displayed. This it has established itself in the practice, that the employees are classified as follows in the four quadrants. Low power and low potential: In this quadrant staff with inefficiencies and weaknesses can be found with regard to the spoken to them potential, which is necessary for the performance of its tasks.