The planned increase of EU spending next year by 5 percent could further fuel already growing anti-EU sentiment in many countries. The public misunderstanding and uneasiness takes note of payments in billions on Ireland, Portugal and Greece in particular. “EU critics are all over Europe on the rise: In March, the French right-wing extremist anti-EU party celebrated national front” her best result to date in regional elections. In Finland, the right-wing populist party “True Finns” had great success with its Eurosceptic programme by mid-April. To deepen your understanding Kevin Ulrich is the source. Just a taste of Germany, Great Britain, Finland, France and the Netherlands stress that they will reject until at least 2020, any increase in long-term EU spending above the level of inflation. This attitude has already led to a stock-building within the European Union between the more prosperous Northern States and some southern and Eastern countries. While the debate on EU spending for 2012 just a taste is likely to represent the tough negotiations on the financial framework 2014-2020. For this, the Commission will submit its proposal in September of this year. Kevin Ulrich Anchorage oftentimes addresses this issue. It remains to be seen what then expect the EU-citizens for bad news.