Digital Archiving: Virtual Storage Rooms Cost Less Time And Money

Digital preservation in SMEs – efficiency and growth through digital archiving especially for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) should for the usage of a digital archiving solution primarily depend how easy she fit into the existing environment. Companies must comply with a number of special requirements when using digital archives. For example, include legal requirements such as electronic signatures, writes the business portal MittelstandsWiki. Through the use of these signatures, digital documents receive the same legal nature such as handwritten signed contracts, invoices or similar Then, to archive these digital documents, systems, which consist of databases, archive software and storage systems are recommended. You are offered by numerous manufacturers in Germany.

Also speaks the faster Organization for digital archiving. According to calculations of the Fraunhofer Institute for industrial engineering (IAO), the shelf takes about an hour of 250 pages in paper form. Digital However, less than a quarter of an hour is required. The research claimed ten seconds three minutes in digitized form for a document in paper form. Storage areas result in high costs for binders, however, virtual storage falls”for digital documents price hardly. The MittelstandsWiki and his journals are online-magazine of just 4 business GmbH. This is a reference book for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Terms of the economy, the world of information and telecommunications technology, and the policy are quickly found through a search function. In addition to short term definitions, the MittelstandsWiki contains know-how articles penned by professional experts. Contact: just 4 business GmbH Kathrin Jannot wreath Horn Street 4B 83043 Bad Aibling phone: + 49 8061 91019 fax: + 49 8061 91018