CHD-expert Study: About 60 Percent Of Catering Guests In The 40 + Segment

More men than women regularly go out little teenagers going out is mostly a popular pastime for more mature guests. Nearly two-thirds of the visitors of restaurants and pubs are over 40 years old. Almost every fifth guest is even 60 years or older. This is expert, Scheessel near Hamburg, Germany, from a study of the international market of CHD. The age distribution of our guests shows that average a few young people regularly encountered in the classical gastronomy. Although 19 percent of the population is under 18 years of age, only six percent of the guests are not yet of legal age. “Only about one-third of the guests are in the celebration age ‘ between 18 and 39 years”, Thilo Lambracht, CEO of CHD expert reports / market square Hotel Ltd., considering the average age of the guests under the age of 18, without which, it turns out that there is no age gap. The proportion of those aged 18 to 49 year olds is almost “as high as the proportion of the over 50 years in the hospitality industry”, so Labib.

The more mature guests are in each type of gastronomy”(over 40 years old) in the majority. The proportion among 39 year-olds is significantly higher only in bars, clubs or lounges. For comparison: in a la carte restaurants are around 65 percent of the guests of earlier semester. Regular going out has to do with the financial strength and that is simply higher than in young people with more mature audiences,”Labib analyzed. Age has to do with sense of community and transparency: the proportion of the over 60 years is particularly high in pubs with nearly 22 percent. For comparison: in bars are only about 12 percent of the guests at the senior age.

About 53 percent of the guests are male, 47 percent are female. The gender distribution is very different depending on the type of gastronomy: bars/clubs/lounges there is an oversupply (59%). However, more women in Cafes (55%) are found. And in pubs the situation is even clearer: 63 percent of our guests are men. Still a man’s game is, discussions at the beer at the bar or at the meeting”said Labib. More fundamentals of gastronomy expert emerge from the current study results of CHD: the average Bon in German catering is 14.50 euros. More than half of the guests is between 60 and 120 minutes. The most important line of business data are in the hospitality industry in Germany study 2008 “(290 euro + VAT) to find; Orders under About CHD expert / Marktplatz Hotel GmbH: the divisions range from market research about direct marketing and data management. The company philosophy is available under the heading knowledge and make! “.” The company was group in 1997 as a founder of Marktplatz Hotel GmbH and is one of about seven years to the international CHD expert with branches in all economically important countries in Europe and United States and Canada. CHD expert is one of the preferred partners of the Hotel Association of Germany (IHA). The customer base includes companies in the areas of food & beverages, equipment and media. More at: for more information: Thilo Lambracht, Labib t chd-expert de CHD expert Marktplatz Hotel GmbH Veerser WEG 2 b, D 27383 Scheessel (near Hamburg) Tel.