Buffalo Instead Of Bathing

Also in the summer, many students have not schulfrei: according to a survey, one in two in the summer holiday, Sun, seminar learns. What known mostly from American high school movies, increasingly in this country is popular. If today, the markische students get their certificates, school is not checked for many. Every second child in Germany buffelt even during the holidays, as a recent Forsa poll for the OnlineLernportal SCOYO shows. 41 percent of parents indicate that their children generally learn during the holidays. By another 16 percent, the junior at the desk sits when the grades were bad. “The trend for summer courses is increasing for years, Claudia Hamboch, spokeswoman for the cram learning work with six locations in Berlin and Potsdam is confirmed. Since the bad results of Pisa, more parents sent their children to the tuition.

The learning work in the city has already 80 bookings for the holiday. 80% of the learners are primary school students. Especially budding sixth grader buffaloes during the holidays, says that because Hafez Intermediate in the new school year is crucial for the grammar school recommendation. A big hit in Potsdam is prepared in the 10th grade the weeklong course.” The year before the change in the sixth form exacts much the students. Who start there with gaps, quickly lose the connection, says Claudia Hamboch.

You expects further applications in the coming days. Many parents know nothing yet. Here comes today when the certificate. the Awakening” Other institutions can not complain. The demand is stable for years after summer courses “, Sabine Angelkorte, spokesperson of student aid, which is represented in almost all cities of Brandenburg says. Mathematics, English and German are the most frequently booked courses. “The demand is consistently high, also Thomas Momotow, spokesman for the study group GmbH with 34 locations in the mark says. The majority of tuition students is between 11 and 15 years old.