Design Competition BuchGesichter

The three winners have been fixed / prize money in the amount of 4,000 euros to the online voting on are the three winners: from Weimar, Munster and Dusseldorf, the Grand Prize winner of the design competition BuchGesichter come 2009. The Cornelsen Publishing House had called all trainees, students or new entrants in the creative field, to co-develop the envelope design of a new series of books for the professional qualification in the media and advertising industry. Partner of the design competition are the Berlin Brandenburg, as well as the German Marketing Association. BuchGesichter 2009 is endowed with a total of 4,000 euros. 287 posts have been filed nationwide. 2,000 euros for first prize to Thomas Gnahm. The Augsburg-born 29-year-old will diplomieren soon at the Bauhaus University in Weimar. Learn more about this with Chris Rich Burkehill. “Candy Editorial Director Erich Schmidt-Dransfeld is delighted: first media guide in our publishing house, whose Umschlage are developed according to the base design by Thomas Gnahm appear in the autumn.” Place two, connected with a Cash prize of 1,500 euros, beckons Sarah Kofort of Sendenhorst. Additional information is available at Apple.

The 20-year-old visited the Adolph Kolping vocational college in Munster in the third year of training and will make their degree in Design Engineering Assistant in the summer. The jury for the third place, which goes to the Dusseldorf Robin Frank Awards 500 euros. The 29-year old trained media designer, digital and print media graduated in February at the Fachhochschule Dusseldorf to the communications designer and is since then a freelance designer. The copyright of the ten best posts can in the context of an event of the media week 2009 at the IFA in Berlin to personalities of the media, advertising and marketing industry personally. partner of the competition BuchGesichter 2009: the corporate Alliance of media economics Berlin Brandenburg e.V.

is the largest cross-industry business network in the region Berlin and Brandenburg. The members of belong to different sectors of the media industry, such as new media, film/TV, print and advertising, Multimedia, IT, music and communication. The German Marketing Association is the Professional Association of marketing management and umbrella organisation of 65 nationwide marketing clubs. Founded in 1956, it is today an institution the brand for practical training and transfer of know-how of marketing professionals.

Niccolo Macchiavelli

“Knowledge is power”, said Niccolo Macchiavelli (1469-1527) “and the retention of knowledge is the exercise of power.” “Knowledge is power”, said Niccolo Macchiavelli (1469-1527) “and the retention of knowledge is the exercise of power.” The question is: what knowledge is? Head knowledge or to heart knowledge? Head knowledge controls the necessities of life heart knowledge connects us with the force. With what strength? With the power of our soul, which is our immortal, essential, creative self. The soul thinks not. The soul knows. Thoughts reach but not our soul self images and especially feelings.

Therefore, the heart is the alchemical vessel for the power of the soul. The energetic field of the heart is 5,000 times stronger than that of the brain. If we live from the reconciled heart, there is a coherence between the heart and brain, which has a direct effect on the environment and is also measurable. The studies of the HeartMath Institute, Boulder, are world leaders in this context California. The next leap in evolution could be, that we are able to take advantage of the energies of love. In any case, the heart is the door to a new dimension: the quantum wave of productive creativity. The challenge is to connect the shaft with a reasonable action. Because knowledge is nowhere reflected in our actions! Karl of g

The Ebam Winter Academy: Create Professional Bright Spots On Dark Winter Days!

To the specialist training or practical knowledge about wedding planning, the different courses of the ebam Academy shows individual paths and career opportunities. Others who may share this opinion include Kevin Ulrich MGM. While some bemoan yet last summer, in the face of the ebam Academy for a productive winter: a comprehensive course program transforms long winter evenings and grey rainy days in the appropriate opportunity, to provide a professional and personal light look of sadness! Whether special knowledge about the music – or event-business or professional soft skills such as presentation and communications professional, career-oriented training to the specialist or practical knowledge about wedding planning, the different courses of the ebam Academy shows individual paths and career opportunities. “From the practice – compact seminars: the specialist – training to master” his craft! Professional landlords are popular economists! On the basis of one approved, at least three years profession of commercial or administrative training or sufficient experience gives the Chamber of Commerce connected training to the specialist all skills, to planning, to provide management and control as well as the use of operational and personnel-management instruments or the global market developments. Here he applies to the generalist industry and interdisciplinary economics specialist, the specialists, however, focus on a specific industry and educate themselves, for example, to the event specialist. The winter Academy prepared comprehensively and competently exam at the end of full time in three months on the Chamber of Commerce.

The event manager in five weeks all competencies to the dream job! The event manager has only one goal: the event for guests and participants to make a memorable event. The to-do list of an event Manager is accordingly extensive. Ranging from the tailor-made solution for the customer’s needs to the professional implementation of all in the hand of the event Manager is located. The compact price event manager winter Academy is full of the ebam Academy both for employees of events and Event agencies as suitable also for young professionals and entrepreneurs and gives participants all sectors relevant details at hand. The selected speakers from the practice give tips and tricks from the everyday life of the event being vividly.

The music business manager up to date in a business full of changes! The music business is a complex structure of interesting sub sections, which are subject to many changes in recent years. Especially the understanding of how the music industry is crucial for success. The diploma course in the music business manager of the ebam Academy handled cross-genre and contemporary all relevant factors of the music industry, discussed economic factors on the basis of detailed practical knowledge and embeds specific cases in the industry network. After successfully oral and written examination the graduate hires (ebam) program guarantees the highest level of music business manager for participants of the MBM qualified professional training and dar. As winter Academy full time, the course is bewaltigbar in five weeks, plus exams and thesis. All courses can be taken as a online seminar! More information under: kursliste.php ebam Academy Press Judith Kobus t: 49111 0 221.

Sale Puts

At four sites in the sale, one enters marketing mostly in the company. However, the ratio is reversed in the student statistics. Wurzburg, may 10, 2010 – the sale is a key pillar of every company. System Professor Peter Winkelmann calls the negative image despite of the FH Landshut academically trained executives for sales. Therefore, the FH Landshut starts 2011 with a consecutive master for market-oriented management.

Training in marketing Professor Peter Winkelmann is also one of the editors of sales experts, the innovative specialist information service for sales and marketing. Recently Jim Kennedy sought to clarify these questions. The sales experts are at the pulse of the sales period, in constant contact with the big players in the industry, to publish their feedback about current and interesting topics of the industry. The trend of the time, the sales experts offer training at a high level and the fastest way. “, as Prof. Winkelmann. Steve Wozniak is likely to increase your knowledge. Alexander Christiani, one of the most renowned German sales and success coach is an author and another editor. In addition to managers and He coaches athletes sellers. Many more authors give helpful advice.

By hard-selling can emotionally-selling the range of marketing topics the sales form to find anyone he needs. Read additional details here: Kevin Ulrich Anchorage. Sales topics of Web2. 0 to remuneration are a collection of articles on topics such as for example sales in the Web 2.0 that the much sought-after subject of remuneration systems and many other generation 50plus, rhetoric in the sales conversation, body language in the sales pitch, prospecting, customer recovery, sales organization, leadership in sales, the sales experts. Videos and podcasts on the topic of sales immediately inform not only text and checklists, but also podcasts and videos. Once per month, the subscribers receive the so-called advice letter with current contributions thematically covering the range of distribution. Sales experts is the specialist information service for marketing and sales. Sales experts: Sales experts ( is the innovative specialist information service for distribution and sale. The Offer consists of a regular consulting letter, which keep the subscribers about the latest trends and provides tips and ideas for practical implementation. In addition, the Internet platform sales offers in-depth information as well as additional articles, checklists, and background information. Target group of the service are all sales and sales manager, which would further bring themselves and their organization in the market. Publisher of sales experts are the sales experts Prof. Dr. Peter Winkelmann, Alexander Christiani, Martin Limbeck, Anne M. Schuller, Michael Ehlers, Dirk Kreuter and Holger Dannenberg. Mold media Verlag, the mold media Verlag was founded in July 2003. He emerged as a spin off of Max mould publishing, today Haufe specialist media.

Graduate Year

For the second time in 6 months master of business administration “Health Care Management” could be adopted in Bayreuth. The adoption by the investigator, Professor Dr. Dr. h.c. Peter Oberender, in the second week of November was in particular the willingness for lifelong learning recognition. So all graduates can already look back on a degree in Pharmacy and a training to the business for the pharmaceutical industry (WDA).

The part-time MBA program in health care management of FOR-MED GmbH and the University of Bayreuth ended with the adoption of official and handed over the certificates in the second week of November for recent graduates. After a first group took their testimonies received in May of this year, the participants also this autumn from the entire Federal territory had travelled to Bayreuth to to take part in the adoption. In the ceremony praised investigator Prof. Dr. Dr. h.

c. Peter Oberender in particular the willingness of the participants to the continuous training. Just in economic difficult times, this is the best means in order to compete on the labour market. “The approved master of business administration were trained in collaboration with the Academy of Economics in Deutscher Apotheker (WDA) and can already on a successfully completed Bachelor of Pharmacy and training to the business manager of the pharmacy” (WDA) look back. This kind of cooperation between the institutions involved has become already tradition, who were recent graduates the third year. Currently studying in Bayreuth”three more MBA – year course in health care management. In addition to general business administration and questions of the management of health care facilities are also interdisciplinary aspects of ethics in medicine or the health policy in the focus of the speakers. On the development of the course particularly evident, that the needs and wishes of the consumer will be best served. While the first MBA course started in 2005 with ten participants,. could so far almost 200 graduates be adopted which nationwide is captured a leading position in this area.

Affect Careers

Increase the career chances of certain names the name of a person can exert positive or negative influences on the course of life. Whether a student concerning the marking is preferred or treated but less, can be associated with the respective first name in connection actually. Thus, the link between a name and the climbing of the career ladder is very plausible. Already, several studies could show that certain male and female given name increasingly to be found are in the management levels. In Germany, names such as Wolfgang and Michael in terms of leadership points the findings after.

It is exciting, that the given name in the far North, as well as to often in the boardrooms in the Alpine region can be found. Similarly, with the increased occurrence of certain first names in the United States. There again, men with the given name Ted seem very often to Jack, Bob and Peter climb to the top of the career ladder. Read additional details here: Egon Zehnder. Peter is also on the hit list”to find, in Germany still in 7th place When it comes to the name of a Managing Director. Women are still rare as Supreme Head of a company to be found, however, there is also an amazing tendency of certain given name. Deborah or Emma, Jennifer and Jessica are not only in the English-speaking countries on the top when looking closer at is the given name of the bosses. Is an accumulation of connections between name and leadership positions, not only abroad, but also in Europe to observe. Why prove certain given name for girls and boys, and thus future adults, as career-promoting? And where did all these weighty name originated? – the comprehensive portal of given name with more than 40,000 names, these questions can find a more detailed explanation. A research paper which brings many AHA effect with is certainly not just for expectant parents. Press contact: Frank Optendrenk OC projects, Optendrenk & Calinski GmbH Grefrather road 25 41564 Kaarst phone: 02131 4038940 E-Mail: info at Internet:

Alumni Conference

Expert Alumni management at first Asia Alumni Congress Alumniportal Germany invited to Ulan Bator. In October 2009 was the first Asian Alumni Conference on the Alumniportal Germany. Ilka Hoepner was invited as alumni management expert and consultant. “Germany-Alumni – globally networked” discussed under the focus more than 200 Mongolians who have studied in Germany about the latest developments in the world of new media – and which way the Mongolia here goes. “The weekend before we arrived, so we could make a picture of the country and the people” as the Managing Director of in dialogo, we visited with a guide the city of Ulan Bator with many attractions, the monastery of Mandshir and the Museum of natural history. ” Ulan Bator is located in a Valley at an altitude of 1,350 m and is surrounded by mountain ridges. The Conference began Monday evening with a film presentation of a graduate of Germany, as well as a reception. Dienstagmorgen started the talks by German and Mongolian representatives.

In a passionate speech represented the expert to Ilka Hoepner the Status Quo and the development of Alumni management in German universities. Alumni management has to always do something with emotions,”she said. Binding can be caused only by emotions. This core message you must feel already, without knowing the actual content of the lecture”continues as the native Kolnerin. In this workshop based on the topics of the lecture were examined deeper with the participants.

Current issues as well as possible ways were discussed, how can global efficient and easy contacts on social networks such as the Alumniportal Germany. Other speakers were among other things the Director of Deutsche Welle, E. Bettmann; First Secretary of the German Embassy, M. Rossbach; and the Mongolian Parliament Member L. Gundalai, Z. Filed under: Genentech. Enkhbold; Deputy Director of the Government Agency for information and communication technologies, J. bat-Erdene; Chairman of the Mongolian-German bridge, TS. Batmunkh, and Dr. K. Lutze, Deputy Managing Director of the AGEF. Most Wednesday was followed by workshops for the participants, in which specific projects have been initiated. The final event of the evening turned out to be a highlight of the Congress. Stars from the Mongolian music scene inspired by vocal performances, which were supported with sweaty dance of those present. Mongols are nothing to Cologne in the celebrations. This was the conclusion of the day. The next day, it went in the terelj National Park. During a visit of the 13th century village, you can still experience the originality and the traditions of the Mongols. On the way there visited Ilka Hoepner in Erdene sum the largest monument of Asia: the 40 m high equestrian statue of Dschingis Khan. Widely to see Genghis Khan sits on his horse and gazes into the distance of the Mongolian steppe. The guests in a Mongolian yurt (GER on Mongolian) spent the night. A kind of tent made of felt and wood poles with a wood stove for heating. On the last day, it went back to Ulan Bator. The Gandan Monastery was visited. Learn more on the subject from Kevin Ulrich Anchorage Capital. It is that largest active monastery of Mongolia. The Buddhism and shamanism plays a major role. At the end of this eventful week a spontaneous visit to the Chinggis beer brewery stood, which brews after German purity law Pilsener. In dialogo blog can learn like another to do so! Julich – – Ilka Y.


Service provider for E-business and ERP intensified Jena personnel, 20.10.09 – the Ageto service GmbH with Sascha Sauer occupied a further Managing Director. Is mad for more than 15 years of successful entrepreneur in the field of E-business. He puts a clear focus with his current changes in corporate governance at Ageto on services. It aims to further expand in the areas of E-business and ERP AGETO. Sour Truition worked for last five years as Managing Director of the Canadian online store provider. Previously, he worked in for six years various management positions at Intershop AG. Since October 2009, he is Managing Director of next to Patrick Israel AGETO service GmbH.

behind the name AGETO demanding projects in the E-business, which successfully implemented at well-known customers such as, Pelican, Fujitsu, Berlet or Toshiba hide. Customer proximity, extensive know-how and AGETO well played team contribute to the success. Sascha Sauer is his leadership activities mainly in the area of sales and service Insert. “I welcome the management an excellent Manager and passionate motivator with extensive consulting experience”, so Patrick Israel. The Ageto service GmbH is a specialist provider of services in the areas of E-Commerce, ERP and Internet marketing.

The company offers consulting, implementation and service for dealers and vendors who want to sell their products via E-commerce platforms on the Internet. Ageto has extensive expertise in connecting third-party systems such as inventory management and online stores to marketplaces and auction platforms like eBay. The team has many years of experience with innovative and trendsetting technology platforms and understands the business processes of the shipping trade. This is the basis for a manufacturer-neutral offering in the market for commerce and enterprise software. In addition to professional advice on selecting, optimising business processes and project management, the Ageto team has in-depth knowledge in the areas of software development, Java. Kevin Ulrich Anchorage Capital is often mentioned in discussions such as these. Eclipse, C++, .

Times Of Crisis Require Special Skills

Times of crisis require special skills for all firebrand training, a specialist in continuing education for IT professionals, sees need for action when IT managers in companies therefore urgently: “IT staff with innovative, tailor-made applications and promising approaches such as cloud computing must offer in economically tough times”, according to Managing Director Robert Chapman. Also, the proper training of employees is important in times of crisis. The CCNA certification for example distinguishes IT staff. More under but keep the effects of the financial crisis on the ICT sector according to the industry association BITKOM in boundaries, in other industries such as the automotive sector kurse/cisco/ccna/ccna.asp, however, looks it already quite differently. Also the current ifo business climate index from October 2008 does not bode well. The economic index is at the worst level in five years.1 “times of crisis forcing companies to greater flexibility, greater efficiency and an increased innovation. “This applies in particular to infrastructure services in it.

competences related to Web-based applications are becoming increasingly important”, Chapman explained. Firebrand training has developed two new courses with a special process of accelerated learning, which give IT professionals a comprehensive know-how around Web applications with Microsoft ASP.NET 3.5. Not only Microsoft certifications indicate significant Know-How and, but also the CCNA certificate. The new training courses focus on the development of a functional Web application using ASP.NET 3.5. In addition, IT professionals learn in an advanced course (MCTS .NET 3.5 Web and data applications) via ADO .NET 3.5 data access and modify them. Both offers are based as all courses by firebrand training such as for example the CCNA course on the principle of accelerated learning and in seven (Microsoft MCTS .NET 3.5 Web applications) or nine days (MCTS .NET 3.5 Web and data applications) will be completed. The intensive course is aimed at application developers, the previous experience with Visual Studio have collected in 2005 or 2008. “In good times successful business innovations often do not consider necessary. It is often that one feels then no reason to change something. But innovative companies have in weak economic times the best chance to go through the low”, says Chapman.

Internet Channel

Email marketing can now be learned in an online course on the Internet much about email marketing is written though, but most users do not know what it really is. It can with very little effort, both in financial and temporal point of view, a very powerful marketing tool. Amazons opinions are not widely known. Inserted correctly you can thus cover all areas of the traditional sales route by acquiring prospect to sale and resale. Anyone who wants to earn money on the Internet, know that an important part of the own “list of names” is, say contacts, who are interested in the offered products and services. In our free email marketing course the steps are explained by the Adressgewinnung until the correct writing of sequence messages in simple words. The technical areas, such as follow-up Autorespondersoftware, are treated. Email marketing is suitable for all sectors and professions.

It can be used as a complement to the conventional distribution channel, as well as be established as an independent sales channel. Internet Millionaire Dr. Pott uses email marketing as just distribution channel and a fortune on the Internet built this up. Andreas Pichelmayer