The Social Service also has its proper legislation: The new Code of Professional Ethics that it was instituted in 1993, from an ample debate in the Social Service. The express document the matureness theoretician-politician conquered for the category and reaffirms the commitment with the democracy, the freedom and social justice. It is an instrument of basic work in the daily one of the social assistant. Law 8,662/93 regulates the profession of the social assistant, it assures abilities and privative attributions of the professional and guarantees disciplines it and defense of the exercise of the profession of the social assistant; NORMA OPERACIONAL BSICA (NOB) approves Basic the Norm Operational of Human resources of the Only System of Social Assistance? NOB-RH/SUAS; ELECTORAL CODE CFESS/CRESS; RESOLUTION CFESS N 493/2006 that it makes use on the ethical conditions and techniques of the professional exercise of the social assistant. RESOLUTION CFESS N 559/2009 makes use on the performance of social assistants convoked to give deposition as witness, also in the quality of appraiser appointed by court or assistant appraiser. RESOLUTION CFESS N 489/2006 that it establishes norms forbidding discriminatory or prejudiced behaviors; RESOLUTION 383/99 that the social assistant as professional of the health characterizes. It clarifies, however, that the professional, for acting in the scope of the public and social politics, is not exclusive of the health area and, therefore, can be inserted in other areas, depending on the place where it acts and of the nature of its functions. The PROCEDURAL CODE OF ETHICS – RESOLUTION CFESS N 428/2002 institutes the new Procedural Code of Ethics and makes use on the norms that regulate the Code, including all the alterations that had been regulated, as well as those approved by National Meeting CFESS/CRESS carried through in 2001, inside muitssimos other articles, laws, norms and resolutions that constitute and loan legal-social basement to this profession.