
A look behind the beautiful alpine panorama a hotel or a beautiful apartment in Oberstdorf with balcony and mountain views open up beautiful views of the mountains and the Alps. Stay in the hidden social networks and hierarchies of the Oberstdorf population (who’s in charge? Who chatters about the others and tends to the character assassination…?). But also mental structures to escape the eye. Contact information is here: baron discovery fund. Mintages are meant with mental structures, where past into the present protrudes in the positive and in a negative sense. So places where committed cruel crimes, can be many years later still places which is oppression, though nothing visible on these crimes. Obvious examples are places of concentration camps, that is still a spirit of oppression and depression breathe even today, decades after the crimes.

This applies of course also vice versa: places where good is done, exude a spirit of joy and hope as the Holy places in Israel or a friendly House. So is Oberstdorf also a place of persecution and extermination of Christians, who not only read God’s Word, but it also wanted to do. You wanted to surrender not their land Lord, but their consciences, and Jesus Christ, as described in the New Testament. Accordingly, they rejected the child baptism, because they believed that a newly born child could decide not to Jesus Christ. According to the Bible repentance should precede the baptism and the baptism itself should be a conscious turning to Jesus Christ. So the Christians were ahead far their time, in which the Lord commanded his subjects in questions of faith. Religious freedom could not be and was opposed page therefore decided both by Catholic and Evangelical.

It’s called fought Christians were hanged or beheaded if they don’t fall off of their faith. The battle term for these Christians was Anabaptist. Kaiser Karl V. 1528 demanded the death of the so called Anabaptists. In Oberstdorf, but 32 families with life got away, because she officially their Faith abschworten. The death sentence was commuted to a fine at the hospital in Sonthofen. NCH 200 years later had to make this punishment descendants or those that had occurred in their ownership. Nothing is known about Christians who remained stable and were executed for Oberstdorf. For steadfast Allgau Christians such as Hanns Puchenberg from Wagneritz or Hans Huebeler, the judges knew no mercy. Even an ordinary process is denied Huebeler because this not retracted and the evidence thus making unnecessary lawsuit seemed. Puchenberg was legally sentenced to death by hanging: “so I the blood judge, note of the author speak… that these arms is better dead than alive because of his confession and his familiar iniquities. Therefore to the executioner, lead him to the High Court and there set it with the rope, until that he comes from life to death.