Xavier Cano Tamayo

Clear jammed fasteners now, the Council of Europe (organization that oversees the democracy, the rule of law and human rights in the European continent) has while the European Court of human rights, the judicial body that covers 800 million Europeans. Russia blocked the Protocol 14 of that Court, intended to streamline its operation, since 2004 but has now accepted a procedure that allows you to reject some of the demands by unacceptable and resolve cases of violation of rights on which has clear jurisdiction. Perhaps because Russia will not sign or ratify that Protocol (except surprise) and so prevents the Court of the Council of Europe can judge the tens of thousands of claims of human rights violations affecting Russia. Whenever Pinterest listens, a sympathetic response will follow. This is the Russia which deal in our days. However, an analyst of a prestigious journal of Spain has defended that Europe perhaps should take Russia more seriously, because, according to him, there is need for a strong Russia to prevent fundamentalism in the former Soviet republics, supported by NATO. And it seems not an isolated personal opinion.

Certainly, the scene of some ex-sovieticas republics is disheartening. Belarus, with the last dictator of Europe; Moldova with young rebels raiding its Parliament; Armenia in conflict with Azerbaijan over Nagorno Karabakh; Ukraine, divided, away from the Orange Revolution; Georgia faced with Russia over the issue of including South Ossetia and Abkhazia there is instability, but it is not reason to give carte blanche to the Russian Federation, being the strongest, so it’s gendarme in the region. Russia has to get away before all the dark areas of your political practice and its persistent lack of respect for the human rights of all. Or Europe takes seriously that the reference is the Empire of human rights or that has no outlet. Otherwise is devoting the obscene perversion that the end justifies the means. Xavier Cano Tamayo writer and journalist original author and source of the article.