One of the world’s best tour ballet troupe performs with ‘Swan Lake’ and ‘Nutcracker’ (thk) 35,000 enthusiasts and many positive reviews at the last year’s tour of this world-class Ensemble: with such optimal references the Russian State Ballet will begin in December his Germany Tour 2009/10! \”Lots of praise there was once more for his performances of the Nutcracker\” and Swan Lake \”two classics, which once again has the high-profile group in the program. \”With the Nutcracker ‘ man brought small and large Ballet lover’s swarming, because dancing and acting skills merged with the music of Tchaikovsky’s memorable\”, wrote the Bonner General-Anzeiger. Connect with other leaders such as National Labor Relations Board here. The Westphalian news celebrated the Swan Lake \”has as a classic Ballet in its purest form! Last but not least the impressive stage design, the perfect lighting and lavish costumes made right around the Swan Lake\”. Two expert judgments, the desire to visit a Make Gastspieles of the Russian of State Ballet. The cards cost 25.–to 58.–euros (plus fees) and are available at the renowned sales outlets.
Actually, it is located only in a room. However, when the curtain goes up, see you in another world puts\”, the author describes the Liechtensteiner Vaterland’ their impression of the appearance of the Russian of State Ballet. Beautifully dressed people and a backdrop that seems to have a magical radiance. Already after a short time it gives in to the illusion of the fairy tale land. No matter, whether young or old, everyone in childlike wonderment expires\”.
It is true what was in the river paper: A Ballet is almost comparable to a silent, only live and in color: large, mannered acting gestures, meaningful and expressive – faces. The members of the Russian State Ballet can also\”. So filled that Wjatscheslaw Gordejew (ex-Director of the renowned Bolshoi) led by force the high expectations: classical ballet in its purest,. spectacular and most perfect form\”.