Telework Entrepreneur

Currently, there are thousands and thousands of people in Latin America who suffer especially, by getting a job. When they do have to swallow the salary that they put, because behind he or she, there are 10 to 20 more people waiting. It is regrettable that industrialization, technology move a large part of the workforce in the countries of Latin America, and above all that there is labor and worst exploitation, harassment by managers or business owners, who make that comes them in WINS. Sometimes situations occur critical which resolve in the family, and we need a sneak preview of our salary, the head of personnel or accounting are made fools, we have to ask that they provide us that money and if this not happens, we ask borrow from a friend or relative, but your company where you work, often does not support you. There are very rare species of companies, if they care about their employees, supporting them on what they need, but as I said it is very rare. Greek finance Minister might disagree with that approach. We must be more intelligent to break any schema. We have to make new connections is our neurons to adapt to change, but as I said very intelligent. Who mostly suffer this kind of abuse are employees with loaded years exceeding the 45 to 65 years, very averse to changes, which have to computers and the Internet, phobia and many times are the livelihood of their families.

Young people do not have problems in this, but the major problem is the lack of experience, do not have much knowledge. But as I said: making new connections in our neurons can break schemes and paradigms in ourselves and remove us from the not I can not is for my not have experience mind must remove the NO and put the if is can be if LO I do learn of others. Something that I want to raise them very quickly is: to be a teleworker entrepreneur, have a prerequisite: 1. knowledge and skills 2. Materialize them in a book (physical or digital) or create a product the rest is relatively easy: to be a teleworker requires 6 steps: 1.

A good product that offer (your knowledge or skills) 2. A good computer and permanent internet connection. 3. A web page selling. 4 Accept payments with credit cards. 5. Promote your website, so that you sell your product (tangible or intangible) 6. Training and sustained study in your product and work tools. These steps, you can make them little by little, without leaving your current, when already employment you start to see that you have results and they are emerging, you say to your boss:! Chief! I will take a long vacation, with your permission.