Peruvian State

That is, this a norm of conasev, which by the way only is application to the securities law, but not to societies that are outside of their implementation. And as regards the legislation of banks it is only applies to banking companies, which make it clear that deserves appropriate studies, to increase the scope of the law to all societies through a law this within Peruvian law. 14 Poster the poster is a course of business concentration, which has really deserved a few studies under Peruvian law. By which recommend his study by writers, who are created doctrine, so that it is spread by legal operators. Poster occurs between companies, is therefore not exclusive societies, nor any other type of company, in this regard there is a cartel of societies, poster for individual companies of limited liability, cooperatives poster, poster of communal enterprises, poster of entrepreneurs engaged in business as natural persons, among others. The poster is not defined in Peruvian legislation, therefore, it is clear that deserves its corresponding regulation to have greater certainty in it, it is not advisable in these cases to go to other sources or parts or elements of the law. In this sense we hope in the not too distant future have in the Peruvian State legislation on cartels or business karteles, in such a way that locate more easily to economic agents to invest in a market increasingly more competitive as it is the Peruvian market. In the doctrine we find abundant definitions of poster, which we refer to it to have solid knowledge of business law or business law or law of the company, in a market as in the Peruvian that there is little information on this branch of the law. The cartel aims to maintain the autonomy of the companies but occupy the market, so if for example constitutes a cartel of companies that manufacture sodas is clear that can deal with the market, with a view to their domination.