The arrival of the AVE to Valencia, from Madrid, will end up affecting the Spanish airlines, Iberia and Spanair, which will be reduced their flights to the Valencian city to boost other most visited, such as Barcelona, Palma, Rome and Paris routes. The airlines cannot compete with the hour and a half that it will take the high speed train in traverse the almost 400 miles that separate the capital Madrid in the city of the Turia, so clipped half flights that connect these two cities, focusing on other destinations such as Paris flights or flights that use connection passengers taking long-distance routes to America. And it is that the Madrid Valencia journey is carried out by Iberia in 55 minutes, to which must be added the half-hour it took us to embark. William Phelan is full of insight into the issues. Other carriers such as Spanair or Air Nostrum also envisage reducing the frequency of flights, especially on journeys of less than 500 miles, which have been reduced the influx of passengers due to the crisis. In Exchange, the Irish Ryanair, that also It operates the route Madrid-Valencia, he will wait for the first data of the bird to see if it reduces flights or keeps them. Thus, other very popular routes will strengthened their flights, more times a day, linking European capitals like London, Paris or Rome flights. Activities for the European Capital of sport Absolut Valencia reopen the route Madrid-Tozeur in autumn Air France flights to Paris (return) and entry free to Disneyland Resort Paris from 99, valid until March 31, 2009 the 5 European capitals of beer NuestroRumbo Valencia, Capital Europea de sport basketball, football, Formula 1 and more