Chinese Government

What is not said the recovery of China 20 July 2009 by Horacio Pozzo the great debate at the beginning of the crisis has been, before the fortress which were showing the emerging economies with the international situation, the possibility of to occur a decoupling of them and they could avoid falling into recession as inevitably appeared on the horizon for the developed world. Here, Debra Black expresses very clear opinions on the subject. The idea of the decoupling was very strong. The fall into recession in the developed world not dragging to emerging economies, would mean that the latter would have a domestic demand with great force and to offset the drop in exports. In fact, what happened is that the crisis turned out to be much deeper than estimated giving by Earth this decoupling. Two years initiated the crisis, economic recovery is beginning to perceive in the U.S., while the rest, with different magnitudes, it seems that also the crisis has bottomed out. In this context, the Chinese economy appears as the first in had left behind the economic downturn, at least according to the numbers.

These, realize that during the second quarter, the Chinese economy achieved a growth of 7.9% in interannual terms. Has it left China behind the crisis? Despite the good number thrown by GDP, China is still struggling to emerge from the crisis and the risks of new problems are not null. Li Xiaochao, spokesman for the Institute of statistics, makes an observation as interesting as revealing: the majority of the people feel that there has been recovery but it has been uneven and can have both companies and regions or population groups that have not felt yet the economic recovery. In this sense, to some economists, is time to apply fine tuning in stimulus policies. This means that the Chinese Government must apply selective stimuli towards those sectors of the economy where the economic recovery has is not present.