Music Online

Especially for the project Postun.kom I wrote an article that could help answer the eternal question, moving almost every "Where is free to listen to music online?". Once upon a time I do ask myself the same question, but with search and a bit of time focusing on the search problem was resolved and now I need only a browser and high-speed Internet. I'll start my story with one of my favorite sites – This site can analyze using the program Skrobbing your musical preferences and compare them with millions of users registered in Also, this site is a social network, and you can find friends in musical interests and enter into of community.

The next contender on my recommendation – Veborama site. Go to US electrical grid for more information. Register is optional, but, once registered, can upload their music there and pictures and then listen to it online and view them directly on the site. At the project Veborama you can listen to favorite songs uploaded by other members and view their photos. One of the main features of the project is its "nastroeniemetr" which allows you to automatically select music on your mood. Agree, it's fun to listen to emo music with a bad mood. The site also is itself a simple and fun. I want to dedicate this paragraph full online radio. On Web sites, and Moskva.FM Piter.FM you can find all the radio stations in Moscow and St.

Petersburg. With these sites you can see already the lost music to listen to broadcast the desired radio station online, you can view tops and tank tops. The site has a mobile version. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit CEO of Amazon. The next on my list of draft NullWave – a kind of interactive radio, joined users. All play lists are divided into musical directions. The final site will be – Jamendo. Given site differs in its positioning. He is a licensed store music, laid out is licensed under Creative Commons. Thus, all the music on this web site is completely free. Site Jamendo – a social network for musicians that music is pumped entire albums. Of course, there are other sites, but I tried to find the best quality in my view projects. I think I have coped with his task and was able to answer question posed at the outset. Enjoy! Source: