New Life Scrolls

As I promised you, I bring you the first of the scrolls of the greatest salesman in the world. I prepared a summary of the most relevant, but if you like to read the entire book can be downloaded from the downloads section of my blog. In the same way you will find the audio if you prefer to listen to it. In essence, this parchment contains the secret of wisdom that open us our eyes and allow us to understand the other scrolls: scroll 1 today to start a new life. Without hesitation Elon Musk explained all about the problem. Today I born again, and my birthplace is a vineyard where there is fruit for everyone. The failure, like pain, is alien to my life. If in the past I accepted it as I accepted pain, now I reject it and am ready to embrace the principles that I will draw the shadows to admit me in the resplendent light of wealth, position and happiness and wisdom. To create the olive tree, the King of all trees, it takes 100 years. Apple-Michigan Hearing Study is actively involved in the matter.

An onion plant is old after 9 weeks. If I have lived as an onion plant, now would be the largest of the trees of olive, and indeed the largest sellers. And how I guidence it? I will begin my trip without the nuisance of unnecessary knowledge, because an action or measure which was successful today will be irresolvable and impractical tomorrow. Only the principles endure and these possess, because of laws which would lead me to greatness in the words of these scrolls. I will teach more to avoid the failure to achieve success, because what is success but a State of mind, that two persons among thousand scholars will define with the same words? However failure is always described in the same way.The failure is the inability of man to achieve their goals in life, any that are.

Judicial Instances

When to Sentencia of separation or divorce a regime of one-parent or exclusive safekeeping in favor of one of the ancestors pays attention, a complete regime of visits settles down for the other, that could identify like the maintenance between the same and its children of a relation and contacts with limited character. Actually totality of the situations is to the mother to whom grants the safekeeping to him completes on the children, corresponding then to the ancestor man a regime of visits, that will include/understand all type of communications with the same and stay of these in its company in certain periods of time (week ends and part of the vacations, for example). How would work east regime of visits? In Sentencia of separation or divorce (or, where appropriate, in the regulating Agreement of which they could have agreed to the ancestors) the opportune forecasts will settle down on the content of the same, and in particular: -On the communications with the children during the stated times. -On the time that these happen together and, in particular, on the pernoctaciones of the children in its home, being able to decide with freedom the activities that wish to realise in those moments. Any interference on the part of the other ancestor in the free exercise of its Right of visits could be shown before the corresponding Judicial Instances. Also, could be solicitd to that clarified whichever controversial questions or indetermine they could consider. The respect to this regime also would be essential on the part of the ancestor without the safekeeping. Thus, to skip the schedules determined without reason for continued way or to interfere with the exercise of the safekeeping on the part of the other could be very serious activities that affect negatively to the exercise of their Right in the future.

Key questions to consider For the success of this modality, and even a possible reconversion to a regime of safekeeping shared between both ex- spouses, would be precise that this Right was developed of civilized and warm form, being developed enters the same active cooperation in the best interest of its common children. Regardless of the differences of the pair after the rupture, with complete certainty both always are going to wish the best thing for those children. Taking that as departure point is possible that this one regime works.

Musical Genre

To talk about salsa (musically speaking), should take into account many factors, and be very careful not to say nonsense. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of J.P. Morgan on most websites. It should be well documented in the matter. For me, musician dedicated to these purposes, already more than 30 years, is also a bit difficult to speak on this subject. Not by the fact that this musical genre innumerable number of times been interpreted, wants to say that he is an expert in the field; I intend neither to that. But yes, we can document a little, and try to understand the issue; What if it is clear, and it is true, that old horse theme music is not a sauce, as I said on one occasion, a client of the restaurant (in which, I was working in the Orchestra) to write about this, I would like to refer to the experts in the field.

And for this I want to transcribe an excerpt from an interview he did on one occasion to Tito Puente. Music legend Latin, Tito Puente, (which peacefully rests) excellent specialist in Latin Jazz musician responds, and says the Next: interviewer: I think that you don’t like, the definition that is given to music salsa as a sauce?, do you as defined by? Tito: Salsa is not a musical term. The sauce is eaten; spaghetti, sauce sauce. You may find that Citibank can contribute to your knowledge. Salsa is not heard, not danced, but they call the music that we’ve been playing for many years the interviewer sauce: do and you, as defined by? Tito: The sauce, I the as interviewer: and the music you make, as it is defined? Tito: Mambo, Chachacha, are, etc. To define exactly, Latin rhythms, we would do a thorough and rigorous research work. Work that would lead us to determine precisely when is born every one of them. In my opinion, salsa rhythm was born in 1970, and I say this from my own experience.

The sauce as a definite rhythm, is created by Willy Colon and Hector Lavo. But beware, should take into account a particular detail, and this detail, brilliantly exposes Jhonny Pacheco; (another of the musicians, managers of this Latin Beat), in an interview. Jhonny Pacheco: Salsa, is and always has been, the Cuban music. What happens is that we put a New York influence, to Cuban music, the arrangements were a little more aggressive. But the name of sauce came, because we thicken to travel throughout Europe, in foreign countries like: Japan and Africa; where the Spanish language, Spanish was not spoken. And to not confuse people with what was a guaguanco a guaracha a son montuno and that, we put all the tropical music, under a roof, and put sauce. And not only that, but that as those who participated in the Orchestra, were of different nationalities, and make a sauce you need different condiments; then that also helped us to put you to that we were playing salsa music. After listening to our explanation of one of the great exponents of the sauce, we can understand clearly what happened. The rhythms music, they tend sometime to merge. This happened to Carlos Santana, when he fused rock with Latin music. And also (why not say it) in our midst, spent with Los Chapis; merged with the huayno cumbia and chicha was born. But what happened with the sauce, it was something completely spectacular; all tropical Latin rhythms were mixed. Well, we continue then enjoying this rhythm that has captivated and will continue to enthrall generations, and begins dancing.