Things that if excite them are out of work. Only their paychecks, their holidays and their pensions matter to people. The general attitude is: don’t do something that you don’t have to do. Then do as little as possible. Everything seems to indicate that in the day all seem to move in slow motion until it is time to go home: then all act quickly. When it comes to do a better job, what happens?, many looks empty. Nobody assumes more responsibility than is needed.
If the job does not come out, is my problem, not of them. All do just enough so you don’t yell them or dismiss. Improvements; import to anyone all are afraid of change. If he says, if not throw you desire, they will stay without work, but that only demoralizes them and things get worse. When comes to motivate people, the results, when they exist, are of short duration. It pays very little attention to the recognition, the performance very little participation in the decision-making process very little motivation in favour of the initiative, creativity. Aimed at improving these situations discussed, many companies to try to improve these situations have tried many methods, such as: quality salary talks motivational circles more high quality of life in the work organization flattened teams work systems tips plus training best communications closer relations security in the participative leadership work training and developing other programs. Other considerations since then, companies face other obstacles faced in relation to the absence of a technological development that ensure their productivity according to the attributes, characteristics that products presented where quality is one competitive advantage.
In the Venezuelan case, indeed uncertain, where the vast majority of SMEs do not have developed its own technology, technology that has been acquired from the developed countries, where firms have given way to a dependency that has curtailed its own development and technological research. From here, which has been written, as Dalmary Salazar and Gerardo Romero, point out, that the small Venezuelan companies, are mostly considered as a sector lacking and dependent on technology, which has prevented it from sustaining a process of autonomous and sustainable development planning towards productivity and competitiveness. The country’s business sector has failed develop systemic and organizational activities for learning, innovation and conservation of technological know-how, characterized by maintaining a massive importation of technology, which has led to a high State of technological dependency. Companies in general technology-based work with two types of hard technologies, which are characterized by the application of advances in information technology to classical operations processes, their effects are in sight, and with soft technologies, referring to the set of organizational practices and human resources. Therefore, the management of technology within small businesses should be seen as a process which integrates resources, activities, and the infrastructure of the business unit in the achievement of its purposes, its objectives, its strategies and its operations (Brazil. IDB SECAB CINDA, 1997; Gaynor, 1999; Bates, 2001). To this is added, the absence in many companies of an operating personnel trained according to the demands of the modern business topics, as well as a good management proactive, visionary, strategist, able to face the challenges, learn to take advantage of opportunities, give way to efforts that promote the development of the company in the conquest of new markets. Original author and source of the article.