10 In the educational context, if makes necessary that the school innovates, absorbs the changes to follow boom technological, is necessary that he is respected all a context politician of integration of the university units, by means of agreements, accords and contracts, for the systematization of use of cellular in the schools and the university. Imbernn (2000, P. 80) presents for the sector the following challenges: (i) the recovery on the part of the professors and excessively educative agents of the control on its process of work; (II) the valuation of the knowledge, as much of that one already acquired and developed by the generations and previous cultures, that have its value and importance exactly nowadays, but that if it presents as insufficient for the next times, how much of the new knowledge that are investigated and produced currently in new conditions of number of information, speed of communication and proliferation of knowledge sources; (III) the valuation of the integrant community as true of the educative process, the community of learning, co-responsible for the pedagogical project of the institution; (IV) the diversity as cultural and educative project. 11 The same author synthecizes that the pertaining to school environment must be: a based social environment in the information and the communications; the trend the one that everything is planned; a situation of crisis in relation what if it must learn and/or teach in a world where reigns the uncertainty and the vertiginous change; the new paper of the educator as manager and mediator of learning. 12 Being the pertaining to school environment the unit of the information and communication and actions based on planning, in such a way fits adaptations to it to the requirements of the current technological moment, that is, to bring for the environment of the school the use of the cellular one as pedagogical tool. The academy, while unit of the society of the knowledge must assume the decurrent process of the midiatizao of the information in interface with the productive and consuming sectors.