“”… Project organization false to the knowledge of terror and complicated technology leads to loss of billions and makes people sick Dusseldorf/Essen – the increasing dynamism and complexity “(neu Dynaxitat”) of the business world have increased so much, is that companies must deal more so, as they help their employees can better handle the Stress in the Office reported the Handelsblatt titled”. “Also Miriam Meckel, Director of the Institute for media and communications management at the University St. Gallen, was in a post of the Handelszeitung fixed: many knowledge workers are now slaves to technology.” Www.IAQ.uni-due.de are particularly concerned that according to investigations of the Institute work and qualification (IAQ) of the University of Duisburg-Essen in projects”involved employees: 67 per cent of the project staff renounced increasingly breaks, 55 percent restricted their for the job Leisure activities a far above average, project staff were affected by fatigue, nervousness, insomnia and stomach pains. According to the IT expert Karl-Heinz Land are the causes of the fundamentally wrong approach of most companies to set up their projects, to manage and lead.
Most companies still control their projects with insanely complex Excel lists, true E-Mail floods and countless phone calls and pointless meetings,”so the entrepreneur, whose firma eXsolut specializes task management. In many companies an information overkill for the employees, there is the constant emails need to read and respond to, update Excel files or to wear out in any lengthy consultation meetings instead of to take care of their tasks”, criticizes the country in an interview with the online magazine of NeueNachricht. Companies would have to change radically and employ modern technologies that support and encourage, rather than to overwhelm. “This can happen for example through the construction of a central job portal, in which all information the respectively smallest, the nuclear ‘ components of a project and a specific task assigned to them”, says land. “To exploit the knowledge in the minds of employees in the company, the job portals should integrate even interaction and communication mechanisms, such as one by social Web” knows. Then the enormous productivity gains and a significant relief of employees can be achieve, said land, whose undertaking has equipped already several hundred thousand jobs in Germany according to own with Web 2.0 job portals.
Contemporary and new management methods are important experience of the staff expert Udo Nadolski: in Anglo-Saxon countries you coined a pithy phrase for it: from brick to click’ called the credo to exist in the network economy. The business world is no longer hierarchical sound tracks, the one with the outdated methods of project organization can control. The new world of work requires people with self organization. “Who wants to bear in mind that, to many ground rituals in the company bid farewell otherwise you die of bureaucratic torpor”, warns Harvey Nash Chief Nadolski de /.