PREPARATION OF FEED for feeding FOR CATTLE presence of ruminant complex multi-compartment stomach identifies peculiarities of metabolism in their body. In particular, in the rumen to digest up to 60% organic matter microbial enzymes. In the 1 milliliter of rumen contents comprise up to 1010 bacteria, 1 million protozoa, which are to be effective requires a specific set of nutrients and minerals. Under the influence of microorganisms in the rumen there are complex changes in nitrogenous compounds, resulting in nitrogen is converted into microbial protein, which in the abomasum and small intestine is digested by the enzymes and digestive juices used by the body zhivotnyh.V agriculture vegetable protein by the enzymes of microorganisms initially broken down to amino acids and then to ammonia (A large proportion of amino acids). Ammonia is used cicatricial organisms to build proteins of their own bodies.
With a lack of rumen contents legkoperevarimyh carbohydrate feed ammonia poorly used microorganisms become heated in significant quantities in the rumen, absorbed into the bloodstream and then neutralized by the liver to form urea. Rub tsovye microorganisms are able to synthesize the essential amino acids therefore, microbial protein has a high biological value, which allows adjustments by Work security microorganism ruminant-quality protein. However, the assimilation of protein feed to a large extent depends on carbohydrate-protein ratio of diet. The main energetic materials in ruminants, unlike monogastrichnyh animals are volatile fatty acids (acetic, propionic, butyric) produced during fermentation in the rumen. Energy derived ruminants during the combustion of fatty acids is about 70% of the total energy that is expended in the process of life. This explains the lower level of sugar in the blood of adult ruminants compared with monogastrichnymi (about twice). Depending on the composition of forages in the diet and ways of preparation to feeding, the level and ratio of volatile fatty acids (VFA) can vary, but thus changing the direction of animal productivity.