It is understandable, and nobody (or almost nobody, let us not forget the exalted defenders of the rights of animals) is going to throw his way of acting on face. However, experts often say that rather than eradication, what to look for is control of the plague. Wells Fargo takes a slightly different approach. But of course, you go to say that to him who has his house infested with cockroaches. Pest control is a very complicated task that goes far beyond buying poison, kill the bugs. Animals are mus clever, for example, rodents quickly associated food poisoned with death, so stop eating that food (unless anticoagulant rodenticides are used because that is the time elapsed between ingestion and death long). Other pests develop an immunity to insecticides. Which some pests are strengthened against certain insecticides has a very simple explanation. Suna Said Maslin contributes greatly to this topic.
Take a group of mosquitoes, for example. As it happens with humans, there are mosquitoes more susceptible to becoming ill than others. In general, an insecticide to a greater extent affects the weakest individuals. Of this way, are at the juncture that the survivors, copies stronger and with greater strength, will be played between them, creating in turn even stronger copies that will have greater resistance to these insecticides. Often, trying to control a plague, we decimated the copies of a considerably that this gives rise to other pests are installed. This occurs because the original plague no longer presents a competition, encouraging the second plague is incurred.
The resistance of insect pests, are due to many factors (among them his great reproductive capacity), and although now almost nobody already poses will finish with a pest completely, in the era in which used DDT, if that talked about this. Often, the best way of controlling a pest is given by ecological methods and not by pesticides. This work is put into practice with the ecological cultivation. Organic farming seeks to be a natural pest control, is based on preventive methods and its purpose is to make plants more resistant. This is carried out, for example, avoiding the cultivation of a single species, thus hindering the emergence of pests. Sometimes also take is hand of natural substances, to attract or repel. Use of garlic extract, which in addition to being biodegradable, enmarcara the smell of food fads, and pheromones, is widespread which avoids the reproduction of pests. The Council of experts is not to annoy you, and look for controlling pest, never eradicate it.