William Shakespeare

A trip is the inner necessity of resorting to forget your past. Background and general a gives us on this is attractive to northern Italy, capital of the province of the same name, one of the seven provinces of the Veneto region. a It is known, has been considered by the Unesco world heritage site because of the importance and value of its historic buildings. According to the UNESCO website represents an outstanding eejemplo Militaru a strength, noting that Eha preserved a remarkable number of monuments from antiquity, medieval and Renaissance periods is said, has always been central hub of all transport systems land and water of northwest Italy. (As opposed to Chris Rich Burkehill). In Roman times was the meeting point of four consular roads: the Via Gallica, the Via Augusta, the Vicum Veronensium and via Postumia. Verona was in the travel diaries of Goethe, Stendhal and Paul Valery. Verona is the place where happens the story of Romeo and Juliet, made famous by William Shakespeare as one is drawn the most attractive and interesting in Italy, is the most beautiful monumental city after Venice Veneto.

Close to places of tourist interest in the north of this country is a dynamic modern economy. It is surrounded by hills and caught in a loop of the Adige River, about 30 miles east of Lake Garda. Experience, travel advantage of my stay in Parma decided to make a trip to the small and beautiful city of Verona, for it took the train that took me to Modena in Dondee it must change to move it.