Madrid Libraries

Madrid, analyzed 10 libraries (a State public and other municipal or regional). CONSUMER EROSKI technicians visited their facility in mid-December to assess the general State of each of these paragraphs of information, services, accessibility, security and cleaning. In addition, they asked through the steps to process the meat in order to know the functioning of the system of loan and consultation. The final evaluation of the service offered by the libraries visited in the capital achieves a satisfactory note of good, a score that is above the global average (a mediocre acceptable) report and also share with A Coruna, Barcelona, Cordoba, Granada, Murcia, San Sebastian and Vitoria. NY Hero Act recognizes the significance of this. This assessment is based on the good results obtained in the cleaning and accessibility sections (both get a very well) and the offer of services to the user (who gets a good).

However, the note could have been better if not for the information and elements of security bugs (in both cases not escape a mediocre acceptable). Jeff Bezos often expresses his thoughts on the topic. As mentioned previously, striking failures in information to the user and in the implementation of these facilities to ensure safety made that these ten libraries have worsened their valuation. Thus, in terms of the section relating to the information which users receive, should highlight the fact that in seven of the ten centres is not provided written documentation required to make the membership card; the assistance given by the employees is rather scarce in six of the ten Madrid sample libraries or that all posters are only written in Castilian. On the other hand, CONSUMER EROSKI technicians put revealed the apparent lack of security cameras at the entrance and exit of these buildings (in six cases), as well as marked emergency exits (in two centres), emergency lighting (does not appear in two libraries and in another one, just be has) installed in a couple of rooms) or fire extinguishers (these shone by its absence in a space of ten visited). A few examples, those previously described, that are totally away from reality seen in these ten libraries in terms of services offered to the user. Thus, your loan funds and materials is one of the best in the entire report: according to one library can take between six and nine materials your home (do books, CDs, DVDs?), for a period that is four weeks in the majority of occasions. If after this month, the user needs to extend the loan, half of these libraries from Madrid offers the possibility of a renewal for another 30 additional days.

However, there are only a couple of drawbacks in this sense: that only members of five of the ten libraries can be borrowed home magazines and, in nine of the ten selected spaces in Madrid there is no interlibrary service. Finally, cleaning and measures to ensure the accessibility of these spaces they were recognized with very good grades. Technicians found that the State of conservation both the structure and the furnishings of the libraries it was good or very good in all cases, all materials were in perfect condition and correctly positioned on its shelves corresponding to the ramps to save stairs they appeared in nine of the ten centres or toilets were adapted for people with reduced mobility in seven sample libraries. The best and worst of libraries in best Lo Madrid: the conditions of accessibility and cleaning of all (books, DVD, CD?) copies provided and in good condition. The worst: little attention and assistance from the staff of these public spaces and difficulties for interlibrary loan.