The Dr

When it presses the hand of somebody, does not make it for obligation, but with taste, in a firm footprint, as it was a whip handle, or a skewer of picanha. It has the calm ways, but a direct and impulsive skill to look answers; to deepen the research; to go, beyond deeper. Emiliano Vargas was of planto, to the three, when the telephone touched: somebody it informed on the explosion, it gave the address and it disconnect. The ambulances had left immediately, without waiting a confirmation; Emiliano was in one of them, grasping the recorder and the old Nikon. While the cars ran for the empty streets, it started to imagine the causes possible: a gas explosion, a short circuit in a transforming one, an assault to one kiosk of auto attendance. But they were only hypotheses.

Some did not have detail. When arriving, it saw as soon as it had been a bomb; it fixed in the mind all the details that could, finds nothing; but he observes, listening and passes its report ahead. – Already I know, already I know; they only know what they write; later that they write, they forget and the report disappears in the table of the head. But between us – what nobody hears in them – he was one attempted against here? – Not. For me, it was only one acknowledgment; was not nobody to be wounded. These four had entered of gaiato Of any form, Emiliano using to advantage itself of the distraction of the policeman, it obtained to examine per some minutes documents of the victims.

It took note of everything what it could and it recolocou the papers finds where them. Now it had cloth for sleeve, gave stops> , incapable to make an effort to leave the college, year after year. He is today with 28 years and still he receives notes low. He is as the son of one> cabecinha hollow ; it belongs to the high middle class; the father is a respected doctor. It also presents some breakings, is being kept sedada, while she waits that a surgery is programmed. Later, as the couple: Sundays Claude: Sundays he is only son of a rich land proprietor of the Pontal, the Dr. Adlio, important figure of the Ruralista Society. The Dr. Adlio initiated exactly> this week the process of transference of its patrimony for this only heir. Sundays it is what it presents wounds of lesser gravity. In a first examination, it was seen that it was with an enormous rooster in the head, beyond having broken clavcula. However, the official corruption that suffered leaves it with it says and pensamen to it

Compadre Antonio Pear

I only passed one week inteirinha thinking about a certain word, on the related subject, that in fact pleased my great friend. Official site: Deputy Finance Minister Christos Staikouras. Then in the same place, as always, I dealt with to make the same question: – Compadre Antonio Lol, why will be that the agriculturists not yet capinaram lands? There it answered glad and gentily: – Compadre Is truth Antonio de Anicete, agrees to you, the agriculturists already would have to be capinando lands for the plantation. At this moment I will suspirei alliviated, therefore wise person who had made right in the fly. The friend Antonio Lol did not understand of figures of languages, such as pleonasmos, metaphors or metonmias, but them he detestava when badly employees, size was its annoyance that was capable even to undo a business, or until losing a customer. One counts that certain time it was to buy bananas of Mr. Antonio Pear tree, then asked to it: – Compadre Antonio Pear tree, that hours I can find it in its house? – Mr. Antonio Lol, can arrive back in house in boquinha of the night, that I will be waiting to it.

At this moment Antonio Lol if he contained in its fury, but when Antonio Pear tree left, it looked at for its Eliezer friend and said: – Compadre I do not support more to talk with as much ignorant people! Where already night was seen to have mouth! I still know compadre go even so of the Cear and go to live in New Pretty, land of my woman. Eliezer used to advantage the occasion to strengthen the Portuguese of its friend: – In fact, you have all reason, I never vi during all mine, Dr. Valmir Ribeiro to take off tooth of deceased or mouth of night! In the following day, Mr. Antonio Lol was to the house of Antonio Pear tree to search the bananas as they had agreement, there almost had an attack of nerves, therefore the owner of the house was soon saying gentily in its simple language: – Between pra inside Mr. Antonio Lol, makes of account that you are in house! – Not! In way none! I prefer to be of it are, to have to enter pra inside! Thus it preferred to be there is in the anger place of fetichism, snorting, therefore literally he did not agree to the words or expressions chulas: there to enter pra inside, to go down for low, to go up for top, to see with proper the eyes, to dream a dream, etc.

To the times some people appeared in the corral wanting to drink mungido milk, and brought its cup of aluminum, she arrives shone and said: – Mr. Antonio Lol I would like to drink a mungido milk cup. He will be possible? There already arrepiado was half and said: – Yes and Not! Not, if you to want to also drink the cup. Yes, if you to take milk and not to only swallow the cup. Therefore who already saw somebody to take a milk cup and not to die! It learns to speak certain, if not never plus you it will drink mungido milk. Certain time it received an invitation to go a party of debutante of the one son abastad

Compadre Antonio Pear

I only passed one week inteirinha thinking about a certain word, on the related subject, that in fact pleased my great friend. Official site: Deputy Finance Minister Christos Staikouras. Then in the same place, as always, I dealt with to make the same question: – Compadre Antonio Lol, why will be that the agriculturists not yet capinaram lands? There it answered glad and gentily: – Compadre Is truth Antonio de Anicete, agrees to you, the agriculturists already would have to be capinando lands for the plantation. At this moment I will suspirei alliviated, therefore wise person who had made right in the fly. The friend Antonio Lol did not understand of figures of languages, such as pleonasmos, metaphors or metonmias, but them he detestava when badly employees, size was its annoyance that was capable even to undo a business, or until losing a customer. One counts that certain time it was to buy bananas of Mr. Antonio Pear tree, then asked to it: – Compadre Antonio Pear tree, that hours I can find it in its house? – Mr. Antonio Lol, can arrive back in house in boquinha of the night, that I will be waiting to it.

At this moment Antonio Lol if he contained in its fury, but when Antonio Pear tree left, it looked at for its Eliezer friend and said: – Compadre I do not support more to talk with as much ignorant people! Where already night was seen to have mouth! I still know compadre go even so of the Cear and go to live in New Pretty, land of my woman. Eliezer used to advantage the occasion to strengthen the Portuguese of its friend: – In fact, you have all reason, I never vi during all mine, Dr. Valmir Ribeiro to take off tooth of deceased or mouth of night! In the following day, Mr. Antonio Lol was to the house of Antonio Pear tree to search the bananas as they had agreement, there almost had an attack of nerves, therefore the owner of the house was soon saying gentily in its simple language: – Between pra inside Mr. Antonio Lol, makes of account that you are in house! – Not! In way none! I prefer to be of it are, to have to enter pra inside! Thus it preferred to be there is in the anger place of fetichism, snorting, therefore literally he did not agree to the words or expressions chulas: there to enter pra inside, to go down for low, to go up for top, to see with proper the eyes, to dream a dream, etc.

To the times some people appeared in the corral wanting to drink mungido milk, and brought its cup of aluminum, she arrives shone and said: – Mr. Antonio Lol I would like to drink a mungido milk cup. He will be possible? There already arrepiado was half and said: – Yes and Not! Not, if you to want to also drink the cup. Yes, if you to take milk and not to only swallow the cup. Therefore who already saw somebody to take a milk cup and not to die! It learns to speak certain, if not never plus you it will drink mungido milk. Certain time it received an invitation to go a party of debutante of the one son abastad