Quality Management

02. DEVELOPMENT Currently the companies are passing for moments of great changes, had the necessity of the search of the customers to take care of the demands, therefore the lesser stated periods are each time, demanding that the same ones search differentiated alternatives. In such a way, it is basic to adopt the best strategies in definitive departments. The areas of Maintenance, Production and Quality are seen as the main sectors that can assist in the search of better resulted focando attendance of the final customer. The productive area, beyond being involved directly with the productivity, must also assist the too much sectors, using tools and modern techniques of management to reach the best ones resulted. Already the quality sector must mensurar the gotten results to direct which the actions must be taken in the productive process.

Amongst the cited sectors, the maintenance is the one that is more evolving in recent years, since the companies recently are enxergando as the main strategical department which had the viability to get significant profits in short term. The application of a management of planned maintenance makes possible to guarantee the availability of the Assets, producing with quality, reducing costs, increasing the trustworthiness and respecting the norms of security and environment. In the current scene, the maintenance also becomes responsible for the improvement of performance of the segment. Beyond a good management of resources, the maintenance management reveals essential (ABRAMAN, 2009). The practical modern of management of the planned maintenance make possible to optimize use of human resources, material and costs, beyond searching continuous improvement in the process. One of the used concepts more in this method of work is the use of the methodology of cycle PDCA, in which it has the following functions: P (Plan) – To define the methods that will allow to reach the goals proposals.

General Businesses

The main reason of this exhaustion of the exchange reserves elapses of the power duo infernal feeding hydro-carbons, whose prices had blown up, together with the global demand. Connect with other leaders such as Santie Botha here. Being 354 million DH of importation in 2011 For the cereals by itself, it had an increase of 48% of the invoice, either 11 million DH; hidrocarbonete presented an invoice of 32 million DH, while in previous years, this fatuta did not exceed 7 billion DH. 6/the commercial balance, a crnico deficit: A chronic deficit and that the year is growing year, 166 billion in 2011, against 134 one year before, either a 24% aggravation. Taixa of covering of the importations for the exportations is of 48%, before was of 50% in the end of November 2010. The demand and the sales of fosfatos had increased of 36% for the ore of iron and 35.7% for the acid fosfrico and fertilizers, even so that this increase was not capable to compensate stops with the price of foods and petroliferous products in the international markets. However, the European crisis not augura nothing of good in fact that these countries in difficulties are first customers of Morocco.

Its demands they inevitably go necessarily and to affect many sectors of this economy each more difficult time its situation, in special agriculture and some industries. The government certainly cannot honorar its promise to reduce the deficit of the trade balance 3% There the only solution that remains the Benkirane is to fortify the competitiveness of an internal production to take off advantage of the agreements of partnership concluded here and, either in Europe or other countries. 7/the budgetary deficit, one has limited and a barrier to the action of the government: One another nightmare of the Benkirane team: beyond the increase of the prices of hidrocarbonetes of the alimentary products, the cost of the social invoice left by the previous government, El Fassi. It deals with deficit balance of 30%, represented in 45 million DH in 2010. Benkirane was committed before the parliament to reduce the deficit in 3%, believing the virtues of a good governao. This is certainly good, the good one governao, but this is not enough, because the deficit also elapses of external factors, independent of the will of the government, such as the prices of materials in the markets, and especially if the barrel of oil remain in the neighborhood of 100 dollars. The Minister of the General Businesses of the Government, Najib Boulif, suggested that the deficit of this year 2012 scratches out of if keeping in its current level, if the international prices continue a budgetary deficit thus do not go to decide the problem of the Box of Compensation that in turn aggravates the account of the public coffers, treating to a budgetary deficit that threat the politics of the great projects on which the government intends to reduce the unemployment. Researcher-college student