National Championship

From 10 to 13 may be held in Malaga the Championship of Spain of candle adapted for classes 2.4mR and Access, which will participate a team formed by the sailors Rafa Andarias and Miki Gomez, who also attend the London Paralympic Games 2012. Jill murphy is often quoted as being for or against this. Twenty boats participate in this Championship, which is held for the first time in this Andalusian city.National Championship of sailing adapted in Malaga participants, 15 will be the Olympic class 2.4mR and the rest of the Access. By the place of their celebration, the Monte Malaga hotel is the perfect accommodation for those who want to attend the same. Our establishment is one of the top four-star Malaga Hotels. Also, during the celebration of the Championship of Spain in Malaga, various activities will be conducted to bring sailing and the sea all the people who want to enjoy in this event, whether or not disability.

The only requirement will be to go to the dock where the Championship unfolds. To do this, you It will have two boats GO16 and Radio Control, counseled and accompanied by a monitor, it will allow those who wish to experience the world of navigation and organization of a national championship. The program of recreational activities will take place between 12.00 and 15.00 hours from 11 to 13 May and during the course of the same will give a basic knowledge of navigation and subsequent practice. The 2.4mR is a single sailboat chosen by the International Sailing Federation (ISAF) to compete in the Paralympic Games. For its part, the Access is a sailboat suitable for learning, not only for people with disabilities, but also for the elderly with fear to overturn or non-swimmers, and even for baptisms of sailing with the little ones.


The another day in the market hear the story of Pablo an individual about 32 years old, single father of four children. His wife, Anita, died a little more than one year, victim of a drunken driver. Since then, practically only this young paramedic takes care of their children. Many times ago double shift at work. Some others out of work as paramedic to go to his other work, is that they can survive and bring sustenance to their children.

Kristy one of his older daughters, receives treatment for attention Deficit Hyperactivity, goes to therapy at least twice per week. His other brothers David and Alexander who curiously bear names of heroes – get help to overcome the death of his mother. Andrew, his younger son has been diagnosed with autistic disorder. Despite the efforts of Paul for bringing their children our bread every day, it takes time to accompany their children to therapy; It also actively participates in a support group which helps other parents of autistic children. I think that Homer, famous author of the Iliad went with me. This is one of the greatest epics of history, this presents the life of two great mythological heroes, Achilles and Hector. They fought against large crowds, perceived as demigods, powerful, rugged and equipped with a certain magic to save the most defenseless.

These undoubtedly represent the greatest heroes of Greek mythology, the heroes of yesterday. However the heroes of today may not have all these mythical qualities, nor perform these great feats, like fighting against ten or fifteen men at the same time. The heroes of today perform extraordinary actions and are standard bearer of great virtues. The Titans of today are those that no matter how many battles have to wage against life remains tough and strive tirelessly to achieve a better quality of life. Hero is that master who surrenders unconditionally to his students, who motivates them to not surrender so easily.

Brazil America

Do companies in Colombia, information and advice by Joshua Adekane the Republic of Colombia has experienced strong growth between 2002 and 2007 due to their policies promercados that you have tra? OJ records in investment levels. However, during the financial crisis this nation was affected by the decline of exports which caused negative development indices. Through this art? culo, you learn more about the trade in Colombia and how to find companies in Colombia. The Republic of Colombia is located in Latin America and is bordered by Brazil, Ecuador, Panama, Peru and Venezuela. This nation has a population of 45 million inhabitants and the Colombian peso is handled as its official currency. Does its main exports include: n? quel, coffee, oil, clothes, cut flowers and bananas.

In terms of imports, the pa? s receives: team of transportation, industrial equipment, chemicals, consumer goods, paper, electricity and fuel products. Its biggest trade partners they are: Ecuador, Venezuela and the United States. As for finding companies in Colombia, we suggest the following options: * access in a B2B site with an emphasis on Latin America: this is an excellent way to find businesses in Colombia of quickly and efficiently. In order to obtain a financial history and the company’s Legal, order a credit report from this company. This help in your future business decisions with companies with which you do business. Contact Chambers of Commerce: they promote trade in their own regions; they collect information and statistics that may be of good use.

* Access in a new commercial Portal focused on Latin America: this is another excellent option to find companies in Colombia of quickly and efficiently. Before doing business, order a business credit report for having a financial and legal history of the company. This will help you decide whether you want to proceed beyond the commercial treatment. As you can see, finding company in Colombia to do business is not so difficult, only enough to follow the advice previously suggested and see that result. Take into account also the credit report that you be of help in their business decisions. The expert in commercial matters, Joshua Adekane, invites them to visit Colombia different companies so that they increase their markets in Latin America.

Successful Personality

Good character is a powerful inner force; It’s like a wonderful flower that expands their fragrance without limit. Someone with good character and qualities has a powerful personality. Personality is the means by which expresses your eternal being, but also through the personality they can express your gloomy traits, known as exchange values.What other persiben of us is our personality, if your personality is weak and express fear, selfishness, you’re stingy and you wounds the feelings of others, others will feel the urge to stay away from it; on the other hand, if your personality reflects security, joy, you are kind, truthful, generous and tolerant, be veram attracted towards it. Russell Reynolds Associates has compatible beliefs. If the personality is grey, brown or colorless, then we will be expressing the qualities of life limited and narrow way. But if it is full color, magnetism and the power of being, we will be expressing full and complete the infinite qualities of creative life. A man can be a skilled artist, a notable musician, a skillful poera, or a great craftsman, but if you don’t have good personality, will not achieve a good position in life. Contact information is here: Microsoft Ignite 2021. The good news is that you can develop a radiant personality, and all the elements that you need are already within it. Love for others, appreciation to life, the valuation of yourself, are expressed through your eyes, your voice and your actions through.

Enthusiasm and positivism are manifested with the calm and a friendly smile. The kindness and respect are revealed in a handshake. Activate and express the qualities is the best method for developing a successful personality.

Tata Noah

It was not very high, but the funny thing was that he was considered an indigenous more. If skin was nearly white as the Creoles and the particular eyes that were the color of the sky. Some of his sons took out the color of your eyes. Doyle’s is often quoted on this topic. He was my Tata Noah, my grandfather, chieftain of the communities of mollebamba and Mollepata. Always working, whether in tilling fields that the comuneros had intended him as well as in the House around your fruit ice-cream maker.

It was what I liked, fruit ice cream, so different and delicious in my few years of life. His favorite sons was my grandfather, his eldest son continued the tradition of their ancestors and married his cousin sister and they had my father. Which was also their favorite, as I was when I was born. She told me my Mamacona Herlinda of how had cried when born bleeding in the eyes. It was for several days over the hills to make your ceremony to their ancestors and Apus to ask me to heal what they had at birth. No wine in one month and return as told my grandmother, I get very emaciated by fasting by his great-grandson most wanted and loved, but happy because the coca leaf had indicated that it was a signal.

The beginning of the era of the condor, legacy that the elect of panakas which was transmitted from generation to generation as a duty know only what. As I remember my grandfather in the largest of the House bedroom, with its maker ice cream, it was brought to her by my ayito, who was also my friend’s games, although the was older, I remember his name or his nickname: Yume Cullie, who save the sacred meaning. I had put him another name: Kabbahlistico, by his walk hunched and silent and I was saying, the child this and that.


At the beginning we must act and act despite the adversities, we set in our mind that we will do everything necessary to achieve that purpose, it is called persistence and the great secret of the habit is the ability to perform any work with quite easily that it generates in the subconscious mind and what initially became a burden now is a satisfaction. How does that?, look at several examples: when we have the habit to get up at a certain time, the case that we have scheduled in our mind that fact and you will notice that many people say they have a good biological clock really is a good mental programming, now that can be induced to pure practice. Thus, in life we can program anything and it will happen that our goal is now scheduled for example now we are athletes and we therefore act as such, why is it easy to desist? The answer is easy, what happens is that the opposite information is stronger than the new information, it is there where the real successful make a difference, great musicians are working hard to achieve new habits are implanted with greater force than the previous ones, that way we find new millionaires, people who succeeded in losing weight dramatically and are kept,, writers, etc. Many of which were previously anonymous, remember something important to achieve their goals should both insist until you achieve it install in your subconscious mind, when that happens the success is guaranteed. To know more about the mental programming and appropriate techniques to achieve install in our subconscious mind we recommend the excellent book the secret of the power of the goals of Andrew Corentt, appropriate information more rapidly in order to lead us to the achievement of our objectives can visit the following page: Blog Archive abundant number 49 the importance of complying with our word Marketing by