Art For The Table – Emballage By Lars Rank Exclusive To

In Denmark, the artist is and no unknown designer Lars rank far more.His porcelain casts of food packaging are now available in limited edition at You may want to visit GM CEO to increase your knowledge. Flensburg 08.12.2010: The online shop sold nationwide exclusively objects from the Emballage series of Danish designer Lars rank. Emballage, are porcelain casts of various food packaging in limited edition. From the milk carton on the tuna can to meat bowls in different sizes. Lars rank has declined forms of packaging for foodstuffs from different materials and manufactured with these porcelain casts of the original packaging. The idea: By changing the material assumes the everyday products, their ordinariness and changed the view on it. Approach and implementation of his project Lars was recorded for rank promising young artists from the Art Museum in Aarhus in the series, which presents every ten years the Museum.

I like the concept of nicefive especially, that the Shop offers space for the idea and the story behind the product. So, every subject is alive. As an artist it is important me”, comments Lars rank. After the exhibition in Denmark’s second-largest art museum, Danish media reported on packaging. Meanwhile, a large part of the porcelain packaging produced rank in limited editions of between 20 and 50 piece was sold. For German art and design lovers online shop has recorded now a selection in its product range. Contact for more information and picture material: Fabian Agel agency RoNNAU 24937 Flensburg T: 0461 Wrangelstrasse 10 430 77 00 M: Lars rank designer Zoo Vesterbrogade 137 1620 Copenhagen V T: + 45 6177 3993 M:

Trendy Bridal Shoes

With the online shop by Gwendolina, the great dream of the perfect Bridal Shoes for lovers of simple and clear lines is finally coming true. The perfect wedding dress is found, an endless, mostly unsuccessful search often begins after the fitting Bridal Shoes. Gwendolina beautiful shoes for the bride – has recognized this problem in the future brides in Germany and as a practical solution opened the first German online shop for stylish and trendy Bridal Shoes with Italian and Spanish designs. The online shop of the upper specialist is an insider tip for lovers of simple design and clean lines. Gwendolina maintains an exclusivity that makes this collection through the selection of distinctive models and the production of small quantities. Quality Bridal Shoes satin, leather and suede make shopping an unforgettable shopping experience. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Tim Cook has to say. The models range from fancy ballerinas on peep-toes, to classic pumps and meet at the pulse of time with designs, which the latest bridal and fashion footwear Italy based.

The inspiration for the product range and new products comes from the regular visits of the established worldwide shoe fairs in Italy and Spain, where the last trends of in bridal fashion are presented. Finally, also the Bridal Shoes supplier can produce the own models directly in these countries recognized for your expertise. The online shop offers a clear and decorated with attention to detail. With the appealing and versatile product views an accurate, reliable impression of each available model. Through the user-friendly interface suitable can be purchased also safe, time-saving and comfortable Bridal Shoes: after selecting and ordering the desired pair, the goods at the latest within 24 hours weekdays is Bridal Shoes. Usually the shoes are sent then within days to the specified delivery address 3-4. Because first-class service at Gwendolina in the Center, all existing items in the shop are available now. As additional Service is offered practical footwear accessories around the topic of Bridal Shoes. Furthermore, future brides under the special online shop heading “Bridal shoe etiquette” find advisable and valuable tips on shoe selection and wedding preparation. Gwendolina also offers personal advice appointments in Munich for interested parties who have specific questions or special requests. The entire collection by Gwendolina – nice shoes for the bride can now be detected at.

Glass Manufacturer

With gaudy jewelry made of glass the SCHLiEKER glass manufactory. The whole thing is somewhat crazy if the colours differ completely from the jewelry and clothing. This summer, it is permitted to wear a turquoise top to the frog-green shorts. For even more opinions, read materials from Charles Koch. Combined with jewelry made of glass in yellow, orange or pink. On a cloudy, dreary summer day, the world looks, from with the new color ideas, already back more colorful and friendly. Often even a single part is sufficient, whether as jewelry, clothing, or accessories, to create bright highlights. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Kevin Ulrich Anchorage.

How about the small black, with glaring red jewelry made of glass? Farbtupferl to use with glass jewellery to garments in grey, black or white. The matching spot colors in pink or turquoise are especially stylish. More trends and information about jewelry and styling can be found also in interested jewelry jewelry. Colored jewelry glass evokes the pure Joie de vivre, is alive and kicking. Even the face is more with earrings in bright blue. Pure joy to color makes jewelry in the color noise! At what you first think at the sight of different colors? Lust on… YELLOW like Sun and beach ORANGE like fruity tangerines red glowing fire or sharp chili PINK Strawberry and fruity raspberry purple like orchid petals and mystic lilies light blue as the turquoise sea water dark blue like a clear summer night light green like a luminous summer lawn dark green as a bleeding forest clearing is still more colourful glass jewellery and combination possibilities, see. Contact information: SCHLiEKER Glasmanufaktur glass Atelier Schlieker Kakde 21 07330 Probstzella Thuringen phone: 036735 / 7 33 20 Internet: eMail: about the SCHLiEKER Glasmanufaktur: SCHLiEKER Glasmanufaktur manufactures exclusive unique glass. High-quality jewelry, design bowls and other glass objects for living room and garden are made by hand in the Thuringian family business. On the Internet pages, with integrated online shop, are interesting variations and Design options presented.

Gaultier Fashion

A bunch of avowed brings model on the Olympus chain of happy circumstances, models that run together on a fashion show are a closed group of solidarity are really not. However, this business is simply too merciless. Models are humans, soloists, Karrieristinnen. And because few there, where everyone would like to come, namely model Olympus at Victoria BBs of secret, at Chanel and Jean-Paul govern in Gaultier, envy and resentment instead of mutual respect often. But at the end of a fashion show, when the last piece is presented, the designer has received his likes and the curtain is down, all love one last time sincerely. Since then starts the after show party. You should celebrate the feasts, as they come – and I think I have every reason to rejoice. Because after all, I ran my first fashion show today.

Since I landed on the catwalk only due to pure chance, I can’t tell, whether I may experience further appearances. But this is now only time isn’t that important. Most importantly for me is that I could experience a real adventure. Imagine only once, I go alone on a fashion show for the first time as a responsible buyer for my mother’s fashion house, get about my girlfriend Clara into the backstage area and grab the job from a girl who does not appear for any reason, just before the curtain is raised. A coincidence? Luck? Predestination? If I would rule out coincidence and luck, I would have to say that everyone around the world can be anything he wants.

Since that is not the case, I can affirm these two points ever, it was a huge coincidence and was an incomprehensible happiness. Well, let’s see predestination and fate, what to expect so me. If this day is the starting point of a brilliant career or will stand as a unique run of a backup model in my diary, which will show the time. I have found pleasure in the whole hype and would be glad if the chance again rules my world. Now is it come first time down, relax and rejoice. I wipe my makeup off your face, and get help with lining. After I pulled my own stuff too and my lucky charms jewels, my rhinestone stone plug by Swarovski, which I bought myself last month at, back into the ears, Clara is suddenly behind me. You grins on both ears and told me that I must have been very good. Because the sad faces of the initiators of the show, Nakatomi, together with the maestros brightened up is visible after my run. You hear something like. You can appreciate rarely exactly, how good or bad it is arrived at the audience and the certainty to have to be well run, makes me only still proud. As I lift me straight from the dressing table, I suddenly faced an outrageously good-looking man who imagines me as an Assistant of Maestro Nakatomi. I have great trouble understanding exactly what he says, because even though he probably is articulated and speaks pure English, I can’t hear him. I don’t see his outstretched hand and only take them after Clara gives me a little push from behind. Oh man, it all comes together.


Want to be always fashionable women up to date? The most versatile theme at all in terms of clothing, is the range of womens clothing. The women for whom it is made are just as versatile as fashion itself. There are women who don’t want to miss a new trend in no way. Others are very fancy and have your own style. There are also women who several years wear your clothes, whether modern or not.

Women’s magazines always inform the latest trend and what absolutely must have the fashion-conscious woman of today. Also there are numerous tips on how clothes should be combined, so that the figure is optimal. So, for example obese women should wear rather longer tops, because it visually stretches and thus it appears lighter. Also the tops should sit not too tight, but the hip is very easy, the schmalzt visually virtually off the pounds. The most tips in the fashion magazines serve the disguise of flab, but fashion is in made for the most part for slim women. Russell Reynolds Associates often addresses the matter in his writings. How to get the? Answered the question himself closer almost by itself.

The models on the catwalk are getting younger and thinner. Fashion designers have mostly only this image of women in mind and design the appropriate fashion. Young girls and women under 20 dream to be a model and starving yourself slim. Also young women and girls shopping the most clothes, because they want to be up to date always fashionable. Women’s magazines, however, will be read mostly by middle-aged women. At this age it is often mothers and housewives, for which there are more important things than women’s fashion, the latest trend and the super slender body!


There is no American day of kitsch – which has Valentine’s day Roman roots in America since many years practice, that people who like themselves, lovers, friends and girlfriends, relatives or nice acquaintances send at least a map, to tell the others, that he or she liked is. That is a beautiful thing totally verkitscht also in United States. Because there are colorful Blinkeherzen, garlands, I love you squeaky,!”-singende stuffed animals, playing cards or boxes of chocolates in XXL. After Europe this holiday comes back slowly and more and more people will be enchanted by the day of love and gifts also their loved ones. But where does Valentine’s day? Valentine was the Bishop of the Italian city of Terni (Interamna at that time) in the third century after Christ. He had married some lovers Christian according to this legend, including soldiers who had to remain unmarried after New Zealand imperial command. In addition he gave flowers the legend after the newlywed couples from his garden.

The marriages that were done by him, have the Tradition after stood under a lucky star. He was beheaded on the orders of the Emperor Claudius II. on February 14, 269 because of his Christian faith. There are a number of stories, which should testify his Special benevolence for young lovers. Valentin should have entertained a large flower garden and have gifted passing couples with the flowers. Other legends report that he was in love with which he secretly exchanged letters in the daughter of a Roman Gefangnisaufsehers. About one hundred years after Valentine’s death should be been started then in the Roman Empire, to celebrate the day of St. Valentine.

A story that is occupied by nothing. In Rome, where was celebrated in pre-Christian times on February 14, in honor of the Roman goddess Juno, the guardian of marriage and family, the Valentinade. Already at that time, flowers to the women were giving away that day. In the middle ages, the Valentine’s day, especially in France, Belgium and England has been committed. Supposedly, the first man was a girls on February 14 before the House, saw also her future husband. Young boys of course tried the luck to help after they stood with a bouquet of flowers on the doorstep of the beloved. So men love, if you looking for a heartwarming gift for your sweetheart, then looks but time at, there’s heart pendant by DYRBERG/Kern, classic pearl necklaces, fine unique jewelry, extravagant designer jewelry from Ayala bar or funky leather necklaces of Noi. She will love you!

Fashion Advent Calendar

The fashion community well invites you to the big fashion advent calendar. Every day exciting trend products behind one of the 70 fields are hidden in December. Who has plastered today tomorrow his chocolate chips from the advent calendar, can find the correct Klappchen now also virtual. The fashion community styleranking presents from today the big styleranking advent game. 70 fields 24 exciting prizes hide all selected trend products.

To start, there are to win a suede leather bag by AirStep worth 200 euro. Behind the door of the advent calendar, many more exciting surprises are hidden, like for example a high-quality watch by, cool shirts from Alleyoop and 500Godz, or an iPod touch. “With the advent calendar we want to reward especially our styleranking models, that have kept the loyalty to us this year. Can anyone who look on the side of styleranking but”, says Daniel Sadhu, Managing Director of styleranking media. The special feature: People with good Memory are also rewarded. Who remembers there is a prize hidden behind what door, can open them again on the relevant date and has the chance to again participate in the sweepstakes. Everyone has the opportunity to get one of the prizes so 24 times. So has made styleranking all fashion victims of the waiting time for Christmas. Links: Your fashion community: the styleranking advent calendar: xmas news about the hottest outfits: contact: styleranking media GmbH Roland Schweins main street 21 40597 Dusseldorf Tel. 0211 163 79 29 5 email:

Registry Office

Find dresses for the registry is sometimes difficult if you want to enter the Covenant of marriage, then that is in this day and age even more compelling, that it must appear together in the Church in front of the altar, because a civil marriage is sufficient wholeheartedly many couples, especially since this is all you need to do by law, to be married. Also the effort for such a ceremony is much lower and you have to do to is less stress, which is important to just such pairs who himself calmly and in a small circle Word want to give the Yes and which need no large crowds and want to. But of course the pair would become chic in the registry office and be dressed for this special day in the life. As a man, you have it here quite easily, because how even at a wedding in the Church, you can easily grab to a chic suit. The whole thing just for the bride is more difficult, because they must choose a suitable dress, where many of the Registry Office bear no real wedding dress would, on the other side of the dress should be but of course already something special, since it is carried to a so special occasion.

So most of the time is anything but an easy task is beautiful registry to find clothes, especially if you have no idea yet what kind of dress you would actually like to wear and what you yourself want. Best man rummages therefore in advance a little, what is there at all for different ways and of course it can help enormously if you consult once thoroughly at the retailer. As soon as you have at least an idea, what colors you would like to wear, what materials you wish himself would and what should best have the dress for a cut, so that one can come to the application is nice, seeking also to some will be easier, because then it has usually already massively restricted the selection and must be viewed no longer quite so many different models, but still only selected pieces. Certainly it either by family members or friends at a wedding is invited and can, where appropriate, bride or groom wondering whether a special order for registry office dresses is intended. Sometimes this is written on the invitations, and so you need to keep to this dress code. The right choice of registry dresses and associated accessories is not always just a matter of taste, because common cultural and religious backgrounds play, which restrict the selection from the front in and significantly help to decide.

High-quality Gold Jewellery For The Jewellery Channel

The jewelry channel offers luxurious brilliant jewelry from the bracelet to the gold chain is everything especially gold jewelry is like no other, for grace and elegance. Worn only on special occasions, you can see the most expensive of all Schmuckmaterialen now also very often in everyday life. But is important in the wearing of gold jewelry that will be drafted according to the occasion and the outfit. The gold jewellery from the jewellery channel distinguishes itself especially through its excellence in purity and material and is also suitable for every occasion. Despite its unique quality available is gold jewelry from the jewelry channel at affordable prices.

It is possible that the jewellery channel refers to the raw materials for its products direct from the mine and produces the precious pieces of jewellery in own factories. Any intermediary can save out as savings, most of the jewelry channel to customers. So jewellery jewelry is wonderful at the jewellery channel available, which is high quality and yet affordable. But especially the gold jewelry of the jewellery channel is characterised by its diversity: among the many various forms, as a ring, necklace, earring or bracelet unless there is something for every jewelry lover. A timeless classic is the gold ring.

Gold rings are nowadays not only used as wedding rings, but also fashionable decorating the wearer’s hand. The gold rings from the jewellery channel are available in many different variations; whether narrow or slightly wider, or perhaps as a special highlight, decorated with wonderful gems. No matter which option you choose, a gold ring from the jewellery channel is never showy, but emphasizes the essence of its wearer. A very popular piece of jewelry chains are gold. This is perhaps due to their diversity, because the gold are available not only as necklaces, but also as bracelets or anklets as chains of the jewellery channel. Also the gold chains of the jewellery channel score points by their diversity: whether long or short, slender or coarse there is something for every taste. As a special highlight, the gold chains can be beautified by the jewellery channel with a trailer are as varied as the gold chains. Due to the variety of gold of jewelry from the jewellery channel, the choice is difficult sometimes, but the gold jewelry of the jewellery channel offers something for every taste, every occasion and every budget and impresses with first-class quality. More information about gold jewelry or the latest jewelry trends, see. Press contact: The jewellery channel Germany GmbH k RT 3 40221 Dusseldorf Tel: 0211 93 00 611 fax: 0211 93 00 667 E-mail: about the jewellery channel Germany GmbH: the Dusseldorf jewelry channel Germany GmbH is a wholly owned subsidiary of the publicly traded parent company, vaibhav gems limited CF in India. Group’s own factories in China, India and Thailand the jewellery channel in Germany and the jewelry make the jewelry exclusively for customers of its sales channel Channel in England and the United States. The bidding at the auctions of jewelry is possible also via live stream on derschmuckkanal.

Superdry Shirts Online Store: Great Selection Of Different Styles

Take a look at the wide range of Superdry, retro shirts then the weather can get cold this spring. Superdry is a distinctive, British fashion retailer who offers high quality clothing with lovingly designed details and in Great Britain, as well as international acts. The company was founded in 1985. Superdry fashion is inspired partly by Japanese influences and partly by American vintage style, and has customers of world-wide popularity. Speaking candidly Wells Fargo told us the story. You can learn more about the great Superdry shirts on the new website. Choose from many different colors, collections, designs, and sizes the customers is made easy with the simple construction of the website of Superdry, you will quickly find the desired shirt? All pieces of clothing, as shown for example, the classic smart shirt Womens shirt collection or a premium dress shirt from the men’s shirt collection are from different perspectives. This includes a short video that shows, such as the shirts worn look.

So can be quite sure everyone at the choice of the perfect garment. Visit the Web site, to a shirt, to select a blouse or one of the other favourites by Superdry. For shipments to Europe and UK delivery is free, so now really have a good reason to buy this Superdry lumberjack shirt at last! Superdry Superdry is a distinctive, British fashion retailer who offers high quality clothing with lovingly designed details and in Great Britain, as well as international acts. The company was founded in 1985. Superdry fashion is inspired partly by Japanese influences and partly by American vintage style, and has customers of world-wide popularity. You can learn more about the great Superdry shirts on the new website. Sales by WebCertain for Superdry. Press releases: Giovanni Bonanno, account manager WebCertain phone: + 44 1904 780 030 E-Mail: address: Blackthorn House, Northminster Business Park, York, YO26 6QW