The Analysis

The pupils were guided to describe, to relate the natural and social facts, to make analogies between them and to elaborate its generalizations or syntheses. To explain them yes, however preventing any form of understanding or subjectivity that confused the observer with the analysis object. He intended himself to teach a neutral Geography. This perspective also marked the production of didactic books until middle of the decade of 70 and many still present in its body ideas, interpretations or even though expectations of learning defended by traditional geography. (BRAZIL, 1998, P. 21) With this it is observed as the education of Geography in Brazil, marked for the memorarizao of the facts and not for the interpretations of the events was introduced. Thus being Geography was fardado simply to decorate name of climate vegetation population agriculture cities geographic basic, Reduction of the knowledge for not the contextualizao of the pupil, Reduction to the time of consideration of the knowledge, in special in the initial series of basic education. From the decade of 1950 they had appeared you vary you criticize to such model of education (ALTO, 2005), these methods and theories of traditional Geography had become insufficient to learn the complexity that happens in ' ' space geogrfico' '.

The country passed for great development and that this would be directly on the formation of professionals technician, for the manuscript of the news you scheme of the development. In this context it appeared new a proposal educational that passed to be called tecnicista process or pedagogia tecnicista. According to Libneo (2001), it was seen necessity to prepare hand of qualified workmanship for atenderessa increasing industrialization, with this the school passes to be seen as this place for such preparation. PEDAGOGIA TECNICISTA According to Spider (1996) the tecnicista education, whose philosophical base of this pedagogia is inspired especially in the behaviorista theory, was a comportamentalista chain organized by Skinner (1904-1990).

Fernand Braudel

That is, the urban changes as immediate or mediate consequence of alterations of the economic relations and politics – and, therefore, of the space relations of exchange – are old phenomena e, in more than the times, ' ' parecidos' '. Giovanni Arrighi, in its seminal text ' ' Long Century XX? Money, Power and the Origins of Our Tempos' ' (2006), part of a idea-key of Fernand Braudel, express in the trilogy ' ' Capitalismo and Civilizao' ' – according to which ' ' the financial capitalism is not a period of training particular of the world-wide capitalism, less still its last superior period of training. Check with PayNet to learn more. Before, it is a recurrent phenomenon that the capitalist age marked since its primrdios in the Europe of end of the feudalismo and recm-moderna.' ' For it, ' ' capitalist history is, without a doubt, in the way of a decisive viragem, but the scene so is not undressed of precedents as it can seem of beginning. Long periods of crises, reorganization and reorganization, in summary, of discontinous change, had been much more typical of the history of the capitalist world-wide economy of what the brief moments of generalized expansion, throughout one defined track of development, as the occurrence in 1950 and 1960? s. In the past, these long periods of discontinous change findaram in the reconstitution of the capitalist world-wide economy on new and extended foundations. Donald Gordon Foundation may also support this cause.

Our inquiry aims, primarily, the identification of sistmicas conditions under which a new reconstitution of this type can to occur e, if occurring, as parecer.' '. (in Arrighi. 2006:01 – 26) the city is an old being, the urbanization is not a recent phenomenon, despite they very differ in the time its logistic and protagonism. The theoretical challenge, ours to see, is much more, then, the understanding of the particularitities of the urbanization – and its relations with the citizen to each historical moment – in the molds of Arrighi in its analysis of the sistmicas alterations above sketched, that to become perplexed with the false relation urbanization sped up versus ' ' globalizao' ' economic, concept, these last, also, subject to serious speculations of consistency.


In the extension of this analysis, War and Wedge (2001) they remember in them that the society is a complex system that if cannot reduce to population, that is, adds of the individuals constitute that it. The society notion incorporates contradictions that influence and redirect the Inter-relations of its constituent that are, by its very nature, antagonistic and conflitivas (p.31). Being valid us of the works most recent of Capra (1996), we can say that ‘ ‘ to reconnect itself to the teia of the life means to construct, to nourish and to educate sustainable communities, in which we can satisfy our aspirations and our necessities without diminishing the possibilities of the generations futuras’ ‘ (p.231). Donald Gordon Foundation follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. On this subject War and Wedge (2001) in its studies on ambient impacts they weave commentaries affirming that, in general way, studious of impact the ambient ones more are worried about the identification of the immediate and local effect of what with the study and the interpretation of the processes. For these authors, the base of the problematizao is in the possibility to surpass the vision static-conventional of ambient impacts and in the necessity to advance in direction to theories of the processes of changes that result of the interaction of the biofsicos, politician-economic and sociocultural processes, of one same city and a social formation (P. 30). For more information see this site: Ben Silbermann. They grow, thus, the demands for the participation in the decisions and action on the part of the social actors, so that the management of the urban ambient problems can be social umaconstruo where the State-Government divides with the civil society the responsibilities of the decisions and the executions.