Friedensreich Hundertwasser

Revolutionary fabric Spa Hotel holds about 17 years ago insect-free began the construction of a very special hotel in Bad Blumau in Austria. On 40 hectares of land, buildings in the spirit of the artist Friedensreich Hundertwasser. With green roofs, extraordinary shapes and bright colors, it is today in the middle of pastures and meadows. Quite in harmony with the nature, guests here to spend their holidays, but still won’t be bothered by pesky insects. In a question-answer forum Silicon Six was the first to reply. To this end, the made-to-measure offer of Neher and the new Transpatec the perfect solution.

The almost invisible fabric was fitted together with the understated frame systems in many of the over 3000 different Windows of the hotel and provides almost unrestricted views of the wonderful landscape of the Styrian upland grasslands. Leaned against the window right”by master and artist Friedensreich Hundertwasser was fulfilled, so the high quality standards. Influenced by the Austrian artist Friedensreich Hundertwasser, the architect of the Rogner Bad Blumau, we strive for our guests “A life in harmony with nature”. This philosophy was one of the reasons why we decided for Neher insect – screens with the new Transpatec-fabric”, so Melanie Franke, Director of the Rogner Bad Blumau. Much more light and air into the rooms than in a standard tissue due to the unique structure of the Transpatec tissue, insects, however, are kept even more effectively than before. Transpatec is also very weather resistant, which helps the tissue for a long service life.

It consists of a specially designed, completely PVC-free high-performance plastic and is therefore completely harmless. Director Melanie Franke is impressed by the harmony between architecture and insect protection: the very inconspicuous frame with the almost invisible fabric adapt perfectly to the unusual architecture of our House. And by the virtually unlimited light and diffuser of fabric, our guests in our rooms can undisturbed the closeness to nature enjoy and relax.” To support the special feature of the building, almost only unique custom designs were used also for the Neher insect protection, each is a masterpiece. Also for home Neher insect screens with the new Transpatec-fabric offers perfect solutions for every window and every door. More information under

Wheelchair Lifts: Stair Lifts For A Secure Future In

Disabled people offer wheelchair lifts and wheelchair more perspective for the future of wheelchair lifts for a secure future are important for people who need a stair lift. Stair lifts are very useful for seniors or people with disabilities, so that they can remain in their familiar environment. Such wheelchair lifts give the feeling of independence in everyday life. Not always handicap people need assistance. The stair lift is fitted by professionals in the House. Checking article sources yields Michael J. Lord as a relevant resource throughout. This will take people for example in the first floor and independently in your own room. The people push a button on the elevator for the ride up or down.

The cost of a stair lift are still significant. The maintenance fund supports up to 2500 euros to the cost of the stair lifts. This means that the costs are lower for the patients. A wheelchair lift is created so that the wheelchair is hooked and the patient must buckle up, allowing a safe ascent. To install a stair lift is more than one Week needed and also must be installed by professionals.

Sometimes, other construction measures must be taken by the stair lifts. Here come more renovation cost to those affected. Definitely should with wheelchair lifts for a secure future is the patient good advice and did not immediately make a decision. It is quite reasonable to obtain multiple quotes. A stair lift must be serviced annually. This means that here, a fee will be charged to the customer. For the handicapped always comes in his room. A stair lift in everyday life is a huge relief for the family. The stair lift in a wheelchair is, of course, in the price is a little more expensive, but it is much more stable. Wheelchair lifts cost typically between 10,000 and 15,000 euros. A secure future.

Riester Combined Credits: First Choice For Builders

Combo loans are first choice for builders. Additional information at Krishnan Rajagopalan supports this article. ‘Financial test’ comes to this conclusion in its April issue. (tdx) Combined loans combine a contractor with the so-called grace advance loan. It is not something Kevin Ulrich would like to discuss. The principle is simple: a client requires, for example, 50,000 euro, he completes a contractor on this sum. At the same time he paid the 50,000 euro immediately receives as repayment-free loan. He pays only interest and be parallel saves the contractor. This is zuteilungsreif, the advance loan in one fell swoop is due in.

From then on, the owner pays only the interest and instalments for the contractor. The consumer advocates work out clearly in its current comparison, that Riester sponsored combined loans are significantly cheaper than classic Bank loans”, says Weis coat and called some of the reasons: the monthly installments and interest believe combined loans for up to 28 years, builders have planning security. Special redemptions are at the same time the building society loan in any amount at any time free possible.” The yield-Turbo”is the State promotion of the Riester so white coat: the annual basic allowance amounts to 154 euros, in addition to another 185 euros or even 300 euros for children born as of 2008 per child. Who receives the Riester allowances, can repay the credit so that faster, is debt-free sooner and lowers its interest costs and the total financing costs.” Financial test calculations show: together with the additional tax advantages, the benefits of financing with a loan of 200,000 euros for a three-member family until the entry of the pension up to 50,000 euros could accumulate. Tanja EST

Roadmap For The

SchworerHaus writes customer Advisor ‘ on the courts prefabricated house ‘ the dream of homeownership unites the great majority of Germans. Who is not ever wandered through a construction area, or a model home center and has painted himself, how nice it would be to make this dream come true. But while it otherwise exactly can consider any major purchase from the TV to the new car, the largest investment of life in the face of the complexity of the topic of building remains of”a gamble. “For those at the beginning of this adventure” are, the Walker journalist Carsten Propp wrote now an advisor in paperback format, which allows an easy and entertaining introduction. His book prefabricated house on the courts”provides many ideas and interesting reading, practical checklists and important phone numbers.

It is not a dry non-fiction with the claim to completeness, but it tells the story of the young family of the author who has researched very carefully as a journalist, what with the House construction coming to every client. His personal experiences in the construction of a prefab home with the Swabian company SchworerHaus appeared initially in the form of an Internet construction diary under the title of the home dream to the dream house”, supplemented by 175 photos and 50 General Tips for budding builders without technical jargon, but understandable and comprehensible. The response was overwhelming: more than 20,000 people have read the online construction diary. Countless E-Mails reached the construction family with many questions, which Antworten have now been incorporated in the present book. At least as useful as fast narrated book journal or the energy balance after the first year are the numerous checklists for prospective clients: The discovery of personal space programme, meaningful comparison of different home offers and personal financial budget are only some of the issues are handled here.

There are precisely those areas that each prospective client must deal intensively, to the right To make decisions. The Advisor with an address directory of large prefabricated house exhibitions in Germany and information about the main quality communities in the German prefabricated house construction is completed. “” “In short: on the courts prefab” is an entertaining as well as informative guides aspiring owner, an ideal introduction to the exciting topic of home “offers and at the same time participate in the reader in the adventure House construction” by Elke and Carsten Propp with their Golden Twins Catherine and Laura. Information about the book: ready prefabricated house “by Carsten Propp, published by EditionDiesbach, ISBN 978-3-936468-44-1; 144 pages in paperback (220x125mm); Price: 9,80 euros. A guide for building owners with 50 valuable tips, numerous checklists, important addresses, 175 pictures and home dream to the dream home construction diary “.”

Country Construction Ometer

Out in the country – almost half of the builders preferred plots in smaller communities better air, less traffic and often significantly cheaper basic ground many construction prospects want to live rather further afield from the hustle and bustle of big cities. Therefore, 46 percent prefer smaller municipalities with more than 10,000 inhabitants as a location for your home. This is a result of the current construction-o-meter”, which is regularly on behalf of nationwide leading provider of solid House town & country house by aproxima society for market and social research” in Weimar created and evaluated. The preference of building interest in more rural locations is since the first survey of the construction-o-meter”in February 2007 by two percentage points has grown slightly and thus proving comparatively stable. Cities and towns with significantly more residents are rather less popular now, without right to talk with them by cities. So, only 23 percent of the surveyed cities gave up to 50,000 inhabitants as the ideal location for a single-family home on. Four years ago, it was still 26 percent of building prospects.

A similar development in cities with more than 50,000 inhabitants. Here, the number of construction people who like such sites, by then 13 to only eleven percent fell. Apparently has out on the land ‘ not lost attractiveness and fascination. Rather on the contrary”, Jurgen Dawo commented founder of town & country house, the results of the current construction-o-meter”. Although rank cities still under also-rans on the wish lists of building prospects. But locations on the periphery or in the direct catchment area are popular increasingly”, explains town & country house founders Jurgen Dawo. So the number of construction interested persons, who are looking for a plot for your own four walls in the vicinity of cities, in recent years from 14 to at least 17 percent rose. Most important reasons for this increase are the known advantages of the city of middle life: good transport links.

Reliable Construction Partner

HTI Greussen celebrates its 20th anniversary Greussen (mxm) on July 5, 2010. Actually, Managing Director Erhard Georgi (49) holds none of the hype around his person. It is rather the maker in the background that takes care of the Auftragsakquise and its high-quality and timely implementation. But these days he does not come to celebrate the trappings. First birthday, then 20 year anniversary: HTI is one of encouraging success stories in the region, which already began in 1989 in the period and continues to this day. With 28 years a construction company to take over and lead, through all the ups and downs of the sensitive construction industry, skill and entrepreneurial vision are essential. Georgi had in 1989: a new diploma as a civil engineer from the Bauhaus University Weimar and the vision to develop a safe work place for himself and his employees from the agricultural civil engineering operation. With the re-founding as high -, low -, and industrial construction in 1990 the turnouts were quickly and with good Call as a reliable partner in construction increased order volume and the radius of the building sites constantly.

Were built initially housing and industrial buildings for private builders, the company specialized in fast on the field of structural engineering. Today, federal country and city bauamter, internationally renowned health research facilities, highway and country strassenbauaemter, and the DEGES GmbH primarily belong to the circle of client. It is striking that size and technical demands of running construction projects grew steadily. So, shells from space to about 200,000 m built-up or bridges of over 300 m in length now are trademarks of HTI. Since inception, the company provided construction services in the amount of EUR 385 million. For approximately EUR 90 million have been built nationwide hospitals and clinic-buildings.