Fortunate Islands

We do not forget either the embustera door ivory of the Odyssey by which the timadores dreams emerge that would be inspired by archaic creatures and Gods, previous to the civilization: Giants, Cyclops, Titanes and Centmanos. The names of Polifemo, Atlases and Typhoon appear in the turbulent horizon of the celestial villains at the dark times in which Gaia and Urano, that are another way to say the Earth and the sky all movement more back maintained in a hug the breathing of the universe preventing and, the night of the times in which the deficiencies existed solely: Chaos (lacking of order), Night (lacking of sun) and Erebo (lacking of light). For the Hlade the center was in its own time and a precise place, the mphalos mundi of the temple of Apolo in Delphi surrounded by Athens, Sparta, Tebas, Micenas, Argus and the Great Greece of the colonies. Further on they were the Barbarians that is to say, those that did not speak the Greek nor participated in the fire of Prometheus. If a traveller ventured itself crossing the limits of the well-known world waited earth ignotas like the mother country of lestrigones, the kingdom of the cyclops, the level ones where the centaurs grazed and until the Fortunate Islands of where the above Basque of Range in century XV, according to the poet Luis de Camoens. In the border of everything it was the Okanos that surrounded the Earth and outside him, that is to say the world, the Kingdom of Hades. This the vast, wide and rugiente Ocean separated the world of Zeus (who that is to say, the world of the ethos human, the good and the evil for all the mortals) of the mortuary mother country where other laws, another community and another reality reigned. Song XXIV of the Odyssey reveals the trip to us of Ulises beyond the Ocean.

The Equipment

Still, if you are sure that Grandma would enjoy bestowed cream with pleasure – easily buy. By the way, another good gift can serve as a perfume or toilet water. How to choose? People get used to everything, and for good – even faster. Favourite smell of spirits do not change over the years. Therefore, when choosing a perfume, guided by the basic notes of your favorite perfume Your grandmother. Do not try to buy any new product, just because she likes you. “Well, a few are suitable odor, what to choose now?” – You ask.

Take one bottle, whose design is more like my grandmother. What can I give out clothes? Probably something warm and cozy. A warm coat is whether or fluffy slippers – not so important. The main thing – that they bring a sense of comfort. In addition, you can pick up a shawl or stole. But choosing not think only about the heat! Thing must be still and beautiful. How nice it would be my grandmother to go to the theater, put on the shoulders charming tippet! And it will be doubly pleased if he gave you. Try to pick accessory that fits exactly to one of the dresses.

And better to have it apply to many. And remember: when you give a loved one, the taste is not deceiving. Go ahead! You can make a gift for an apartment. Surely, grandma does not interfere comfortable rocking chair. Immediately submitted a picture from a children’s book: a warm fireplace, a grandmother in a chair next to a ball curled cat so cute! If you decide to make such a gift, please provide a room that will stand chair style in which it is sustained, the color gamut. Thing must integrate harmoniously with the interior of the apartment. And even if you have the opportunity, help to repair my grandmother room or kitchen. She recently lived in the same environment, and certainly, she wants to change anything. In general, any change – for the better. They lift the mood, feel better, give a charge of vivacity. But all this is very necessary Grandma! Another recipe for a change of scenery Your gift may be in the form of vouchers in a boarding house. Of course, we can assume that the grandmother and so resting at home, but if it does go somewhere, albeit not very far away, it will be able to relax, to refresh. Where to buy vouchers, decide for yourself based on how feels grandmother how old she is, well, from their economic opportunities, in the end! Make sure that the grandmother was easier to cope with household chores. Now many household appliances, which can help the hostess! Get at least a washing machine: works and no water is wasted is not so much. Contrary to the views of grandparents on the number of wasted powder, with a machine Still to farm economically and simply. Also, useful gift can become a modern vacuum cleaner. In the absence of a gas stove to help save the kettle. The main thing that all the equipment you’re going to Gift ideas, was simple to operate, so buttons were in the native language, and context menus – intuitive and easy to use. Then my grandmother would be pleased to enjoy the gift you have appliances. And of course, to visit her as often as possible. Grandma so need your attention. And it is – the best gift of them that she wants!

Do It Yourself

Mind in the house – not a luxury when the security, improve comfort and cost housing is becoming more relevant to the middle class, including Russia. Such elements are the "smart home" as a system against unauthorized intrusion, fire, water leakage and Gas starting to be seen not as an element of luxury, but as a necessity. And, despite the fact that most potential customers a priori assured of excessive dearness of such systems, such functionality now possible to realize in the usual city apartment or country house at an affordable price. Moreover, according to experts, in practice, used only 30-50% of the features the classic "smart home". At the same time, about three years ago there were devices and control systems, life support, based on the use of wireless technologies, and therefore do not require high installation costs. This led to further development the concept of "smart home" in the direction of reducing the cost and increase integration opportunities. The result is a whole class of solutions targeted at people with average incomes. Completely constructed on the basis wireless technologies, such decisions are implemented only the most requested features. Minimal set may consist of one or two sensors, the controller (central unit), GSM- or phone dialer (For sending messages), keyboard (for programming the system) and stick (to arm). Such kits can be connected modules that provide additional capabilities. Such a simplified system includes a minimum of scenarios, and a number of possibilities – for example, cleaner facilities and centralized management function of the life support systems over the Internet – non-existent. However, this option allows sell up to 80% of the most frequently used functions. The main emphasis is placed on security features. It would Do It Yourself – the ideal solution for the Russian middle-income: not expensive, and You can install yourself, and assembles the pick up in person "by themselves." But until such systems in our country are especially in demand, this segment is still emerging. Most of the solutions offered today Russian market, implementing the concept of "smart home" is a classic, expensive option. But, as always, was not without pitfalls. Unfortunately, many portals do not offer ready-made kits, and systems of different manufacturers are often incompatible with each other, at least, without lining of the cables. And, then, before making the order, either to study in detail the system, or refer to specialists. Pragmatism vs. prestige of course, the classic implementation of the "smart home" has much more functionality than the simplified system, but they have different accents. In the first case the decisive role played by fashion factor, and hence the maximum possible set of features, along with video, audio and lighting effects, multi-room, climate control, integrated into a unified design solution, the second at the forefront are the most necessary and practical functionality. Elite versions of 'smart house' designed and installed by specialized companies that operate in the market comfort and safety of relatively long time. Being introduced by them systems are often "self-learning", they are able to independently adjust the various processes in the intelligent building, and increase the comfort is largely achieved through the integration of all systems into a unified whole. Cheap as analogues designed to meet the basic needs of the consumer, are focused on ease of installation, the possibility of a gradual expansion, which allows "smart home" to go to the masses at a time when demand for comfortable and secure housing are growing.