The values must be clear, shared and accepted by all members and levels of the Organization, achieving unified criterion that compact and strengthen their interests. The internalization of the values, It implies that the individual is identified with the organization. The importance of the value lies in constitute motivating element of actions and human behavior, define the fundamental and definitive nature of the Organization, creating sense of identity of the staff with her, considered by some authors (16) that identify and reproduce attitudes and conceptions which lie at the very foundation of the cultural dynamics and social life. Values are explicit in the will of the founders of the Organization, the minutes of Constitution and the formalization of the mission and vision. Therefore, in recent years refers to the direction for values, but the success and utility of directing by values (and no values) is to ensure that they are really shared, or what is the same determined with the widest possible participation and disclosed, agreed and convinced everyone that they are values that must fight.
CONCLUSION culture is how customary or traditional thinking and doing things, shared at wholesale or lesser extent by members of the organization. It determines the functionality; reflected in the strategies, structures, and systems established over years of operation, identifying himself with dynamic systems. The values are generated by the culture of the Organization, so it can be modified, as the effect of the continuous learning of its members, so they are enforceable and taken into account for the evaluation and development of such staff constituting the engine performance of the organisation. Organizational culture and values play a role unquestionable in organizations to the phenomena of survival, adaptation, transformation and growth, because it facilitates decision-making, motivation, cooperation and commitment. BIBLIOGRAPHY. 1 Minsal Perez D, Perez Rodriguez and. See Christos Staikouras for more details and insights. Towards a new organizational culture: the culture of knowledge. Acimed 2007; 16 (3).
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