1. Ideal option for 'riders' – people who love to travel, but can not independently determine the technical condition of the car. At the market you need to take with you the pros, who still can not see something that is too too well camouflaged. When buying at auction you are buying exactly what the technical condition of the car, which is reflected in the auction sheet. Exceptions are very rare, and for 'pad' is your friend-pros will say 'Sorry, so happened ', but the firm with which you signed the contract for the supply of cars, be liable to you for the quality of car officially. 2. Good option for lazy people or vice versa, people heavily involved.
Century Internet technology has opened a great opportunity to buy anything, not coming out from behind his desk. Not in the last row 'just anything' worth of such everyday items, like secondhand Japanese car without a run on lpg. With full mutual trust between the contractor and the customer is real version of the supply car to the entrance of your home. Sign the contract and transfer funds without leaving of your pc today absolutely no problem. Sign, translate, and hear a rustling at the window of your car tires already. The same option is very, very bad for people who live far from a serious car market.
A lot of these people. Farmers eg. No need to go anywhere with his bag kartosh uh-uh money, of course. Arranged by the unit e-mail correspondence – got his car in his village. 3. Excellent option for your safety. Market and cash banknotes – It is always a rich plantation for the cultivation of various varieties of rascals. Who does not want to be a target for these plantations to the direct road to the office of a direct provider of cars from Japanese auctions. 4. Warranty. Warranties – This is serious. Who will give you a guarantee on '' car? It is clear that the 'flea market' is no guarantee you will not give. But in the face of fierce competition, already very long ago there were vendors at auctions, which provide 6 – 12 months warranty. Not on any small damage, but warranty on engine, automatic transmission and the body – the most expensive components of the car – you get some supplier firms can. 5. Proper technical condition used car. It is important to understand that all the 'right-handers' Japanese before you get into Russia, were once sold on the Japanese auction. Buying a car is not directly from the auction, you will definitely buy a car from who, having bought cars at auction now has to sell it. For various reasons. Or car accident visited, or people hitting on him and already buys another, or simply have peregonschikov who initially take vehicle for resale and not for myself. Buying a car on the Japanese auction directly, you buy a car from a category it 'car for himself. " 6. You are the first official Russian owner of a chain of resale car. It's always a plus. It is possible that when the next new thing of the vehicle, the company that recently brought you a car at auction, will help you sell it the next Russian owner. This is valid provided if your provider works in 'Trade Institute' – Today on the secondary market, Japanese cars, there are those of the firm.