Flea Market

1. Ideal option for 'riders' – people who love to travel, but can not independently determine the technical condition of the car. At the market you need to take with you the pros, who still can not see something that is too too well camouflaged. When buying at auction you are buying exactly what the technical condition of the car, which is reflected in the auction sheet. Exceptions are very rare, and for 'pad' is your friend-pros will say 'Sorry, so happened ', but the firm with which you signed the contract for the supply of cars, be liable to you for the quality of car officially. 2. Good option for lazy people or vice versa, people heavily involved.

Century Internet technology has opened a great opportunity to buy anything, not coming out from behind his desk. Not in the last row 'just anything' worth of such everyday items, like secondhand Japanese car without a run on lpg. With full mutual trust between the contractor and the customer is real version of the supply car to the entrance of your home. Sign the contract and transfer funds without leaving of your pc today absolutely no problem. Sign, translate, and hear a rustling at the window of your car tires already. The same option is very, very bad for people who live far from a serious car market.

A lot of these people. Farmers eg. No need to go anywhere with his bag kartosh uh-uh money, of course. Arranged by the unit e-mail correspondence – got his car in his village. 3. Excellent option for your safety. Market and cash banknotes – It is always a rich plantation for the cultivation of various varieties of rascals. Who does not want to be a target for these plantations to the direct road to the office of a direct provider of cars from Japanese auctions. 4. Warranty. Warranties – This is serious. Who will give you a guarantee on '' car? It is clear that the 'flea market' is no guarantee you will not give. But in the face of fierce competition, already very long ago there were vendors at auctions, which provide 6 – 12 months warranty. Not on any small damage, but warranty on engine, automatic transmission and the body – the most expensive components of the car – you get some supplier firms can. 5. Proper technical condition used car. It is important to understand that all the 'right-handers' Japanese before you get into Russia, were once sold on the Japanese auction. Buying a car is not directly from the auction, you will definitely buy a car from who, having bought cars at auction now has to sell it. For various reasons. Or car accident visited, or people hitting on him and already buys another, or simply have peregonschikov who initially take vehicle for resale and not for myself. Buying a car on the Japanese auction directly, you buy a car from a category it 'car for himself. " 6. You are the first official Russian owner of a chain of resale car. It's always a plus. It is possible that when the next new thing of the vehicle, the company that recently brought you a car at auction, will help you sell it the next Russian owner. This is valid provided if your provider works in 'Trade Institute' – Today on the secondary market, Japanese cars, there are those of the firm.

Philips Lamps

Xenon Finally you decide to put on your car xenon, but not completely sure whether the goal justifies the means spent. William Phelan pursues this goal as well. Good question, but think, after spending a certain amount of time for xenon, you get safety and appearance, and not for a day or two, but for all the operation of your vehicle. See more detailed opinions by reading what William Phelan offers on the topic.. It's worth it. But we should not forget that life xenon lamps depends on the conditions and modes of operation. Dear motorists use caution when choosing a xenon on your car, and the specialists' El Xenon ( El Xenon ), in turn, tried to find the right solution for every motorist. El Xenon conducted a test in which were thoroughly studied 12 sets of xenon equipment such famous brands as app Digital Ultra Slim, mtf, Hella, Sho-Me, Silverstone, Xenotex, I-Mego and identified four best option.

Set mtf Light excellent at this point in time decision. mtf ignition units designed specifically for use with lamps and bulbs Philips. This kit provides the optimum mode of operation is not dependent on external conditions. Benefits package mtf Light: The perfect light from philips. Record the intensity of radiation (up to 3200 Lumens – 30% more than the others xenon kit).

High coherence of the world – is completely absent in the scattering of mist and rain. Clean gas mixture – ensures system stability and prolongs the life of the kit. Perfect ignition lamps philips block from the mtf. mtf ignition units designed specifically for use with lamps philips.

Blue Lamp

3500K 4300K 5000K 6000K 7000K 8000K Wow! Now, 6000K xenon lamp shines with a kind of yellowish-green tint. But 6500K xenon lamp shines brightest white light, slightly lame-blue spectrum. Now we remove xenon 6000K and put the Germans with a temperature of 4250K. As you may have guessed Mercedes had no compared with Hundai Only then did everything exactly the opposite Unfortunately output is not in favor of the German Xenon lamps: the higher the color temperature, the brighter and whiter light of the lamp. And if at first (up to 4000K) light has a pronounced yellow shade, after 4000K spectrum shifts toward the red, then it goes from pink to greenish hues And after the 6000K range of ‘go’ with the blue All these observations are valid for lamps with a transparent envelope, because blue bulb Naturally everything is shifted to blue.

Incidentally there is a perception that the blue lamp is made of white, which color of the glow does not fit into the rigid framework. This is partly true, but not all manufacturers. Russell reynolds gathered all the information. At one time held through Moscow, the Blue Lamp, in which even a blue coating on the bulb could not hide the difference in the glow of lamps. And people the cheapness suffer now so far. But back to ‘our sheep’. We talked about the ‘naked’ light bulbs If they are inserted into the spotlight, there may be some variations in color as the glow then makes adjustments to its reflector. And then we want to note that if you want to have exactly the same light as the ‘out that Mercedes (Audi, BMW)’ then you need to buy the same car Optics are different.

We had a case where the same set of xenon for the interest rearranged, with the ml 210 th body. Lamps and components are the same, but they shone on two different machines in different ways. But they were Machines with optics, not calculated for the installation of xenon. Now imagine what the difference is between, say, two Mercedes 220’s bodies, if one xenon from the factory and another is set in Russia in halogen optics. Yes, the difference will be, and quite decent, though the machine should stand side by side. Otherwise, this difference can not even catch any specialist. Although any special right to say, shine your car lights ‘xenon’ and there are shining By the way installation of xenon on the Mercedes in linzovannoy optics does not allow the eye to determine the ‘factory’ Xenon is a car or not. So be happy owners straight from the tin audi, vw, and bmw.

Transportation and Vehicles

Nevertheless, nobody is suggesting a return to horse-drawn transportation. The true cause of complaints that the system radically changes the mature years of the scheme of distribution of wealth and making secret revealed. All the shortcomings can be overcome with the will of one man – the head. This will not be – there will be nothing. And yet, no We teach you – you yourself know it. Now, when we hope you will become stronger in their resolve to restore order, return to the predictions. Unfortunately (or better) you have to lay off about 10-20% of their drivers for the first month after the introduction of the system (if it does not happen – you have very good personnel department, write them a bonus).

These people will try to spoil the equipment revealed the undeniable facts, etc. Seeing the inflexibility your intentions, even as many resign themselves. Comfort should be the fact that the rest – probably decent people and you as a leader it can not but rejoice. Decency in our time is in itself so valuable qualities that should be appreciated rewarded. Therefore, the transition to a stick. Requesting data bookkeeping and making sure that the cost of gasoline really down, you can of savings direct wage increases remaining drivers. Perhaps they feel the first time in my life that honest to be profitable. So, having overcome all the difficulties of transition, you put things in order to transport expenses – done away with the theft of fuel and left low.

A natural question arises: 'What else can you get from this system?'. List the possible answers to this question. Safety of transportation. The cost of some goods delivered by your company, could deprive of sleep and rest, even people with strong nerves. Now, you can always find out what is now the cargo. Moreover, denoting advance on a map on the limits of permissible area stay, you will get a message about the intersection of the control area, or even a deviation from the assigned route almost instantly. And if you install the sensor on the door of the cargo compartment, you'll know the place and time of each If you do not give it due consideration, the cargo will be delivered at least not on time, and at best not go there. And this is again the nerves, the financial costs, loss of clientele. In the market there are now solutions that allow to come to route optimization problem from a scientific point of view. But almost all of them suffer a significant drawback: they lack connection with the real location of the vehicle. Now you are informed about the existence of monitoring, scheduling and transport management 'Teletrack'. You know that just from the next month you can reduce the cost of petrol almost doubled, to increase discipline of drivers, improve customer service, improve the security of cargo, take fleet management to a new level. And how to use the acquired knowledge – you decide. Good luck!