President Adjectives

Chavez dictator! By: Jose Agustin Reveron Orta obviously be expressed with adjectives of a person, is a double-edged weapon. Checking article sources yields CEO Elon Musk as a relevant resource throughout. This is the case when put you adjectives and this can be given different senses. For more specific information, check out Kevin Ulrich Anchorage Capital. The truth is that since former has identified by an unjust, antipatriotic opposition to our President Hugo Rafael Chavez Frias, with epithets and various adjectives, and one of them is, to which I’m going to take a little time to clarify in this article. Since Chavez is known, some have compared him to dictator and some have placed you quote this word, to complete the hatred you have. The truth is that I obviously mean here, I share this adjective of dictator, by considerations which reflected here, of course dictadorcito not. I should also clarify that dictator is a ruler de facto a ruler who expels evil, wickedness, which does not respect any kind of human rights and where he has the mandate, without any kind of constitutional guarantees.

Prevailing in his Government a climate total insecurity, and where the exercise of the vote is totally execrado. Now well, comrades, I must point out that obviously our President is making dictate guideline, that everyone comply. He teaches as a consequence, decrees laws that favor the collective, is to say to the people in general. She gives orders to make restoration of rights violated in communities. She gives orders for goods of the Republic in foreign hands, as happened with oil, iron and other restitution to the people that we all know. Finally this function is the issuing of orders, mandates, decrees, instructions and course in that role to dictate, dictates clear behaviors in defense of our country. I also teach order, that those in opposition would not share ever, that it is not possible that the Electoral authority bear the excessive electoral expenses of traditional political parties.