Multimedia Points

More value for customers, more market share for websites who want to score points in the battle for market share, must offer real added value to its customers. Internet portals rely mostly on extensive functionality and content. If these target groups are understood and used, is interesting for new customers. A Web site contains more features and content, the more is therefore offers a multimedia tutorial. So, the important characteristics of the page can be presented attractive and concise.

Such a manual is”well designed, makes them curious about the content and motivated users to employ more intensively with the site. Large sites of the target groups are understood and used, you so need a clever concept. It is of advantage, if such a concept in marketing campaigns can be integrated. The medical Agency, Dr. Carl GmbH developed a multimedia instruction for this purpose”: sound, film and 3D animations are so combined, that understanding and motivation of Users are optimally supported. Dr. med. “Ingo Carl, Director of the Stuttgart-based agency, points to the advantages of this approach: you win new customers and extends the retention period of the users on his website”.

A successful example of how one brings its users with important features, provides the information and news portal for doctors UNIVADIS. Dr. Carl GmbH designed for the portal with over 40,000 registered doctors”a smart, multimedia instruction. This, the page should be not only presented and explained the main functionalities. To give an emotional face was also important, the page”. So the idea was born, a robot in 3D to animate and the target group doctors”according to to equip with stethoscope and Ophthalmoscope. The Univadoc”baptised robot flies above” a 3D animation of the website and enables certain content with laser and finger. While he explains everything vivid and entertaining and sees it still right cute out. So the users get to know all the important functions and possibilities of the portal and can quickly go into the page.