
There is a single physical location for memory in our brain. The memory is disseminated by various specialized locations. While in some regions in the temporal cortex of our earliest childhood memories are stored, the meaning of the words is saved in the central region of the right hemisphere and the data of learning in the parieto-temporal cortex. The frontal lobes are dedicated to organizing the perception and thought. Many of our automation systems, on the other hand, are stored in the cerebellum. The fact, that on Remembrance has been written with sentimentalism, nostalgia, joy, sorrow, evocations, as reminds us, Jorge Luis Borges, today I do not cheer the almond trees of the garden.

They are your memories. Also part of a verse about the memory of Juan Gomez Capuz: memories of lost illusions and loves the awakening to life forgotten and buried treasures. And that, as those swallows sentinels of the roofs where Ivy began to hang up, such as those for which the North was already passed, everything that I recall are things which vanished and never, ever again. Memories of a time in which everything was as it had been, but in which it started almost without knowing it, to enter into a new was to be modern even at the expense of not recognizing that tanned skin of a bull that our ancestors forged. All that I remember of a time past and lost what at one point was and has been. Because although (old faded photos audio files movies of stale flavor) images to be saved is a time that we got is a time already dead is a time that can only apprehend through memories. Antonio Porchia gives us, with much sentimentality in a poem about this topic, thoughts, phrases like: even that you’ve already gone makes so cool tiemposiento your recuerdocomo if it were only of a moment ago were so many detallestantos q remember them would miss a day a day more thinking of you like each one d my diasTus eyes on the other side of the callecuando your friends you acorralabanmi voice trying to gritarleal world how much you amabaq every second I gave my almYa than not these eh not able to evitarpensar you every despertareres a reason to caminaruna reason to never forget beautiful is love.