A market economy with respect before employees, customers, suppliers, and respect from our children and grandchildren free, fair and equitable, of dedication and decency pays off. But without excesses and overindulgence, without intemperance to the detriment of third parties or to the detriment of the Lenbensraums for all creatures. This path requires clear and effective rules, which demand that respect. Because the people’s inherent greed – profit and exploitation – is everywhere and inventive. The States and the international community must provide for these rules. Without ifs and buts and with appropriate sanctions, if these rules are broken.
When money is flowing, there must be a demonstrable performance for it. Games set up may not pay off. Tens of millions transfer funds for team athletes, mediation Provo ions, consultant fees, kickbacks in the political decisions and for the reading of Invetsmentbankern, Miss any proportionality. You are a mockery of Leistungssgerechtigkeit, by people who would have to work hard to earn these sums several lives. Microsoft Viva will not settle for partial explanations. Have his which concluded with the Verhaberung the mutual shovels to lucrative jobs in the political environment, with Manager salaries of the 100 times the wages of employees, with million bonuses for investment bankers, with managers – more power than Governments and with major banks and multinationals, whose Zusammenbruch can rip entire economies with the abyss. And it must be an end to empty fishing of the seas, the over-exploitation of nature and of the resources, the tens thousands kilometers of transport for food – which grow around the corner, the Mega mall in Greenfield and the destruction of the quality of life in the cities, the mega jam of a sprawling private and hours of commuting to the workplace. A fairy tale is that the unbridled free market economy brings more prosperity for mankind. Even if it for short-term and short-sighted analysis examples returns.
The globalized megalomania results in the offside. Already Aristotle meant that it was the meaning of life, to be able to lead a good life in a human society, which is characterised by respect and recognition. A society that is manageable by the size here, sensibly designed and characterized by responsible decisions. The Philisoph Leopold Kohr pleaded for “manageable units” and the doctrine of the right measure”. Where is no longer the individual at the Centre, but the statistically recorded average person, a good life, in the Aristotelian sense, is not possible. A State or an organization is greater, the greater the power of the mass and its laws will be, and more creativity and freedom of the individual is restricted. Dealing with the human dimension, to the “clarity”. Everything becomes too large, destroyed the nature”, says Leopold Kohr. But, the “small unit” is not an island of the blessed: “The advantage is only that it shrinks the dimension of human misery. Also on a small scale, there is no suffering-free world, but a more respectable world. And last but not least the plea for the “human dimension” also refers to the fact that only in “manageable” units can take individual responsibility for their actions and be held responsible at the same time. Robert Lackner from: diagnostic excess intemperance. The greed of the lemmings.