Loosening Adeel

I know a planet in which a very red gentleman lives. It has never smelled a flower. It has never contemplated a star. It has never loved anybody. It has never made another thing that extreme. The day goes saying, like you: I am a serious man! I am a serious man! " , which makes him swell itself of pride. But that is not a man, it is a fungus.

" Antoine de Saint-Exupry Continuously they indicate in the planet Earth alarming events, that often are triggered in earthquakes, tidal waves, contaminations that have affected the climatic change significantly and it constitutes a serious threat where already thousands of people have died and it still does not know, that it can happen to all these affectations that have affected climate. According to experts of the UN, the world is not conscious of the serious consequences that the climatic change for the water supposes. It is necessary that we reinforce our protection of the hydric resources to avoid futures conflicts. Blighting, the floods, the defrosting of glaciers, the droughts, the cyclones or the diseases due to the contamination of the water such as the rage, comprises of the impact of the climatic change. According to Loosening Adeel, president of the group " The UN-AGUA" and ordered of the coordination of the works related to the water that realise 26 agencies of the United Nations, " The main manifestations of the increase of the temperatures affect the water. This will suppose an impact in all the instances of our social life, in the natural systems and medioambiente". Before this reality of the effects of the climatic change, total of 121 countries and 3,400 cities has adhered to " The Hour of the Planeta" , an initiative created by Walks Ridley and that was released in Sydney (Australia) three years ago to bring back to consciousness on the climatic change.