
The another day in the market hear the story of Pablo an individual about 32 years old, single father of four children. His wife, Anita, died a little more than one year, victim of a drunken driver. Since then, practically only this young paramedic takes care of their children. Many times ago double shift at work. Some others out of work as paramedic to go to his other work, is that they can survive and bring sustenance to their children.

Kristy one of his older daughters, receives treatment for attention Deficit Hyperactivity, goes to therapy at least twice per week. His other brothers David and Alexander who curiously bear names of heroes – get help to overcome the death of his mother. Andrew, his younger son has been diagnosed with autistic disorder. Despite the efforts of Paul for bringing their children our bread every day, it takes time to accompany their children to therapy; It also actively participates in a support group which helps other parents of autistic children. I think that Homer, famous author of the Iliad went with me. This is one of the greatest epics of history, this presents the life of two great mythological heroes, Achilles and Hector. They fought against large crowds, perceived as demigods, powerful, rugged and equipped with a certain magic to save the most defenseless.

These undoubtedly represent the greatest heroes of Greek mythology, the heroes of yesterday. However the heroes of today may not have all these mythical qualities, nor perform these great feats, like fighting against ten or fifteen men at the same time. The heroes of today perform extraordinary actions and are standard bearer of great virtues. The Titans of today are those that no matter how many battles have to wage against life remains tough and strive tirelessly to achieve a better quality of life. Hero is that master who surrenders unconditionally to his students, who motivates them to not surrender so easily.